010-2001 DM CITY OF MIAMI BEACH ""'- Office of the City Manager ~ Department Memorandum No. /0 -dOO I _ To: From: Executive Staff DepartmenUDivision Directors Jorge M. Gonzalez \ cVv~ City Manager (j U Date: August 8, 2001 Subject: APPROVAL AUTHORITY FOR PROCESSING PURCHASE REQUISITIONS, SMALL PURCHASE ORDERS, CHANGE ORDERS, AND DIRECT PAYMENTS Consistent with my philosophy and effort to encourage greater empowerment in the work force and to give you more opportunities to make important decisions, I have amended the City's policies regarding approval authority for processing purchase requisitions, small purchase orders, change orders. and direct payments. Effective immediately, all Department and Division Heads reporting to Assistant City Managers (ACMs), authority to approve purchase requisitions for one-time purchase orders, standing orders, and direct payments is increased to $25,000. My designees or I must approve all purchases in excess of $25,000. My designees are the ACMs and the Chief Financial Officer. I remind you that with empowerment comes responsibility and accountability. It is the responsibility of all Department and Division Heads to ensure that Purchase Requisitions, Purchase/Standing Orders, Small Purchase Orders, Change Orders, and Direct Payments are properly reviewed and approved. The policy also requires that certain purchases (i.e. computer and communications hardware and software, rolling stock items, electrical, plumbing, and modular furnishings) must be reviewed and approved by IT, Fleet Management, or Property Management as appropriate. Tbis is a proactive initiative that will move the decision-making function and authority to the closest level within the organization, and allow for the acquisition of goods and services to be obtained in a more expedient manner. JMG:J~:GLf Attachment: Approval Authority Policy CITY OF MIAMI BEACH Procurement Division Policies and Procedures APPROVAL AUTHORITY FOR PROCESSING PURCHASE REQUISITIONS, SMALL PURCHASE ORDERS, CHANGE ORDERS, AND DIRECT PAYMENTS POLICY: It is the responsibility of all DepartmentsfDivisions to ensure that Purchase Requisitions, Purchase/Standing Orders, Small Purchase Orders, Change Orders, and Direct Payments are properly reviewed and approved. APPROVAL AUTHORITY: Documents Department! Budget Office CM or Designees. Division Head Purchase Up to $25,000 All Purchases Greater than Greater than $25,000 Requisitions for $1,000 & Capital Items. one time POs and SOs Small Purchase Up to $1,000 for N/A N/A Orders Non-recurring Purchases Direct Payments Up to $25,000 All travel and unbudgeted Greater than $25,000 items -Designees would include ACMs and Chief Financial Officer. Approval of a Purchase Requisition is not an authority to obtain the goods or services. The documents that authorize the purchase of goods and services are standing and purchase orders. Under no circumstances should purchase requisitions or the use of small purchase orders be split to circumvent proper purchasing approval procedures listed herein. · IT Approval: All purchase requests for computer and communicatia&i;~Ii'ArQ:\9Qlhjj& software must be initially reviewed and approved by the Director of Information Technology or his/her designee. · Fleet Management Approval: All purchase requests for rolling st~~lilf1Ui.(G.g, emergency response vehicles, police vehicles, fire trucks, motorcycles, sedans, motor~~ !/Iid'dllJPavy duty equipment) must be reviewed and approved by the Director of Fleet Management or his/her designee. . Property Management Approval: All purchases of electrical, plumbing or HV AC services of any kind, and any purchases of modular furnishing must be approved by the Director of Property management or his designee. New 7/2001 Page 1 0(4 PROCEDURE: A. Purchase Requisitions: 1. Purchase Requisitions up to $25,000 must be approved by the originating Department/Division Director, and then routed to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for their review and approval for Budget Codes only. If approved OMB will then forward the purchase requisition to the Procurement Division for review, bidding, and issuance of a Purchase Order or Standing Order as appropriate. 2. All Purchase Requisitions in excess of $25,000 must be approved by the originating Department/Division Director or hislher designee and OMB (Budget Codes only), and then routed to the City Manager or designee(s) for hislher review and approval. If approved, the City Manager or designee will then forward the purchase requisition to the Procurement Division for review, and issuance of a Bid, Request for Proposals (RFP), Request for Qualifications (RFQ), or the preparation of a Commission Memorandum and/or Resolution relative to "piggybacking" or Sole Source request in accordance with the Florida Statutes and City Code. (Unless specifically exempted by the City Code, the final approval on all purchases for goods or services in excess of $25,000 will be the City Commission.) 3. All purchase requests for computer and communications hardware and software must be initially reviewed and approved by the Director of Information Technology or hislher designee and then routed for appropriate approval as indicated above. 4. All direct payment requests for travel and unbudgeted items will require the review and approval of OMB. 5. All purchase requests for rolling stock items (e.g. emergency response vehicles, police vehicles, fire trucks, motorcycles, sedans, motorcraft, and heavy duty equipment) must be reviewed and approved by the Director of Fleet Management or hislher designee. 