Jim Weingarten Resumel~ a .... '~ ,1 ' ~0..rr.~S r? NAME: ~~« ~'~~~~ ~" " Middle Initial Last Na First Name HOME ADDRESS: No, Street s -{tom D5~~3l-~'b~ ~3as'- 53a- ~3~8~3~~ 3a5~3~$- t~ •~ PHONE: ~ t'i„_ F~c .email address C~ dome Work , i~usiness N arne:~ ~.~(1t~..Ll~~ ~-~-r-~ ~ rtssitisn: ~~~~;$- ~ Address: trcpires: 30 ~ `' Code .. No. Protessianat License (describe) - Pursuant to City Code sectir,n 2-X22(4) a and b: Members of agencies, beards, And rorr~rnittees shall be aftitiated with the city; this requirement shall be tu#tilleri m the following ways: a} an individual shalt have been a r~essidenl of ttae city for a minimum of six months; or b} an individual shall dermnnxtrste ownershiprtrrterest for a minimum of six months in a business established in the city. ~ Resident of Miami Beach fvr a minimum of six ($) months: Yes " i or No • Demonstrate an ctwnershiplinterest in a business in Miami Beach for a minimum of six ~$) months: Yes iJ or No . Are you a registered uvter in Miami Beach: Yes nor No ~ . (Please check one}: 1 am now a resident of_ Natttr Beach i_ i South Beach n Mlddile Beach • I am applying for an appointment taecause I have special abilities, knowledge, experience. Please list below: F'leese list your preferenoes in order of ranking [1j firRt choice [2] second choice, and [3] third ClloiGe. Please nabs t9~at only three f3} choices will tae observed by the City Clerk's OfTrUe. ((ieagular BoArds o(City) Art in Public Places Committee ^ Beach Preservation Board ^ Beautification Committee ^ Board of Adjustment` ^ Budget Advisory Committee C! Cvmmitteet rJn Homeless ^ Committee fvr Ruslity Education in MB ^ Community Development Advisory' G Community Relations Board C Convention Center Advisory Board ^ Debarnnerrt Committee ! t Design Review Board" ::.i Disabil~y Access Committee l Fine Arts Board i Goff Advisory Committee t Health Advisory Committee ^ Health Facilities Authority Board n Hispanic Affairs Committee ^ Historic Preservation Board* ^ livusang Auttronry` ^ Loan Review Committee* ^ Marine Authority' ^ Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council ^ Miami Beach Commission an Status of Women ^ Mtami Beach Florida Sister Cities r.i Normandy Shores Local Gov't Neigh. improvement i t Oversight Committee for General Obligation Bond iLL~ Parks and Recreation l=acilities Board i :Personnel i3oarcl* r ~ Planning Board° ~ :Police Gitizens Relations Committee n Production Industry Count{! O Public Safety Advisory Committee O Safety Committee ~^ Trarrsportstion snd Perking Committee ^ Visitor and Convention Authority' 7 Youth Center Advisory Board " Boats Required Oo File Biala Disclosure form Nola: If applying fc~r Youth Advisory Board, please indicate Your affilrHtion with the Stott Rakow Youth tenter 1, Past service on the Youth Center Advisory Bawd: Yes . I iwlt Years of Service: 2, Present participation in Youth Center activities by your children Yest't No -~- tt Yes. please tixt the narrres If your children, their ages, and which programs. t.iRt below: Age: Program: -- - Child`s name: _ __. Child'rs name: --_-_ _ Age' Progrsrn: .Have you ewer been convicted Qf a felony: Yes _ or f+14lf yes, please explain in detail. • Do you currently have a violation(s) of City of Miami Beach codes: Yes ~~ +~r tdolf Yes, please explain in detail: ___ • Uo you currently owe the Gity of Miami Beach any money: Yes ~~ or Nca~`~. !f yes, explain in detail • Ara you currently serving on any City Boards or Committees: Yeeor Na ~~ if yea; which hoard? _ ~ ~ _~ ~ _. • What organizations in the City of Miami Beach do you currently hold membership in? Name: ~ ~ ' t ~,~~ '~ U 1~1 Ti#le:____ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~-Q' Name: ride: .vList aif prr~perties c~rnmed ar have an int~etrest in, which are located within th1e1 City of Miami E'tea 7Ff7~ ~ A ~t°~,""~." ~k- l ri3 _ ~ "1 t"~ ~a ~ ~ C~ ~ltP;,~~- ~ -"~'j-- • ! am nr~w employed by the Giiy of Miami Beach: Yes ~ ar NotWhich department? ___ ~ Pursuant to City Coda Section 2-23 (b}: Do you have a parent ~, spouse : >, chUd -, brother L;, or sister _~ who is employed by the City of Miarrli Beach? Check all that apply. Identity the departments}: This section is "Hat required" but desired: Age: years old Gender: Male u Female Ethnic Origin (Check one) White ~ African-AmericanlHlack p Hispanic: [: Asian or pacific islander i~ American Indian or Alaskan Native G Employment Status: Employed [] Retired ^ Home-maker 0 ether Q -- ~-- "# hereby atfiest #cs the accuracy and truthfulness of thFt applicartion and have received. Head and will abide by Chept+er 2, ArHc a Vli - of the Ci Code "Standards of Conduct far City Officers, Employ+ces and Agency Members." t , ~Applica igna ur alp ~ Name of Applicant PLEASE PRIM p teach a copy of your resume to this applkatlnn NQTE: Applications wiN remain on flbe far a period of one {7) calendar year. __._ Date _ .._ Recseiveci rn C,rtY Clerk's Qffice by Name of Deputy Cleric Rnvc,xf 7;15A77 j~ UOWment Cantroi Number {A851cdned by the City Clerk's Otfieel Entor~od Sy r?dte -~ ,_ _. _ _._. 2 r ~"~ STATE OF FLC)RIDA ~~ ~*.`~ DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND FROFESSZQNAL REQULATIQN I3IVISION OF REAL ESTATE 850-487-1395 1944 N. MC~N)~t)E ST. .f~'~~~~~n~ TALLAHASSEE FL 32399-{7783 WEINGARTEN JAMES L FA $bb WEST A'i7E #445 MIAMI HEACK FL 33139 r srnr~ raF F~.oR-na AG# 3 ~ t7 Fs6 ~ 3 L1FpAItTMSL~T'~ 4F STJSIN$5.9. AN1) "•:~ PRf1FE'S$I4NAL RS(~UtxATIt~N SL5531ti9 09/11/07 077011015 ~~ . R&~1.L $~~TATE SALES ASSOCIATE WgINGAvRTEN, JADES L PA ~ . f ~ , ~. IS LICEN~BI~ undez ttt~ pro+~feiens ei eh.975 Y3. easpirmtiaaaaees.9BP 3Q: aQfl~- :: LO'+08L103~139 C~ETACH HERE I AG# ~ ~ Q ~ ~ ~, : STATE Of FLORIDA DBk~ARTMENT flF'$L7SINESa AND PRC)gESSIQNAL R~C3UIiATI{~N1SEt~#~o?asilo3izs DIVI330N OIL REAL ESTATE . a LICENSE Ld~R r. 04'{,11 : 2bb? ~??b.Llb15 SL553Z49` ~ ,~ ' 'T~he~~ SAL'~S ' AS~QC' "" ,TE Named b+a'lcaw- I~ zr=CENSER iT~nder t~+e "}arov$ions of Chapter 475 FS. Expiration date: 3EP 30, X409 WEI~I+C~~ARTEATf JAMES L .P~ 80b WEST AVE #.446 MIAMI BEADS FL 3313'9 . ~ =" ~ f `~vnT`r ~ n~rrrnTr f'~TT 7l T7T TrA'l^T1 Tf"T7 JIM WEINGARTEN 800 West Avenue # 446 Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Cell (305) 632-9255 Direct line (305) 455-1332 Fax (305) 538-0917 E-mail: jim .stream-line.com Webpage www.jimweingarten.net FINE ARTS EXPERIENCE Education 1973 University of London Art History 1974 University of Perugia Italy -Italian Art History and Archeology 1976 New York University - Bachelor of Arts degree in Art History WORK EXPIERENCE 1977- 78 Betty Parsons Gallery -Art Dealer and Assistant to Betty parsons, clients I assisted With important acquisitions of modern & contemporary Art that included Joseph H Hirshhorn the late Financier, philanthropist and creator of the Smithsonian's Hirshhorn Gallery & Sculpture Garden of Modern Art in Washington DC. -The owner and Publisher of Conde Naste Publications S. I. Newhouse , (for the purchase of a Jackson Pollack) and the playwright Edward Albee, the architect Phillip Johnson, and the photographer Tom Bianchi among others. 1977-79 Art critic for the publications ART WORLD & ART FORUM 1995 - 2001 Board member on the Miami Beach Fine Arts Board, Chairperson 1997 REAL ESTATE May 1990- STREAMLINE PROPERTIES, INC., Miami Beach, Florida. Sales Associate. The present oldest established brokerage company specializing in South Beach. An independent brokerage boutique providing a wide range of services for residential and commercial real estate, including, leasing, sales, investment, property management and development services. EDUCATION & PROFESSIONAL CREDENTIALS 1981 New York University Institute of Real Estate. New York State Brokers license. 1976 New York University - Bachelor of Arts degree in Art History & Biology COMMUNITY SERVICE City of Miami Beach Fine Arts Board, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1998, 1999, Chairperson 1997. City of Miami Beach Beatification Committee, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 City of Miami Beach Art in Public Places Committee, 2005, 2006, 2007, Chairperson 2008