008-2009 South Pointe Drive¢'~~~'~=11:'F~i
m MIAMI BEACH i%~9Ft6-6 PN 344
To: Victor M. Diaz, Jr., City Commissioner
FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager
DATE: February 6, 2009 ~~/
SUB1ECr South Pointe Drive
This is in response to your memorandum dated January 27, 2009 on the above topic.
The east terminus of South Pointe Drive, from Ocean Drive to the paved turn-around, is under
permit and is scheduled to be completed by the Contractor for the Continuum in the next six
weeks. The Continuum's contractorwas required to rebuild the street and had to pull permits for
this work. They had some problems with the permit process, which precluded the Contractor
from placing the pavers stored onsite since this is in the ROW and part of the permit. This has
been resolved and the permit was issued on Monday, February 2, 2009.
The "Sunrise Plaza" work, which is the area immediately to the east of the South Pointe Drive
terminus, is a requirement for occupancy of approximately 6,000 square feet of the commercial
areas (about half). The Continuum is not permitted to occupythese remaining commercial areas
until the Sunrise Plaza is completed. Under the Settlement Agreement (which was mediated in
Court last year), they have the option to fund an escrow agreement for the work and obtain
occupancy for this remaining commercial space. The escrow agreement has a defined schedule
for draw down of the escrow amount, if they go this route. The escrow amount is sufficient to
fund [he Sunrise Plaza if this happens.
We believe we should be able to submit for a second DEP consultation letter later this month.
The DEP consultation provides feedback regarding the permissibility of the proposed activities in
about 30 days to the Developer. Upon receiving a favorable consultation response, the permit
application will be signed by the City. The City is technically the applicant, as the project is on
state lands managed by the City. The Developer will then submit the plans for DEP permit
review and we anticipate this process to last between 90 and 180 days. The City will work
together with the Developer during this permit review process to ensure any comments or
modifications requested by the DEP are addressed. Once we have the DEP permit, the local
permit process moves relatively quickly (some parts can be done concurrently), and the
developer can proceed with the construction of the Plaza.
With respect to the second question regarding the South Pointe Drive medians between Alton
Road and Ocean Drive, the City does have a capital project that will reconfigure and upgrade
the landscaping of those medians. These medians are addressed in the South Pointe Phase III-
IV-V Right of Way project which is presently out to bid. We anticipate being able to present bids
to the City Commission for its consideration some time in the next 2 to 3 months. If approved,
construction should commence shortly afterward.
Memorandum -South Polnre Drive
February 6, 2009
Page 2 of 2
The plans generally call for the addition of bike lanes, consistent with the City's bike lane master
plan, which requires a reduction in the width of the medians from 7 feet to 4 feet. The medians
are generally landscaped with coconut palms, shrubs and grass, and illuminated with uplighting
from Collins Avenue to Washington Avenue.
Please let me know if you have additional questions or would like additional detail
C: Mayor and City Commissioners
Tim Hemstreet, Assistant City Manager
Fred Beckmann, Interim CIP Office Director
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