010-2009 Response to inquiry re: Spanish Language City Publicationsm ,,~IAM.I BEACH ~~, ~ -~, T ~ 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER Jv1E~ORANDUM °no.oio-ZOOv TO: Victor M. Diaz, Jc, Commissioner - ~*~ ~~ ~' y. ~ FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager 0 ~o DATE: February 9, 2009 SUBJECT: Response to inquiry re: Spanish L uage City Publications This memorandum is in response to your inquiry regarding city publications in Spanish. Specifically, you have inquired on the Guide to City Services in Spanish. As you may recall. the Resident Guide was produced by the City in both English and Spanish several years ago. The Guide has to be updated periodically as new information, ordinances and contact information changes. The Resident Guide was updated last year and is being updated again to reflect new information (such as our new Commission). The current version in English is posted online and is accessed via the "Resident" portal. Once the new revisions to the Guide are complete, it will also be uploaded to our City website. A translation of the Resident Guide will be underway as soon as the most recent revisions are complete; that version will also be made available via the website. You should know. however, that in light of budget constraints we have not produced a printed copy of the revised Resident Guide. For example, the last printing of the Resident Guide (2004) in English cost almost $8,000 to produce 1,000. The last printing of the Spanish Resident Guide was in 2002.. You have also requested information on other City publications produced in Spanish. In general, budgetary limitations have impacted our ability to produce many collateral pieces. However, attached you will find samples of documents that have been produced in both languages, These include: • MB magazine: this direct mail piece to all City households is fully bilingual. Due to budget limitations, beginning with this fiscal year MB is produced quarterly instead of bi-monthly. Rec Review: this direct mail publication is produced three times a year and began Spanish translations in 2006. Hurricane Guide: This Guide is updated as funding becomes available: fully bilingual. • CIP info cards: these direct mail cards are produced and sent to residents in project areas. • CIP newsletters. these direct mail pieces are sent 2-3 times a year. • Vote Miami Beach: this direct mail piece to all Miami Beach registered voters encourages absentee ballot registration and early voting, and has been bilingual since its inception. Other pieces under development, such as the "Towing Bill of Rights." will be in a bilingual format. The above list is not intended to be all inclusive, as flyers or other limited use materials may be developed and distributed that may or may not all be bilingual. However. it has been the general policy to ensure that documents with a broad distribution are provided in a bilingual format. Some samples from Police are attached for your reference- Inaddition to printed materials, the City's radio station MBRadio 1670 AM, is fully bilingual, providing weekly updates on traffic and other city info in both languages. Additionally, MBTV is in the process of converting all key Public Service Announcements into Spanish, and is launching a Spanish language topics show, Other programming will be developed budget permitting, As you may know. Commission meetings are already closed-captioned in Spanish. As always, please let me know if you have any questions or require additional information. Cc: Hilda M. Fernandez, Asst. City Manager JMG/hf F'xmgr'~$ALL'J-iilda'w~layor & GommissloniVidor Diaz~A 27 08 memo re Spanish Pubtications.doc ~:~uia de serv~cios locales ,.y, Para r~esidentes HURRICANE GUIDE/GUTA Important information specifically for the Miami Beach community Information importance especificamente para la comunidad de la Ciudad de Miami Seach. MIAMIBEACH •1 •' •' •1 •~ 1 ion Residents of