2009-3625 Ordinance (3),T OO y_ 36zS Plannino Boartl version endeq that the sections of this odinance may be renumbered o reletlered to aaomplish such intention; and that the woM "ordinance" may be changedrlo "section" or otM1er appropriate woN. SECTION 6. Seve2bility. If any section, subsection, clause or provision of [his OMinance Is M1eltl invaliQ the remaintler shall not be aRecletl by such Invalidity. SECTION 5. Effective Da[a. This OMinance shall take effect ten tlays following atloption. PASSED and ADOPTED thls 28th tlay of aamary 2op9.-.' ~T- MAYOR PT Ej ST: ~ ~ ~ naeci xerrera aoWer ~~~An~(~(ti, QA. CITY CLERK Robert Percher First Reatlin9; ORM AND LANGUAGE Sewntl Reatling: & FOR EXECUTION 12 1 Oy Vedtied by: City AROrney Date rge . G nez, AICP tanning Director Untlerecpre denotes new language SkiYMhreegh denotes tleleted language F:\PLPMfPLBWnII oNlnence¢tl001-M ppl W~ aLOlaplll-mavmp Au4eaoNmanm I2) drc 60f4