6. All purchases of electrical, plumbing or HV AC services of any kind, and any purchases of modular furnishing must be approved by the Director of Property Management or his designee. B. Small Purchase Orders: 1. Small Purchase Order system authorizes divisions and departments to order goods directly from vendors without creating a purchase requisition or waiting for a purchase or standing order to be issued. 2. Sequentially numbered small purchase order forms are available from the Procurement Division for purchases of items up to $1,000 to be made directly by departments. The appropriate Department/Division Head or hislher designee may approve the purchase of items up to $1,000. 3. Refer to the policies and procedures on small purchase orders for use and prohibitions. New 712001 Page 2 of 4 C. Issuance of Purchase/Standing Order: I. Upon receipt of a completed and approved Purchase Requisition, the Procurement Division 'Will issue a Purchase Order or Standing Order for the purchase of goods and/or services. D. Change Orders: 1. Change Orders of $50 or less require only a Department Director's signature on a Change Order Request (attached to the invoice) to authorize the Finance Department to pay the difference. This will expedite and simplify the payment process where there are small legitimate differences (i.e. freight). 2. All Change Orders that increase the total purchase amount to $25,000 or under require the Department Director or authorized designee approval. After approval, the change orders are forwarded to OMB, and then to the Procurement Division for review and processing. 3. All Change Orders that increase the total purchase amount to greater than $25,000, require the Department Director or authorized designee approval, OMB (Budget Codes Only), and the approval of the City Manager or designee. After approval, the change orders are forwarded to the Procurement Division for review and processing. 4. Unless exempted by the City Code, all Change Orders of $25,000 or more will continue to be approved by the City Commission via Commission Memorandwns prior to final processing. 5. Information Technology, Property Management, and Fleet Management will generate change orders for their respective areas. E. Direct Payments: AU requests for Direct Payments must comply with the City of Miami Beach Policies and Procedures for requests for direct payments. All Direct Payments under $1,000 after being approved (signed) by the Department Division Director or authorized designee, are routed to the Finance Department, Accounts Payable Section, for review, approval, and payment processing, except that Direct Payments for grant or confiscation funds, travel or unbudgeted items are first approved by OMB. Direct Payments for payroll related deductions, transfers, etc., utility deposit refunds, and Petty Cash reimbursements to the Central Cashier are prepared in and retained by the Finance Department for processing. AU Direct Payments of$I,OOO or more (except payroll-related deductions, transfers, etc.) are first routed to OMB for review and approval. After approval, Direct Payments up to $25,000 are forwarded to the Finance Department's Accounts Payable Section for review, approval and processing. All Direct Payments greater than $25,000 are routed to the City Manager or designee for review and approval. After approval, these Direct Payments are forwarded to the Finance Department's Accounts Payable Section for review, approval and processing. Unless exempted in the City Code, the City Commission must approve before payments are made. New 712001 Page 3 of 4 Unless specifically exempted by the City Code, the final approval on all purchases for goods or services in excess of $25,000 will be the City Commission. F. Unauthorized Purchases: All unauthorized purchases (ordering and/or receiving of materials or services without the required prior City authorizations) is a violation of Chapter 2 of the City Code. All such violations will be reported by the Procurement Division in coordination with the Finance Department, to the Office of the City Manager with a copy to the Internal Auditor. The City Manager may request for Internal Audit to conduct a review of the unauthorized purchase. Except for emergency purchases, it shall be unlawful for any city officer or other person to order the purchase of any material or supplies or make any contract for municipal materials or supplies within the purview of the City Code other than through the Procurement Division, and the City shall not be bound by any purchase order or contract made contrary to the provisions in the City Code. Any purchase or contract made contrary to the provisions of this policy may not be approved and the City shall not be bound thereby. Except for purchases whereby the Direct Payment and the Small Purchase Order process is applicable, no goods or services will be ordered by any city employee unless a valid (i.e. signed by the Director of Procurement or hislher designee) Purchase Order or Standing Order has been issued. REFERENCE DOCUMENT: City of Miami Beach Code, Chapter 2, Administration Ordinance No. 2001-3290 CONTACT: Procurement Division 3'd Floor, City Hall Miami Beach, FL 33139 305.673.7495 PREPARED BY: ~t!k Procurement Director DEPARTMENTfDIVISION: Procurement Division APPROVED BY: '7nat; o<..f A,ac/(:>tt ~ ,,-ri.c~ Mayra iaz Buttacavoli Assistant City Manager APPROVED BY: ~' . ~O /~ ~ .,-- rge M. Gonzalez '6 City Manager New 712001 Page 4 of 4