Gabriel J. PaezB•
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NAM First Name MIOG~e mmai
Last Name /~
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Position: G'A~~ r"" /~~So12,
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Address: 3 ~ .~ }''' l~~' ~@I~'~ F'~O~/o~A 33 /~~
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Profeislonal 6icense (describe) Explras:~_~ ptrach a copy arrif• Ifccnse
Pursuant to City Code section 222(4) a and b: Members of agencies, beards, and committees shall be affiliated with the dty; the
requirement shall be fulfilled in the follvwing ways: a} an individual shall have been a resident of the city for a minimum of six
months; orb) an Individual shaA demonstrate ownershiplinterest for a minimum of six months in a busigess established in the city.
..Resident of Miami Beach for a minimum of Six (6) months: Yms w6r No ' '
.Demonstrate an ownershipCnterest in a business in MMiami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: Yes o or No 0
• Are you a registered voter in Miami Beach' Yes !'!nor No '
• (Please circle one): I am now a resident of: North beach 'outh Beach Middle Beach
• I am applying for an appointment because l have special abilities, knowledge, experience. Please List below:
Please list your preferences in ord®r of ranking (1] first choice (2J second choice, antl [31 tnira cnvice. r se nuns a~a~ ~~~~ .~~•~
choices will be observed by tho City Clerk's OfF~c®. (Regular Boards of City)
l 'd 2558 'ON Wd50 ~€ 604Z 'Sl 'N'd~
Note: If applying for Youth Advisory Board, please indicate your affiliation with the Soott Rakow Youth Center:
1. Past service on the Youth Center Advisory Board: Yes No • Years of Service:
2. Present participation In Youth Center activities by ypur children Yes No ' . If yes, please fist the names of your children, their
ages, and which programs. List below:
Child's name: Age: Program.
Child's name: Age: Program:
.Have you ever been convicted of a felony: Yes or No f yes, please explain in detail:
• Do you currently have a violatitarl(s) of City of Miami Beach codes: Yes or No yes, please explain in detail:
• Do you currenrtly owe the City of Miami Beach any money: Yes oc No • '. If yes, explain in detail
. Are you cun•®ntly serving on any City Beards or Committees: Yes ;.~ or No ~. !f yes; which board?
• What or anizations in the City ofnMlaml Seach
Name: ~i-tt EMS ~>lic~ ~cA~em
. List all properties owned or have an Interest in, which are located within the City of Miami Beach:
/DD L~~40=oLr1 /~~ ~ /~3g /~l,+~ia~; C~JC~i ~G ~~/~~1
• I am now employed by the City of Miami Beach: Yes or Noi~f~hich department?
• Pursuant to City Code Section 2.25 (b): Do you have a parent ,spouse : , ohlld ; :, brother : ;, or sister U who is employed by the
City of Miami Beach? Check all that appty. Identify the department(s):
This section is "not required" but desired: Age: `~~/ years old Gender: Male m~Female ^
Ethnic Origin (Check one)
White ^ Afrlcan•AmerlcanlBlack is anic: Asian or pacific Islander ~ American Indian or Alaskan Native ^
"l hereby attest to the uracy and truthfulness of the application and have received, read and will abide by Chapter 2,
Artic - of the City o e "Standards of Conduct for Gity Officers, Employees and Agency Members."
Applicant's Signatu Date Name of Applicant (PLEASE
~,~ra'p ~~~.~'ill~~ ~~rt ~~~~~ie` ~ ~c1~'~+AJI'~aGeudaryaatk
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Name of peputy Clerk
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~ rea oero~na tH
curreln,,tlyhoid m'e/mbership in?
NJ~iP• V I~~ ~+A i+~
1 'd 1558 'ON WdSO ~ ~ 6001 'S l 'Nb'~
Gabriel J. Paez
100 Lincoln Road Apartment #1638
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
Phone 786-443-4733 (C) 305-631-1000 (H) Email: gjp1225
Highly dedicated, degreed Human Resources Professional with comprehensive human resources experience,
including benefits administration, employee retention, conflict resolution, labor and employee relations,
recruiting and new hire orientation activities. Proven skills in employment law, including complaint
investigation to impede legal action. Demonstrated abilities to work in a fast-paced environment while
collaborating with senior management to conduct Human Resources strategic planning in order to support
and further corporate goals. Self-motivated leader in HR practices and processes.
Gevity HR, Miami, FL 2006 - 2008
Gevity is a professional employer organization (PEO) and publicly-held company specializing in human resources.
Reported to Professional Service Manager; served the function of a Human Resources Business Partner to
90+ clients/1675+ employees.