the Flomingo Park area ion a foe Residences del orea de Flomi,~rgo Park -- t of hre City's rxgaing efforts m resloe and enhance its porlcs and facilities, t _ ti Imprcvercsnt Projects OHtce is hosting o Community Design Revie hop to present carious proposed master plan impro~errtenls for Flominno Po '.:= enhoncements include o nF,wv tennis corner and caurts, new Bays and G londxoping, irrigation; security Ilghting, and other sire ossociat _ emenls. We value your paiticipotion in this importont process. pane de ios esnrezos de b Ciudad ,xrrc res~aurar y rea!zor sus porque - tiles, !a Oiicina de Maioros Copiro!es rendrri uno reuniLtn con b axnunic - rrescntar bs meiaras ~-opuesR~zs porc Fiamin~ro Fork, Fstrs mejaas irciu± - compos y un nuero cenho de renis, Boys y G'r's Club, mejavs of prz ren bra b seguridod, a junos y ohos me~ras. Su parrkipacibn en r ,,,,,.,,,•~ es muy impatonk. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2008 - 6:00 P.M.-8:00 P.M. MIAMI BEACH BOTANICAL GARDEN, BANYAN ROOM, 2000 CONVENTION SC~f ITHf3 eru , ~ •' ~~ SEE36VG gR~GRESS Belle Isle Right-of•Way Project Nears Completion ,~ ,~' ~~ 'r -; While bulldozers and dump bucks have occupied Belle Island for nearly twenty- ' ~~, ;` ~_ three months, residents are now beginning '~' }~ _ to see some significant changes. ~'~ ;'~; - "s ,~'~ ' a i 1„ F,` In May of 2006, the Capital Improvement °:,t,~_~Q Projects Office embarked on construction of v comprehensive right~f-way irnprovemenl ;xojed that includes instollafion of underground utilities; o roadway and park storm water ollcction and disposal systern of a major pump st~tinr. ,~,~er ~I,~JOIi liiieoi °~et of water main piping installed throughout the perimeter of the park to improve the water pressure; and fire protection capabiliy. A complete roadway reconstruction has been completed in both Island Avenue Norlh and South roadways. Reconstruction of Century and Farrey Lanes were also part of the project scope. Neighbors can attest to some of the unfortunate inconveniences and delays caused by the construction, but most can agree it was well worth the hassle. With over throequarters of work completed, residents can already benefit from some of the exciting new amenities. tv' ~uha~. ~I.:c I~ r~ ~•:*;- -,7 ~crlora. , h~r.: o c.~. rn.._> I,:; rr: ictr•tisal,~, r •srrr ok.•sc .;n,r.'o ~ rribi: ;{ i,cah ~- En rrcy;~ de 3iUJ6, la t )ticina ue P~o•.;.,~~o~ =!.>~te - i . d . eras ri ties ,: . n ro en ..n a~~ ~~'c;.::h~~„ i._ ,Je,rrl ,~~~: d^ ~ic~ i~; i~ r _' 'c ~.n.rn~C -on r c r,cpx:as a r ~ 12rio~:: ,uhtc•'~inao<. ct:r rr;nnl~. u ' t -n {- ~,,,. ~sto , ~n d- I:-. rnbnn ar rt ~ F:L. n'e ,- 3 ,^.. rt fin ,I ~ ~~2~ , t ' 3 I:~n n ire rg ~ n 1 t r m.in .1e1 mow: ~~ ~ t 't I:o i ,r~lo ^r r I ~ ~r c _~no ~ <i y. . n, c-; . f•Sf I '+1,--1 V _:J RI -n L,tJUS t , I '-. ,. ;ar I I un .:~. n IJ ~r~l, t I. •~ t~ ,,i . ® •' ~ GATEWAYS TO THE OCEAN The Middle Beach neighborhood of Oceonfront has the Atlantic Ocean az its "backyard." The prime real estate along Collins Avenue on the ocean is one of the reasons so many people decide to make Miami Beoch their home. But our beach belongs to everyone and access to the beach should be pleasant and inviting. Public entrances to the beach exist on almost every streePend leading east from Collins Avenue. These access streets, up until now, have not had much character nor provided a welcome point of entry. As paA of the overall Capital Improvement program, and integgrated with our City's right-o{-way infrastructure improvement program, slreetends in the Oceanfront neighborhoods are getting facelifts. Construction began on Phase I of this project .. ..wne .._..... !0 ri.kw ENTRADAS A LA PLAYA fa vecindod de Middle Bench en Oceanfront fiene el Oceono Adbnfico comp su "polio trasero." las propiedades inrnobiliarias a to largo de la ovenida Collins odyacente a las playas son una de las razones por las cuoles rnucha genie decide hater de Miami Beach su