Right-of-Way Deed Recorded Document111111 Illil 11111 IIIII IIIII lllli IIIII II11 IIII
z:-F`t~t '?e.jrar~Fte.r'R;?y;e",,
fi!•. Pd: ?~.74f, F'na _ ~ <'1i73i (6n?a;=
I?t:~_DRI?`:C• its%;i/2iiip :ir:42~15
hiifi4't'( RUUItir CIEF;Y, OF COUii7
Inslrumeul prepared bc:
~~7arta C:. ,\karuh~. Coordinator Ill
f lie School Board of (tliami-t)acle County. F[.
Mimni. F[. ~~I?2
Proiccl: South }'wutr Llem,'Ciw of Miami Beach
Rlcn•r-of-wAY DEEn
COUNTY' OF ~'11:111'll-D;~DE )
kh ~-
1'1115 INDENTURE, made this~~~ day oC ~N~vrv~v~ .A.D. 2flOS, Liy and behceen
THE SCIIOOI. KOARD OF 1\11:1i•ll-D:YDF. COUNTY", hLORID:+,, a body corporate and
politic, organized under the fates of the State of Florida, whose address is 1450 NE 2"'t :lvenuc,
Miami, Florida 33132, Party of the First Part, and Cl_'fY' (_)I' \•1L4Tv~1I BEACH, a political
suhdivisiou of the State of Florida, and its successors in interest, whose address is 1;00
C:ouvention Center Drive, ~dianti LTeach, FI.33139, Party of the Second Parr,
That the said I'm-ty of the First Yatt, for and in antsideration of the sum ul Ouc Dollar (.X I.00~ in
hand paid by the T'urly of the Secon(1 Part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknott lodged, and lire
other and further good and valuable consid~:ralious, dots hereby grant, bargain and ,ell to the
Party of the Second Part, and its successors in in[erast, for the purltou of a public highway and
purposes incidental lhcnro, all the ri~~ht, title, interest, claim or demaatd of the. Party of the First
Part, in and to the li,llotyittg described land. situate, lying and bring in A4iami-Dade C'ount~~,
Slate of Florida, to-tviL
[t is the intention ol~ the Party of the First Parl, by this iusttumenl, u, convey to the said
i'urh• oC the Second I'arl. and its successors in inlerusl, the land above described [or use a a
public sidctvalk and tier all pur}toses incidental thereat.
It is crpressly provided that if and ashen the said sidewalk shall be latvlullp and
pemuntcntly discontinued, the title to the said above described land shall imntediatcl~~ revert to
the Party of the First PatY, its successors and assigns. and thc_v shall have the right w innucdiately
rc-possesslhu satuc.
:Yud the said Pally of the First Part does hereby Pull~~ tt~arrant llw title to said land, and
tt•ill dcicn(I the same a;~ainsl the latvtul claims ul all persons whomsoever. claiming by, through
or under it.
Ki<JV-of-Tay Deed to C ity ofNliami Beach
PmjecC South Parole F.1cnilCily of Miiami_Beach
Page ? of 3 pages
I]\ ~VI'fn I!;tiS ~~'lll?RF.OF, the said Party of the Fit'st Part, has hereunto set its hand end
seal, the clay and near first above written.
Signed; Scaled and llelivet'ed in our
~~~ti ~ ~~ ~~~-
~S'i utass
~'Vitness Pmued Name:
~~ `~L C~..J~Lti
•fitness //
l4'iUies Primed Name
The School Koard of Miami-Dade
Count~~, Florida, ~ g~~ ~-
c_~r; r ~ mature
Print N; me: Austin J. Bau-nra, C'huir
Print Address: IPSO VE 2"`+ Avenue
\~liami,F ?313
Print ~ Alberto A~1. Carvalha
Print Address 140 NF. ?"`+ Avenue
,lpprovcd as to fm•m and legal
Srhubl Board ltt~
Date: 'fJ R~ (q Q $
Right-of=\Vay Decd to (\lami llade County
Project No. South R»nlc Clcm:'C'ity of 49iumi F3each
Paige .'.. of 3 pages
CAtiNTI' OF (~11.4~11-1)AllE
I HERE6Y CEIt'flFti', that. on This ,~ day of ~ ~'i7~t ; 20U8. betbre me, an
officer duly authorized to administer oath. and lake ttckno~tiledements, pcrsonall}• appeared
•~ ~1,L?~fL, ~ ~ Gt t'~i~(4~ U and > tc J~~l( YVr' )'Z` respcctivch~, the
''~~'Lr`Z ~1a ,~ and Ll YCtY{1T / of The School Boaud of ivliami-Dade Count}'.
