Passport Points received 3/20/09Dale 3('0.209 T~me~ 520.78 PA1 Page 2 of 2 Fpm Miaml Passport Mency 305-939J68' To. 040340 March 20, 2009 ~~`- - .-._-.~-~. LONGER ,_ .<.~ ~. APPLICATION PROCESSING'1'1MI1S! ,_, ~~ URGENT O LODGER APPLICATION PROCESSING TINES Until further notice, current passport application processing times are as follows: O Routine Processing: At least FOIJR ~~~EEKS from the date of application at your Acceptance Facility. Expedite Processing: Approximately 2-31~'EEKS N door to door, when the customer requests, aiad pays for, two-way overnight delivery to mail the passport application from your Facility to the Loclchox via overnight mail, and for the Passport Agency to mail the passport to the customer via overnight mail. If you har•e any questions, please forn'ard them ~'ia a-mail to the Miami Passport Agency's Customer Sen ice'Ieam at: NliamiAF;ii;Statc.GoT- 'Miami Passport agency Tale 3/<02709 Timz: 520:78 Ptd gage 1 cf 2 FtCm' Niami Passport Agery 3C5-539~3F,61 To 040347 March 20, 2009 ..,......-.~ .:...a, s .~,. >ixYCnl'I'>ill sr~ttvtcN: ~ st /' ~'`_ ~~ WHEN TO RECOMMEND EXPEDITED SERVICE AND OVERNIGIIT 1V1AU, O AcceptanceAgents must recommend expedited service and ovcrui~ht mail service when a customer is traveiint? within the next six weeks. How do ~~ou do this? For expedited sen•ice, you must charge the customer an additional S6(l, and include this amount in the check made out to the U.S. Department of State. You ask the customer to pay $1-4.85 for the Passport Agenc}• to overnight mail the passpat•t to the customer, and also include that t'ee in the check made out to the U.S. Department of State. lt'your Facility is able to offer Express Flail service, you asl: the customer to pay your Facility S17.50 to overnight mail fheir passport application to the Lockbox. H For wpeditcd apptic•ytions we stroneh urge you to ask the customer to at least n'iv the S1~ RS for the I'sssport Agency to overnight mail the ~•tssnort to the customer. Why do this? 1. The passport wilt arrive foster at the customer's address 2. The package is traceable, in case the passport is not received 3. It saves the Acceptance Facility time and trouble. If you have any questions, please forward them viu a-mail to the Yliami Passport Agency's Customer Service Team at: VliamiAF;a';Statc.Cov ~'liami Passport Agency