hogar Pero nuesiras playas pertenecen a coda uno de nosotros y el occeso a las playyas debe ser agra able a atractivo. !os entrodos publicas existen en cast lochs las Galles que van de la ovenida Collins v fa playa. Estos accesos a !a pbyo, no han tenidv nunm mucho corbcter ni un punto ogradable de entrada. I! •~ ~ ~f LUMMUS STREET IMPROVEMENTS Backhoes and bulldozers have become temporary fixtures to the scenery in the Lummus area. But commuters and merchants can rest assured that the end results will be well worth the current hassles. With the cooperation of the community, o chonge for the better is coming soon to the Lummus area. "Meetings were held where residents provided input on the items that they wanted to see implemented in their neighbor- _ `, s- hood," said Aurelio Carmenates, - ~'.,,.'~' '~. Capital Pro'((ect Coordinator from ~rl' -~-~ __ a~" ~ the OfficeotCopilallmprovement '~iz_-, ~;~- '' , Projects. Merchants, visitors and ~ ' v ~ ~ ` ' ~{ I41 "3'k ~~~~ Residents can look forward to ~~ M lam' ' r ' '11` '' '~ I' ` It "~ enhancements to the overall "`t":; ;; } ~~~~} - a earance of the street and a ` ~''~` "mss- '~ - ` more pedestrion-friendly atmos- -- ='~. ~: phere. SEE w'SI~E PG. a LUMMUS Retroexcavadoras y hacfores .-`-,A ~ lfegorbn a set accesorios -~ ~ ``=*r'- temporales of paisaje urbano •'.,=~~'. ~:'~i-.? j;.: en e! dreo de Lummus. Pero, , f,R ,~.,,~ ,, .'' ~*3 v ~ ' ~ Los visifantes y comercianfes t a r 'n.~'r ~. ~ i ~ ~~r, '` ~, u ~ r pueden estor hanquilos porque Y _. ~ a~*~~ ~+ , ~~' ~ ~~ ~ y.. ~ ~ Los resuliodos finales serbn `~ , _.,~ „~ ~ "~ Bien recibidos. Con la coop- -~ ~ eracion de comercianfes y _ residences, un cambio Apra mejorar este vecindario esf6 viniendo pronro en el area de , he top imngo shows Cuuent conditions in the lemmas N hb h d Lummus. Las reuniones fueron eig or oo , the bottom linage shove proposed streetunpn impmvanents. celebrodos donde !os resi- cn rmnsen sorer;nr mopsvn Ins cnndk;ones ncronres Pn rn ' denies ofrecieron N4GiNA S vecinday n'e Cumrnus (n imager nfwio mue>bn k~s mejans rTOpbPi145 SOUTH POINTE /FLAMINGO - WMMUS STAR -PALM -HIBISCUS ISLANDS /WEST AVENUE BELLE ISLE /VENETIAN ISLANDS ® •' ~~ NORTH SHORE OPEN SPACE PARK Have you noticed lotely the nddirons to North Shore Open Space Park? lass summer, beach goers were beckonad to newly restored larililias that accommodote new pavilion buildings, reslrooms picnic shehers, and mare. The City of Miami Bcoch approved $ i 3 million for the restorotion of Naith Short Open Spacx Park. Park patrons can now take full advantage of the nnw picnic shelters, chorcoal barbecue grills, and fr~.sh drinking water fountoins with ground level bubhlen for pets. These am available and free to the public. Part of this initiotive involved tha 6eaunFicalion o(yrocn spaces, with a r:ew irrigotion syNern and Ian<luaping with votive spr_des, park ~'ff Chc;. h[ i r . ~!par~ t _L-h Sf<', ni'[I c t ~ -~ ~33~,-51r 1r r~ 'YS: i ell :f '',0 ~bpn]h ~a r - -~ ,.Q ~~ x ~", ~: A ~~P,i~',lll~.t.~l''~."~ ~' ~ ~ ~ •-'f >! ~ Ir ~ l ' 1~ ' i ' ~ - "a _ _ -~.... - ~ Ei PARQUE NORTH SHORE OPEN SPACE Ha visto usfed fas ndiciones of North Shore Open Spoce Pork? Durance of uUima verono, en of paulue Nodh Shore Open 5pnce, compfato nuevos insrolacianns cansrrvidas pars ocamodar pabelfones de recreo, baiios y yentas de meriendas y mas. Cons;derada exfensamenre comp una Ciudad que conr;nrio lomenrando excefenc;o en serv;c;os pu6Gcos, Io Ciudod de M;am; Ben<:h aprobo $ L3 miflones porn fa renovation def paufue North Shore Open Spoce. Fos vsilonres pucden dsfrutar de yentas de mmiendas, ponffos pnro barbacoas, Fuentes de ogvo poroble y los animoles domesricos pueden Exaber de una fvente de NORTH SHORE /NORMANDY ISLES / NORMANDY SUD NORMANDY SHORES / BfSCAYNE POINT y alp Y+•iy. 1706 Corr/@nhz n Crnt~i [gi -' . ve - M~mrn Re.rdl, FI ?3139 i ?h~aPdk3£'Y3~~2' EfJ F [:r~f~Cr I a f iG ilMdl!R!