C.A.O. No. 09-02 South Shore Hospital sitePage 1 oft
Hernandez, Kerry
From: Parcher, Robert
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2009 10:42 AM
To: Hernandez, Kerry
Subject: FW: Request for Opinion re Crescent Heights Zoning Issues
Attachments: HD 1-20-09 FINAL.pdf
Kerry, pts scan this in Laserfiche under City Attorney opinions.
Robert Parcher, City Clerk
1700 Conven4on Ccnlcr Grive, Miami Beach. FL 33135
Tel: 305-673-7411! Fax: 305.673-7254? www,miamibeachtl~0ov
We are ;:ormnilled In prnvhtiny exceeanl pubic survn;e anJ a'akly to a!1 wno live. work antl pWy br our vrbrorrt. II-p.W?. hiSteT: commuor, i.
From: Held, Gary
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2009 10:36 AM
To: Frank Del Vecchio; Smith, Jose
Cc: Gomez, Jorge; Parcher, Robert
Subject: RE: Request for Opinion re Crescent Heights Zoning 15sues
Dear Frank: Here's a copy o` the opinion.
Gary M. Heltl. First Assisrsrt Cay Attorney
1700 Convention Center Unve - 4th Moor, totiami F3each, FL 331351
Tei. 305-673-7470 or 305.673-7000 ext. 6532 ! Fax: 305-573-7002 ! hanheld,(;lmiartoibeach9.nov
We aro committed fo providing excetlent public service an:! sa?uty fu all ,vho five. viork, anr! play m cur vrbranl. fropicai. historic cornn!onity
Irs easy being Greenl Please consider our environment before printing this emdl.
From: Frank Del Vecchio [mailto:fdelvecchio@atlanticbb.net]
Sent: Sunday, January 25, 2009 9:28 AM
To: Smith, Jose
Cc: Held, Gary; Gomez, Jorge; City Clerk's External Mail
Subject: Request for Opinion re Crescent Heights Zoning Issues
January 2S, 2009
SLTF3J: Reyuest for copy of opinion (Januarys 20, 2009) regarding rezoning of ill) hospital district
Pale 2 o f 2
proposed by Russell «'. (ialbut, Managing Principal, Crescent Heights of America, 2200 Biscayne
Boulevard, Miami, 11~ 33137.
Today's Miami Herald, :Verghbors•, page 4 article by Tapia Valdemoro, reported that the Miami Bcac}t
city attorney provided an opinion on this suhjret on Jan. 20, 2009 to city ofticials
1 would appreciate beutg provided a copy of that opinion. Tf it is available electronically, that mould be
Frank Del Vecchio
301 Ocean Drive, Apt. (i04
Miami Beach. I7L 33139
Tel. (30~) 672-24A6
01:'26; 2009