Florida, a br>d1 cin•ftorato:tnd politic, personalfi~ 1,tiown~to ine. ur proven, by producing the
fitllo~~ingmethod,ofidentification: - _ __
to be the. persons mho executed the foregoiue instrument, on behalf of said cor•xtr-alion, frcel_y
and volunlm-il,+ lilt the purposes ihcrciu expressed, and who did not take an oath.
WI'TVF.SS my hand and official seal in the County and State aforesaid, the day and Year
last aforesaid. f~
Notate Sienahu~~
_~ -
Printed Notary Name
NU7:4RY SEAI.:`S'IA1~iP Notary Public, State of"~ li)1'(C~Ci
., a„~ SAtdDflA JOHNAKItJ kTy connnission c~xpires:~-c(.~'~I ~~
rri! ,r~ Nctar~ Pudic, Stata o! FIaICs
a~n~• My Camm. expires July 5. 2009
~' a~F No. ooa3aotC C'urnntissiorvScrial No. i~Tj4~-(~'S~
Balled thru Arthur J. l3ailagher & Co.
Fshihit "A"
Lugal llcscription
Conunencc at the Point oC Iulersecliun ul' ilru Center Lino of Alton Read and Fourth Slrcel;
droncc Due East along thu C'cntcr Linc of Fourth Street fur a dis[ancc of 7239 Ccct to a point;
thence llue South Cor a distance of 25 feet to the Point of lnterectiun ol'the South Might oCA4`ay
Linc of Fourth S[rcG and the Northwesterly Right of \Vay Linc of Alton Road; said point also
being the 1'uint of [3eginning ol'the strip of land more particularly described as fidluws; thence
nut S30°11'34"E along the Northwesterly Right. of 1'4'ay Line of Alton Road fitr a distance of
6.92 feet [o a point; thence nm NR9°50' 10"G fc,r a distance of 57? I feed to a point thoncc run
N89"4R'2S'F, tin a distance of 53.91 tact to a point thence nm S89"48'50"E for a distance of
45.7$ feed to a point. thence run N89°56'39"l; for a distance o1' S L A6 feel to .+ point; thence run
S89'St)'o6"E for a distance of 49.:12 1'ect 1<r a point thence nut NR9"53'"1 Z"L• f+r a dislaueu of
50.84 feet to a point: thence nut SR9''S ;'4S"~ for a distance of 48.95 feet to a poiu[; thence run
N89"51'31 "(; fir a distance oC50.>4 feet [o a point; thence run S89°51'46"E far a distances of
50.04 Ccet to a point thence run N89'S4'16"L fa' a distances id'62.77 feet. to a point on the Ai4st
Right of A\`ay Line uf?slichigan Avenue; [hence run V00°0]'01"E along the 14est Right uC 1A~a~•
Line of ~9ichigan :lvenue for a distance of 5.70 feet. to a point ;said point also being the Puu+t of
[mcrsection behvecn the South Might of Wav Line of Fourth Strcct and the @4'esl Right of AA'ay
Linc oClvlichigan Avenue; thence Duc Al'csl along, said South Right of A~'ay Linc of Fourth Street
[qtr a distance of 523.8; feet w the Yuinl oC Begimting.
Said land located, lying and being in the Cin• of ~~Iiami Beach, Florida, containing 3x117.92
yuare Pccri ntun• or less