Red rope folder contentsJUNE 26, 2001 CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP MEETING FOLDER 1s'r FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM CONTENTS Agenda Time certain Supplemental Materials Speaker's list Invocator memo Presentations & Awards list Addendum Second Addendure Notice of closed executive session Afteraction Consent-Originals manilia folder Regular-Originals Redevelopmerit Agency Agenda materials Handouts folder Lobbyist Log (See Handouts Folder) Public Hearing Notice Ads Audio Cassettes - originals & meetin{, notes in folder CDiseontinued~ Redrope files ! of / CD Burned - (See CD File by Commission date) Original Contents list to City Clerk FOLDERPREPARED BY: '~La~~ REVIEWED BY: ~/d~ DATE: / F:\CLERX.$ALL'xLILLYXCONTENTS,FLDX2001\062601CO.WKSHPFLD.DOC