006-2009 City of Miami Beach Polling Places~- m MIAMI BEACH ~~°9F~~-~ ~~~~°Q2 ~ornc~ cr -HE are Mnva.,Fa MEMORANDUM No. 006 -c~y ro: Victor M. Diaz. Jr., Commissioner FitoM Jorge M. Gonzalez, Ciry Manager ~------/~~~1 DA'L: February 3, 2009 ~~/ V SUB,_CT City of Miami Beach Polling Places This information is provided in response to your memorandum regarding possible election violations occurring at polling places co-located at city fire facilities, and exploring potential alternative polling places. This request was forwarded by the City Clerk on January 26, 2009 to Mr. Lester Sola: Miami-Dade County Supervisor of Elections, as the County's Elections Department, not the City, is primarily responsible for the location of polling places. Attached, please find Mr. Sola's response for your information. The City works with the County to identify new polling places when unique situations have required an adjustment. There are currently 35 polling places in the Ciry on Election Day. In our City. potential locations are also impacted by issues such as the availability of accessible (and free) parking. Mr. Sola has identified other issues involved in moving polling places within a precinct. Notwithstanding, staff would be happy to forward to the County any suggestions for alternative polling places within the precinct that you or your staff may recommend, for their review to determine if the location addresses their storage, security and accessibility needs. As always, please feel free to call me should you have any questions or require additional information. Attachments Cc: Mayor and City Commission JMG/rep F:ICLERICLERIFORMStCommissioner Diaz's . .. ).. ,. i,Y.ni, l , ':1 .~ -,1. , .~., 4-, c ~J~1,J l . T . .. .. ...:'1 i 1 ~. ...,. f : ~f.,,.f, _ (:' . ,.1.. MIAMIBEACH o~~ pct ct i ti` .MAYOR AND COMAAISSIOfJ M F iv10 R AN DUM io: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City P~anager ~~~ FaoM: victor M. Diaz, Jr., Commissioner ~~ ~ L~ ~ u;~'r January 13, 2009 SuB;tCf: City of Miami Beach polling places In the past, I have seen election violations take place at the polling places that are co-located at city fire facilities. This is due to the inherent contradiction between a fire union that endorses candidates and having voting take place at a fire station. Could vve please explore with the Miami-Dade Elections Department alternative places for locating the two precincts that are co- located of fire stations? Could you please brief me on what the procedure is to have *.hese polling locations permanently moved? Thank you. Vlvlp!sm Elections M I A M I~ADE 2'rr0 NW 6'U: Avcrur l 2 0_:~ I\riaml, h nrida 33 r 7 T 305-499-VOTE F 30i-499-R54' : Y:.iC ;--19'I ii-08L' Sn+c:.,,d~r..,:"'" miamidade.goe .~R°~~'~~-^~^'~^•~~^" January 30, 2009 Rmmal S:~n-:n rn ~n halo f^c::r ~.,,,:,~, Robert Parcher, City Clerk e,nJrn,; City of Miami Beach I;. I,,ina~~~~w;aMr 1700 Convention Center Drive """""iD"°'`P'"`"` Miami Beach, FI 33139 Cyital Imprcnrmero: Ym r _ m L.uepe,dnr: I:an:prm+•m r Ir ,_, (..rm.,wnu..o cr,i..>,mJ Sbii. Paa tnR.n„n,ralr.n. Dear Mr. Parcher. ...rn.,.nlr~ 1~.uor Agenq~ `"'"'"' """""""'O"°°p"m' C I Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to review the memorandum °mmunm~RNU n~, lnnnmv Sr,rie dated January 13, 2009 regarding the use of Miami Beach fire stations u <o.er,gn, ~, Reha6: fi,vdca as Election Day precincts. I appreciate the concern raised by alnn_:a~_L: Commissioner Diaz, and I assure you that any violation of election law is ~"~a0ona taken very seriously. Er~zr.. ;,•.. ,....,. -"'"~`-° "°"'°'" r, ,. rr:,.,.r.,n ~,,,, As you know, locating sites that are suitable as precincts is very ~„Irpru,..,r.A.i .,. „.- challenging for this Department, particularly in the City of Miami Beach gyn.,°,nmr,.rl,,. ~ due to the construction that is in progress and the unavailability of a" °' °• parking. In addition to working around those constraints, precincts are ', "; chosen with the followin criteria in mind: g Iliv<ri. ~,r:.,.~:,., Must fall within precinct boundary lines ~r^~"~'~• ~ Must have ample space for equipment and supplies, while "`""' `''•"' accommodating voters „•,",,,,•_ ,., Must be ADA (Americans with Disabilities Actj compliant Intiprn.Lr.~R,-....-.~I•.,,. • Must be accessible to our Department as needed Immm~pnnJ 1'a,l. r_,nr:..rliorr "n"'°"`~°'~r While this may not appear to be difficult, it is often ve challen !n For .o-nr.a• :nm~~re-M i•~," example, during the December 16, 2008 Special Runoff Election the . ^,,;,,,,,,;,,;,,;,,,°n„v~,~,",,,,;,,~ , Miami Beach Botanical Garden (a long-time precincij was holding an 9h a,d AC:: r~<~,.., event. As such, we were required to find a temporary polling place for eun„i,,;a=.'~~ ~= that election. After canvassing sites within precinct boundary lines, the ~" n"°`~'" °"" °" only location that was deemed acceptable was, incidentally, Miami ' "• ' Beach Fire Station #2. ~,.~I:.,.,rsrv,,,~m rwr.vb,a Fire stations are very convenient locations because they are open ~~^~"~N~h,hr,~nr~ around the clock allowing us to deliver and pick up equipment at any `°' ~ °' "" ° time, voters are familiar with their location, space is ample, and they " " " "" b - ' meet compliancy standards. ~:or,ga uvn d Mavape r.-n s_.r r. n,.~,..: ~, ~~ Tank S,,, .~int.,ri _..,,.n,. z.. a vnra,: uo., ,, i,. ,_.. _. ~. N'm, F Sno.. Please note that there is also a cost associated with notifying voters of a change in location. We are required to direct mail all affected voters, as well as post signage at the prior site. Please be assured that while in use on Election Day, firefighters or any other persons not in the act of voting are not permitted inside the precinct. Fire house operations for that day are conducted in an alternate room as not to interfere, intimidate, or interrupt voters. Soliciting, by any means, must remain outside the 100 foot boundary line per state statute just like any other precinct. Precinct Clerks and Poll Deputies monitor these activities very closely to ensure state laws are enforced. Therefore at this time, I recommend that we continue to use city fire stations as precincts. That said, if any person witnesses activity that should be investigated, we will do so immediately and lake the appropriate corrective action. In addition, if there is a particular location of concern, please let me know and we will ensure the Election Board at that precinct is particularly vigilant. I would be happy to fuRher discuss this matter with you and/or Commissioner Diaz if needed. Should you have additional questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at 305.499.8509. Sincerely, Les r Sola ~ Supervisor of ~lections Miami-Dade Elections Department cc: Alina T. Hudak, Assisiant County Manager, Miami-Dade County