• Investigated employee complaints, such as sexual harassment and working conditions while providing guidance and
recommendations to management and or clients.
• Resolved employee concerns while providing guidance regarding FMLA/ELBA/ADEA/EEO related issues.
• Provided the primary client interface with annual benefits enrollment, client payroll and human resources in order
to support client retention and company profitability. Responsible fox $1.3 million of client retention.
• Provided necessary assistance during the candidate selection and promotion process while ensuring compliance.
• Administered client training on sexual harassment, management training and separation counseling procedures.
• Provided assistance when drafting progressive discipline and participated in all employee discipline meetings.
• Administered employee benefit programs including medical, dental, life insurance, 401(k), PTO and vacation.
• Developed employee handbooks outlining policies and procedures on all subjects related to HR.
• Coordinated employee surveys through Cornell University.
Ryder System, Inc., Miami, FL 2005 - 2006
Commercial Fleet management headquarters -corporate finance division.
Reported to Senior HR Manager; served as Human Resources Generalist to 700+ corporate employees
• Major clients-Corporate Accounting, Tax, Strategic Planning, Finance, Marketing and IT.
• Assisted with recruiting and identifying qualified candidates for various internal divisions.
• Managed employee investigations while recommending corrective actions to senior management.
• Resolved employee concems while providing guidance regarding FMLA/ELBA/ADEA/EEO related issues.
• Assisted with the development, implementation and communication of HR policies, programs and procedures.
• Facilitated new hire orientation and diversity and ensured all new employees received proper and timely orientation.
• Participated in the capacity of interviewer & assessor for the managerial assessment program & succession planning.
• Administered HR processes, including annual performance evaluations, pay equity analysis and benefit enrollment.
• Conducted exit interviews; gathered and maintained database for disseminating HR metrics for turnover reports.
• Organized associate activities, programs, fairs (i.e., stockholders meetings, community events, health & wellness fair etc).
• Contingency Planner for the Ryder Employee Disaster Fund; distributed $185k in giants while supporting Field
staff post Hurricane Katrina in Louisiana & Mississippi. Responsible fox manpower coverage of call center.
• Coordinated monthly Lunch and Learn.
• Drug and Alcohol Program Administrator.
Gabriel J Paez 2
Hertz Rent-A-Car, Miami, FL
The leader in vehicle rental
Reported to Employee Relations Manager and assisted
interpreting policies and procedures to management.
2002 to 2004
in leading and directing the HR department, as well as
• Maintained all personnel records and ensured compliance to federal and state laws. Completed the selection,
performance appraisal and termination of employees.
• Initiated employee relations investigations from initiation all the way through uo to including arbitration.
• Administered benefit programs and assisted with the researching and resolution of complex benefits situations.
• Coordinated and attended job fairs, interviewed and made recommendations in the selection of employees to fill
exempt and non-exempt positions and handled separation notices and exit interviews.
• Hertz Labor Agreement Bargaining Team member with the Teamsters Union Loca1390.
• National Safety Council certified CPR and First Aid Instructor.
Swissport, International, Miami, FL 1999 to 2002
The world's benchmark in ground handling rervicer.
Reported to Passenger Service General Manager and ensured compliance with all federal, state & local agencies.
• Prescreened and interviewed candidates and made recommendations in the selection of employees to fill exempt
and non-exempt positions and handled separation notices and exit interviews.
• Initiated new hire processing of paperwork.
• Administered all new hire orientation and training.
• Task force member -established to achieve better efficiency in all aspects of the company.
Additional Experience
American Airlines, New York, NY
A member of the OneWorld Alliance.
Reported to Flight Service Manager.
• Assigned to domestic and international routes.
1992 to 1999
Ensured all F.A.A. safety compliances were met consistently.
Highly visible position servicing celebrities, VIPs traveling, and unpredictable flight situations.
Assigned to recruit and facilitate training of new hires for the Latin American bases Bogota, Lima and Buenos Aires.
• HRCI Learning System fox PHR exam January 2009
• B.A. Human Resources Management-St. Thomas University, Miami, FL 1994
• Additional coursework and seminars in FMLA, employment laws, payroll and benefits administration
Memberships and Community Service
• Miami Beach Neighborhood Leadership Service Academy
• Miami Beach Police-Citizen's Police Academy Executive Board Member
Miami Beach Fire &Rescue-Community Emergency Response Team Member CERT
Member in good standing with the Society for Human Resource Management SHRM
Member in good standing with the Greater Miami Society for Human Resource Management GMSHRM
Computer Skills
• Command of current software for standard business applications: Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
SAP & ORACLE HRIS; ADP and Gevity payroll systems.
• Bilingual English/Spanish