Ad #524 Notice of Commission Workshop March 2, 2009 ; ~ - ,: ,, . ~ ,. M~ A~118 E ~C~~ .. _ _ , N - ~~ -~~C1T~l QF ll~l 1yB~~C iLL Nt~`ICE ~'~ ~T~1(~ S r x. ~IEfT~NG { ~` ~ ~ ~ NOTICE. IS HEREBY given, that the "City iCommission of the City of Miami Beach; i Florida, will taoid a~ll~hotk~hop ~.: ~ ~a Mor~daay,<Marwcd~, ,~ a# .9:00 a.m. in f j ~ , ~° ~° ~r: ~. ~ ... the Commtsslon ~ ~ ~r~ f~ciar, ~ylalt,~~~®~~t~a~e~tl~ CEnter Drive, Miami ~ o -- ~.< . Beach, Fbrida-for 'i°'~on~~a ~o~he >Mass+ficaf~ofi;~nd:~Col~pensation Study .,, .~ and ~ E a- All be dir€ 1= fdcitice of Closed Executive°Session ~_ Ruv suant to Section 447.605, Florida Statutes, "a closed .Executive Session will be -~ ~, `' announced and held~i~eiri# dt~rir~g ~e;col~e°.ofittte ~ltj+~ommission alVorkshop z - - Meeting on March 2,; X49 ,ni%[e Gi#y_Ia9~'se ~nfere[~ce Room, Fourth Floor, ~, ~~ City Ha#l, for a discussron rely#ive to caliective bargaining. I h ~ Robert Parches, City Clerk , ~.. ~~ ~--. ~ ~ - City otMiami Beach '~ ~ To request this material'inaccessible#ormat, sign language interpreters, information on access for;persorrs m with disabilities, and/or any ac~pmmpdation to_review any document or-_-participa#e in aRy city-sponsored proceeding, please contact 3i1~ GD4-'~+t89 ~(voace) or 30573-721$'frT ~~ five days in advance to-initiate your request. TTY users may alsro call 711 (Florida Relay Service). Ad:#524 ~ _...~.._ _._____~W_.~- ~