004-2009 Request Regarding Union SalariesHernandez,Ker
From: Parcher, Roberi
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2009 7:06 AM
To: Hernandez, Kerry
Cc: Martinez, Maria; Hatfield, Liliam
Subject: FW: Response re: union salaries
Attachments: Document.pdf
,A0„ l,r
Dowmentpdf (770
Kerry, pls file the attached.
A11 AA", I3 EACH
Robert Parcher, City Clerk
7700 Convention Cert er Drive, Ft iami Beach, PL 33139
Tel: 305-673-7ri 11 / Fax: 305-673-7254 / ~aww.miamibeacht'_.gev
4ie are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all vrho live, o:ork
and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community.
--Original Message-----
From: Inguanzo, Ramiro
Sent: Tuesday, .7anuary 27, 2009 9:23 PM
To: Parcher, Robert
Cc: Mejia, Dolores
Sub:j ect: Fw: Response re: union salaries
Ramiro J. Inguanzo, Human Resources Director
Department of Human Resources
1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, PL 33139
Tel: 30i-673-7000, Ext. 6697 / F'ax: 76G-394-4145/ ww'a.miamibeachfl.gov
we are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work
and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community.
- Original hte sage -
Prom: Mejia, Dolores •:ColoresMejia•amiamibeachfl.gov>
'r0: Tobin, Ed
Cc: Gross, Saul; jonahcxmiamibeachfl.gov •: Jonah+~+miamibeachfl.gov>;
deedec¢miamibeachfl.gov <: deede544miamibeachEl.gov>; jerr}r~:miamibeach`l.gov <
jerrywmiamibearhfl.gov>; matt i~miami'oeachfl.gov •: maCti-:amiamibeachfl.yov>;
victors:c.iamibearhfl.gov < victor:a-li.arnibeachfl.gov>; rinycanzoa~niami.beachfl.gov <
rinyuanzotimiamibeachfl.yov>; Mejia, Dolores
Sent: 'hie Jan 27 21:22:24 ?.009
Subject: Reeponse rc: union salaries
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