004-2009 Request Regarding Union SalariesHernandez,Ker From: Parcher, Roberi Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2009 7:06 AM To: Hernandez, Kerry Cc: Martinez, Maria; Hatfield, Liliam Subject: FW: Response re: union salaries Attachments: Document.pdf ,A0„ l,r Dowmentpdf (770 KB) Kerry, pls file the attached. Thanks Bob A11 AA", I3 EACH Robert Parcher, City Clerk C1TY CLF.R K'S OFFICE 7700 Convention Cert er Drive, Ft iami Beach, PL 33139 Tel: 305-673-7ri 11 / Fax: 305-673-7254 / ~aww.miamibeacht'_.gev 4ie are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all vrho live, o:ork and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. --Original Message----- From: Inguanzo, Ramiro Sent: Tuesday, .7anuary 27, 2009 9:23 PM To: Parcher, Robert Cc: Mejia, Dolores Sub:j ect: Fw: Response re: union salaries FYI MIAMIBEACH Ramiro J. Inguanzo, Human Resources Director Department of Human Resources 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, PL 33139 Tel: 30i-673-7000, Ext. 6697 / F'ax: 76G-394-4145/ ww'a.miamibeachfl.gov we are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. - Original hte sage - Prom: Mejia, Dolores •:ColoresMejia•amiamibeachfl.gov> 'r0: Tobin, Ed Cc: Gross, Saul; jonahcxmiamibeachfl.gov •: Jonah+~+miamibeachfl.gov>; deedec¢miamibeachfl.gov <: deede544miamibeachEl.gov>; jerr}r~:miamibeach`l.gov < jerrywmiamibearhfl.gov>; matt i~miami'oeachfl.gov •: maCti-:amiamibeachfl.yov>; victors:c.iamibearhfl.gov < victor:a-li.arnibeachfl.gov>; rinycanzoa~niami.beachfl.gov < rinyuanzotimiamibeachfl.yov>; Mejia, Dolores Sent: 'hie Jan 27 21:22:24 ?.009 Subject: Reeponse rc: union salaries This document aas diyita lly sent ro you using an HP Diyilai Sending do-..vice.