004-2009 Request Regarding Union Salariesm MIAMIBEACH ottico of ~nE ay M~,~,~~g~~ MEMORANDUM No. 004-2009 70: Commissioner Edward L. Tobin FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager~~ N DP.TE: January 27. 2009 _" ~ ~ y TI SUBJECT: Request Regarding Union Salaries '"` ~ ' '- r.~ p~ i This memorandum is in response to the a-mail from your office dated January 26,.,2009 requesting the list of top ten salaried employees who are members of the unions,- _• -; . --~ The information below is based on amounts earned in the 2008 calendar year (J~uary through December) and reflects salaries plus any overtime earned. The employees are listed by the union they are a member of. Communications Workers of America (CWA) Memorandum Regarding Union Salaries Page 2 of 3 y~.~~)e?:::\'i(•...~.~fV /1~'Ii.I J ~. Yi_._. ~.f t.t (]I.::~?1..:1'JII(I.Cl~:ii ~ U:. ~.~:. ~.U '~.1.i '~J)'i L(i 4. .~lilll~, I l'$i)'~:.{ ~i1Vll;'4.. Government Supervisors Association {GSA) Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) International Association of Fire Fighters tIAFF) Memcrandurn Regarding Union Salaries Pace 3 of 3 The information above includes the salary and ail overtime earned for the 2008 calendar year. For those employees who are members of the Miami Beach Employees' Retirement Plan, any overtime included in pensionable earnings is limited to a maximum of 10% above the employee's highest pensionable compensation each year. Since this information was requested as part of your preparation for the second reading of the DROP ordinance ai the January 28, 2009 City Commission meeting, please bear in mind that not all employees listed above may be eiicii:le to enter the DROP as they may not meet the established criteria of having reached their normal retirement age andlor may not be vested in the Miami Beach Employees' Retirement Plan. if you have any additional questions or need any additional information, please feel free to contact me. cc: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower Vice-Maycr Jonah Wolfson Commissioner Victor M. Diaz, Jr. Commissioner Saul Gross Commissioner Jerry Libbin Commissioner Deede Wellborn JMGfn F:lcmgd$ALL`JORGEGONIMEMOS1Union Saianes.doc