~}ta' ' ~ r-errrrt ~?.:,.:. "'""""'AUTO"5-DIGIT 33141 T85 P1 JULIA V GAMACHE 401 69TH ST APT 505 Aesatro~tE BALLOT REQUEST 50[lCITUD PARR 80LETA bF FLFCTOR AUSFNTF I do solcmrly svcar or aTiln IhM ull inmrma'ion is tn,c. ler0 O !e<b{Yf sJ1eT.rIPnlBr1!P r]l!^ IOCIOS IOb (iCUOS son tIM!OS 115409028 . Reyhhplen Nw I Nrim. de 4nnp<iyn _ _ 21 Ngnowrw Requir.d I fc rcgeiwn w Rnne eew I /e<he pT<IrNI Nn. I Nwn. dwl Re<MN MRlI('/MAROW ~ lt<:I r f tt tarn IIM-~_ <nphl - n< rr. io<p,u~ r 9:1 v1 sae ^ ~>FU. ..., r ...< ,- :. ,. r.. ~. , ~ , .. .. tip N::.: r•:. .. RieMdwN I fw<nq de Nximiwme JULIAVGAM ACHE "< arr;IM w<0<:... ~+o-r l.n t:r.,~ I r ~. L. .~~, M S ' .J t ~ : : m ,.urr. r...~e u,.b .m:,.., ,-s <F .r.r.,n.r. hr5:crr Ww<Namw I Nembw dN Fb<se. I uko -ca .I I yr„1 F J I _. rr ! F .. in ~ I M. .. n.1: \ ..~ iNll 2~ ~U 1 401 69TH 5T APl 505 - NeMdarnr4ddrca. 1 Rircr<rmr dv OOm(M:w Q.w«kn pe,wr''f diHc<ern rl.en rcsldwn<-nddrcs<I en <eao que raw diM1,r.<,rc d darr:<Te) MIAMI BEACH FL 33141-3101 CiM I Gudod Laro I [, reds $ Cede 1 Iona Porrgl NIiCSE 3a1 6C i O/ 10/06/Dfl RE:TIJRN 'f0 SENUER ATTC'MPTE"D NOT KNOWN l)N AL3Lk: TO FORWARD OC: 33:L 391A190U '+OL106-00997-27-39 ~u~~ul~lnu~~nl~rlr~ulu~~ln~nrr~~Irln~Iru~~nnrtlll MIAMIBEACH ®~~~~ LA VIOLENCIA DUMESTICA ES UN cRInIEN LA UNIUAU DI? ~ IUI.N:NCIA DONIESTICA DEL DEP:~RT:1~IE\TO DN: LA POI.ICIA DE V'liAMl KI?ACII Pl(EDE A~'Ullr1RLE \INGliNA PERSO\,A, NI'I'AN SIQUIERA ALGUIF:N QUE VIVf1 CON USTF.D, TIENE EL DF,RECHO UI? AGREDIRLN; NIti1CAME\TE OA;V'IEN:IZ:IRLE CON A'IOLENCI.A CONUCI'.R SUS DI?RI?,C[IUS 1" OPCIONF.S FS E1. PRIMER I'.ASO P:1R:IAC.AB.AR CON I?I.ABCSU NI\C:UNA PERSONA ~1EREC'E SER ABUSADA M/AM/ BEACH ~ QL /CE; Miranda Warning Derechos Miranda .~.~.~~~..~,,.~~, ,e.,~„,.~,,,~r, ,r,r, „r~d,.,,,rr,.~e~~..~r,r.~,. En IlshAn lea Before ou are asked an uestions, ou must understand the followin ri hts: YES ! NO 1 You have the nghr to remam silent and you do not have e; !alk to me it you do not vnsh to do so Yn~. do not have to answer an of m uestions. Do ou understand that ri ht? 2, Should you talk to me, anythmg which you might say may be mtrocfuced irno eviaence :n court agarnsr ou Do ou understand that ri ht? i 3- It you want a lawyer to be present dunng quesliorong. at this time or any time hereafter, you are enutted to have :he la er resent. Do ou understand that ri ht? ; 4 I1 you cannot afford to hrre a lawyer, one will be provided for you at no cost rt you want one. Do ou understand that ri ht? I Knowing these nghts, are you now wdhng ro answer my questions without having a tawyer presents r Tfiis statement Is signed of my own free will without any threats or promises having been made to me. Sub{ect (Pnnq Srgnature.: Date 7imc-. Advising Uffrcer iPnnty. Signature: Badge-. Date ''me: Witness lPnntt~. Signature: Batlge: Date Time: Es noUS apish Antes de que se le haga cualquier pregunta, usted debera comprender los siguientes SI derechos: NO t. Usted uene el derecho de permanecer en silencio y no hene que hablar conmigo si usied no quiere Usted no uene tie contestar nm unas de mis re untas ~Com rende este derecho? 2, Si usied habla conmigo. cualgwer cosa que usied pudiera decir puedra set presentado como evtdencta en Corte en contra su a. ?Comterende este derecho? ~ 3 Si usied desea que tin abogado este presence, en este momento a de aqw en adelanie. usted uene el derecho oe tenet tin abo aoo resente. °Comprende este derecho? 4. Si usied no uene los medtos para pagar pot tin abogadc, uno le sera crowsta sin costo a usied. s. were uno. ?Com rende este derecho? ?Con conocimientos de estos derechos, esta usted dispuesto a contestar mis preguntas sin tenet _ tin abo ado resente? Esta declaracion esta firmada pot mi voluntariamente, stn tie se me na an necno amenazas o romesas at unas. SuleCto iESCribal. firma ~echa. -Icra: Uffir.ial tEsCriba): "rrrma. Eiadye Fe:ha Hcra 'est~go itscnba; firma Bailee- Fecha: ^cra. ,..° cni,l:. ctlii r:ope:nb!x's ::.u?a..p.r.,.n..: ..:45ard ,. ~ -rcenJ., ~: