038-Notice of Budget Workshop Sports Weekend on Friday has the line-up Of n~]or sports events and local South Florida events so you can pick winners. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH NOTICE OF CITY COMMISSION BUDGET WORKSHOP MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY given tKat the City Commission of the City of. Miam[ Beach, Florida, will hold a Budget Workshop Meeting on Monday, July 16, 200t, commencing at 3:00 p.m., in the City Commission Chambers 3rd floor, City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive. Miami Beach, Florida, for the purpose of discussing the 2001/02 Fiscal Year Proposed General Fund Operating Budget. · , . Inquiries concerning thi~ item should be directed to the Office of Management and Budget at (305) 673-7510. This m~eting may be opened and continued and. under sUch circumstances;' additional legal noticewould not be provided. ' ~ ~. .,,~ :_ ,~,.I...,~,:., ALL PERSONS are invited to attend this meefin9 or be represented by an agent, or to express their views in writing to the City Commission c/.o th~ City Clerk, 1700 C~n~,,vent~io~n C.enter Drive: 1St Floor. Miami Beach, Florida, 33139. - ~, · , ~.: .... ,!. In accordance with the' Americans with Disabilities Act ,of. 1996, persons needir acco~nmodation to pai'ticipate in thi~ prodeeding should contact the than four days prior to the proceeding. ,Telephone (305) .673-7411 impaired, telephone the Florida:Relay Service Numbers,-(800) '955-8771-: (TDD)~or (800) 955-8770 ~VOICE), for assistance.' '. ~-- ' · Pursuant to Sec~i~)n '28~:0:105, 'ha:"~t~., tr~e City hereby ad~/is~ decides to appeal any 'decision made by :the City Commission,With: respect ~to :any matter considered at its meeting or hearing, such person 'must insure 'proceedingS' iS made Whi~t~ record includes the' testimony E~nd e is to be based.:~his 'nOtice does not ~:0nstitute consent i-" admission of otherwise inadmissible or irrelevant .evidenCe, nor does it authorize challenges'or~. appeals not otherwise allowed by law. " ~'~ -- '~: ":-'~