97-22283 RESO RESOLUTION NO. 97-22283 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA APPROVING TEMPORARY BANNERS ON 17TH STREET FROM MERIDIAN AVENUE TO WASHINGTON AVENUE, AND WASHINGTON AVENUE FROM 17TH STREET TO DADE BOULEVARD PROMOTING THE LIPTON CHAMPIONSHIPS HELD IN KEY BISCAYNE AND ITS ASSOCIATED AWARDS EVENT TO BE HELD IN MIAMI BEACH. WHEREAS, the Lipton Championships, to be held in Key Biscayne from March 20th - :: Ot l, 1997, has come to be regarded nationally and internationally as one of the most important term s tournaments of the year, ranking behind Wimbledon and the U.S. Open; and WHEREAS, this ten day event draws thousands of people not only to Dade County, bnt 1 0 Miami Beach for lodging, dining, recreation and entertainment, and draws international med a attention; and WHEREAS, there will be an event in Miami Beach at the Jackie Gleason Theater held en March 19, 1997, the evening before the start of the Championships. The event, the 1996 A TP r"01 r and WTA Tour Awards Evening, will honor outstanding achievement in men's and worren s professional tennis; and WHEREAS, the Applicant will post a performance bond to ensure the removal of tl e banners the day after the special event and will ensure that any damage to light poles will t e repaired; and WHEREAS, the proposed banners will be located on 17th Street from Meridian Avenue 1 0 Washington Avenue and on Washington Avenue from 17th Street to Dade Boulevard and shaJ t e installed no earlier than March 17, 1997 and removed no later than April 1, 1997; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 9-3.CA of the Zoning Ordinance, the right to install, ,.s well as the number, location, and method of installation of banners in the public right-of-way s subject to approval by the City Commission; and WHEREAS, the City of Miami Beach will receive positive publicity, nationally ar d internationally, as a result of the upcoming Lipton Championships. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND C[T'~ COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA that the application t~.)r temporary banners requested by the Applicant as set forth herein is approved. PASSED and ADOPTED THIS day of 1997. '......"- ATTEST: ~ 0 L.M.d- ~tU~ CITY CLERK APPROVED}S TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECunON 1/)( fJaA,1j~ City Attorney \--':;'-;1.) Date 2 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. -.:J 3- C, 1 TO: FROM: Mayor Seymour Gelber and Memben of the City Commission DATE: February 5, 1991 1..,fI,;f Jose Garcia-Pedrosa City Manager j, A RESOLUTION ~APPROVING THE INSTALLATION OF LIGHT POL 13: BANNERS FOR THE LIPTON CHAMPIONSHIPS SUBJECT: RECOMMENDATION The Administration recommends that the City Commission approve the placement of banner~ f( r the Lipton Championships, as requested by the applicant, in the City of Miami Beach. Howeve', we would recommend only the following locations as acceptable for placement given that th;;: only official event in Miami Beach with regard to the tournament will be held at the Jada;;: Gleason Theater for the Perfonning Arts: 17th Street (Meridian Avenue to Washington Avenlle; and Washington Avenue (17th Street to Dade Boulevard). It is recommended, further, that th~ subject banners be no greater in size than 3 'x7' and that installation occur no earlier than Marc 1 17, 1997 (a few days prior to the commencement of the tournament and the special event at th.~ Jackie Gleason Theater) and removal by April 1, 1997 (the day after the event has conclud;;:d . BACKGROUND The Lipton Tennis Championships, to be held in Key Biscayne from March 20th -- 30th, 1~'9~, have come to be regarded nationally and internationally as one of the most important teJlni, tournaments of the year, ranking behind Wimbledon and the U.S. Open. This event drm) thousands of people not only to Dade County, but to Miami Beach for lodging, dining, recrea:io 1 and entertainment. Needless to say, the ten-day event also draws international media attention In particular, there will be an event in Miami Beach at the Jackie Gleason Theater held on th.~ evening before the start of the championships. The event, the 1996 A TP Tour and WT A 1 ou .~ Awards Evening, will be honoring outstanding achievement in men's and women's professiond tennis. The event will be emceed by Comedian Dennis Miller and has been given the inforn~ I name "Tennis By Dennis"; there will be celebrities on hand to present the awards (see attach,~d:. AGENDA ITEM (11J~ 2-~.~(Ll 1 DATE ANALYSIS The proposed banners, in addition to promoting the Championships which will immedi~tel y follow the awards program at the Jackie Gleason Theater, should give the tournament appropria' e recognition for its importance to the entire area, including Miami Beach. The Zoning Ordinance requires that the City Commission approve the installation of temporal Y banners, pursuant to Section 9-3.CA which reads, in part: 4. Light Pole Banners a:ffixed to light poles or other similar structures on the pu blit;; right-of-way shall be subject to the following regulations: a. The right to install, as well as the number, location and method (f installation of banners shall be subject to the Design Review process ani approved by the City Commission and the Public Works Department e. Banners announcing special events either to be held in Miami Beach or t) be associated in some manner with Miami Beach, as determined by th.~ City Commission, may be erected up to thirty days prior to the event bein.~ announced and must be removed within seven days after said event. f. A performance bond shall be required to ensure the removal of the banner;; in case of advanced deterioration of the banners, or if a dangelou3 condition presents itself, the City may at its sole discretion direct th.~ banners to be removed at any time. If approval is granted, the proposed banners are recommended to be installed no earlier tha 1 March 17, 1997 and removed no later than April 1, 1997. CONCLUSION The Administration has concluded the Commission should approve the installation of light pol.: banners for the Lipton Championships for the area near the Jackie Gleason Theater for th.: Performing Arts. The ATP Tour and WTA Tour Awards program being held in Miami Beac:l this ~ ~art of the Lipton Championships, warrants such as approval JG~~~ct 2