Resolution 2009-27003~`~ ~' CITY OF MIAMI BEACH *~~ mil "~ I~00 CO NYE NTON CCNTER DRIVE ~10'.: MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 331 39 4 /10,x= '~H2.r6~s M ATTI M. BOWER MAYOR February 4, 2009 Honorable Carlos Alvarez Mayor Miami-Dade County 111 N.W. 1s' Street, 29`" Floor Miami, FL 33128 /~ ~ ~ ~,~ Dear Mayor Al z' (~G~%f/~~ We appreciate all of your support for the Miami Beach Convention Center, and know that you recognize the importance of this venue to our County's economy. As you may know, at the January 28, 2009 Miami Beach City Commission meeting, the Commission approved a resolution urging Miami-Dade County to fully fund and prioritize the needs of the Miami Beach Convention Center with Convention Development Tax receipts. Attached please find a copy of the approved resolution. If you would like to discuss this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ~~ ~~ ~~~ Matti Herrera Bower Mayor C: Honorable Miami Beach City Commissioners Honorable Miami-Dade Board of County Commissioners George Burgess. County Manager Jorge M. Gonzalez, Miami Beach City Manager RESOLUTION NO. zoov-27oa3 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, URGING MIAMI-DADE COUNTY TO FULLY SUPPORT AND PRIORITIZE THE FUNDING NEEDS OF THE MIAMI BEACH CONVENTION CENTER WITH CONVENTION DEVELOPMENT TAX RECEIPTS. WHEREAS, the Convention Development Tax (CDT) was authorized by the Florida Legislature in 1983 for the principal purpose of promoting tourism and the use of hotel facilities through the improvement and construction of convention centers; and WHEREAS, the Miami Beach Convention Center is the largest publicly owned convention center in Miami-Dade County and serves as a regional asset; and WHEREAS, tourism is the economic engine of Miami-Dade County and the Miami Beach Convention Center is a principal driver of tourism to the region and the third greatest economic generator behind the airport and seaport; and WHEREAS, the CDT generated approximately $47 million in Fiscal Year 07108, of which only $4.5 million was allocated to fund the Miami Beach Convention Center's operational needs; and WHEREAS, hotels that support events at the Miami Beach Convention Center generated more than 45% of the CDT in Fiscal Year 07108; and WHEREAS, in order to ensure the growth of the CDT collections to support a myriad of activities to generate tourism to the Greater Miami area, a committed investment in the main driver of tourism business to the region, the Miami Beach Convention Center, is essential; and WHEREAS. the need for major and significant improvements, enhancements and expansion of the Miami Beach Convention Center has been confirmed by the County, the City. and numerous stakeholders representing the tourism and hotel industry; and WHEREAS, the CDT collected by Miami-Dade County is the appropriate and primary funding source for improvements to the Miami Beach Convention Center. 7.Of>9-'L7~J93 NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Mayor and Ciiy Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, that the Mayor and City Commission hereby urge Miami- Dade County to fully support and prioritize the funding needs of the Miami Beach Convention Center with Convention Development Tax Receipts. PASSED and ADOPTED this zESCh day of January , 2009. ~s~r~ Ma or ATTE T: Matti Herrera Bosaer 'LVt ~ dv~ (~ City Clerk Robert Yarcher APPROVED AS TO FORM 8 tANGUAGC: "-~ FOR~CUTfON l" ~-` ~ ~ ~~ ~~_ j CityiAttbrney a -!