038-Notice of Budget Workshop Sports Weekend on Friday has the line-up Of n~]or sports events
and local South Florida events so you can pick winners.
NOTICE IS HEREBY given tKat the City Commission of the City of. Miam[ Beach, Florida, will
hold a Budget Workshop Meeting on Monday, July 16, 200t, commencing at 3:00 p.m., in
the City Commission Chambers 3rd floor, City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive. Miami
Beach, Florida, for the purpose of discussing the 2001/02 Fiscal Year Proposed General Fund
Operating Budget. · , .
Inquiries concerning thi~ item should be directed to the Office of Management and Budget at
(305) 673-7510. This m~eting may be opened and continued and. under sUch circumstances;'
additional legal noticewould not be provided. ' ~ ~. .,,~ :_ ,~,.I...,~,:.,
ALL PERSONS are invited to attend this meefin9 or be represented by an agent, or to express
their views in writing to the City Commission c/.o th~ City Clerk, 1700 C~n~,,vent~io~n C.enter Drive:
1St Floor. Miami Beach, Florida, 33139. - ~, · , ~.: .... ,!.
In accordance with the' Americans with Disabilities Act ,of. 1996, persons needir
acco~nmodation to pai'ticipate in thi~ prodeeding should contact the
than four days prior to the proceeding. ,Telephone (305) .673-7411
impaired, telephone the Florida:Relay Service Numbers,-(800) '955-8771-: (TDD)~or
(800) 955-8770 ~VOICE), for assistance.' '. ~-- ' ·
Pursuant to Sec~i~)n '28~:0:105, 'ha:"~t~., tr~e City hereby ad~/is~
decides to appeal any 'decision made by :the City Commission,With: respect ~to :any matter
considered at its meeting or hearing, such person 'must insure
'proceedingS' iS made Whi~t~ record includes the' testimony E~nd e
is to be based.:~his 'nOtice does not ~:0nstitute consent i-"
admission of otherwise inadmissible or irrelevant .evidenCe, nor does it authorize challenges'or~.
appeals not otherwise allowed by law. " ~'~ -- '~: ":-'~