LTC 076-2009 Initiatives to Expedite Walk-thru Plan Review Processp r-n._ I V ~'I 2U99'iAF 25 PM 12~ 00 m MIAMIBEACH CITY t~_h,,>pFf 12t OFFICE OF THE CnY MANAGER No. t.TC a me-zoDS LETTER TO COMMISSION io: Mayor Mani Hertere Bower antl Members oRhe City Commission FROM Jorge M. Gonzalez, Ciry ManagerC~~ DAiE. Mach 24, 2009 `~ SUBIEC4. Initiatives tc Expedite W elk-LM1m Plan Review Process The Building Development Process Task Force, In its effort m wntinually optimize plan ew process, will be Implementing two IniGaVVea to banar serve our customer These 'initiatives ere: the 24 hr walk-thin and a new queuing system for plan review walk-ihm. 24 M1r WaIk4M1ro Process Currently, our customers have two options on how to get their plans review through the Building Development Process, Iha Drop-OR end the Walk-Thin systems. The plans that qualiryfor the walk-Lhro system are for small jobs and revisions to largerjob ihatwill take lesslhan 15 minutes to reviewpereach Vale. NI otherlobs are required M be Drop-Off. We are looking to implement a LhIN altemaHVe to provitle a tlifferen[ service option to our customers. The new alternative, Ihatwe are calling the `26 M1rwalk-Lhru Drocess"will allow customers, whose permits qualifyforawalk-Lhm, the option [o dropoffiheir plans end pick- Lhem up the following day This progremis intended to provitle an expedi[etl service foramalljobs. Wewill be testing this program tludng s pilot phase starting on March 30, 2009. PM1ase 1-Pilot Phase W e will first statl with a pilot phase that has the following resbictions: • Homeowners-Wewill inidallyecceplonly permitapplicedons from homeowners,es per Ne guitlellnes currently In effect to Brent homeowners pdodry in the aftamoon hours. Maximum of 5 drop-oRS per tlay will be acceptetl • Drop-oR time'. Before 1 30pm; (if after 1:30 pm they can pick it up in 2 business aayaj • Plck up time: afler3 pm fhe following business day • 2 cepies of the plans will be required We are Imposing these limitations on the pilot progrem to ensure we can tleliver on our promise b tleliver Ste plans in 24 hours. W e will mn the pilot phase for epProximately two monms. Phase II- Implementation of 24hr walk-thm Besetl cn the results of the pilot phase, we will adapt Pie parameters forthe permenent24hr walk-thm process. We will evaluate options such as increasing the number of plans ecceptetl pardey, expantling the program to accept smell projects, varying tlmp ofiantl pick up times, etc. New ~ueulna Svabm:OMB The wrrent queuing system utilizetl for managing the walk-thm process is very dgitl antl tloes not provitle for a Vansparent process as to where you are In the process. It tloes not Showell wstomare thetare still gentling foreach tllscipline's plan review, Rtlces notprovide the information forthe section Chieh to atljust staRlevels tlepentling on work IoaQ nordoes it allow for an Intlividual to be in multiple queues et the same time. Untlerstentling these limitations, during ourmeeting with the professional Plans F~petlitare, they rewmmentled Uat we Icok at the system utilized by the City of Miami. We have assessed their system antl will be modifying to meet the Ciry's security requirements. As part of this system, we will place large monitors in the lobby area showing the tliRerent queues. This will make the process more vansperent for customers, and avoitl having customers wontletlng where they stentl in the queue. Both initla0ves will reduceme amountof time the cuslomerweits, antl allow tlepartmenra b more effectively menage time antl available resources. TMs, in turn, will Improve tum arountl time and ultimately make the City of Miami Beech more of business Mentlly. If you have any questions, please let me know. JMGIAR srm~enwuarcoaaro mmawe:w eveait. elan aaaaw a,~~. m mo m MIAMI BEACH i0~9HGR 25 ~IT,~,.I,~ PH 12r 00 :dh~fa( office of me c1v rnnnAC[n no. I-rcu me-zoos LETTER TO COMMISSION i0. Mayor Matti Hertel Bower antl Members ofNe City Commission feOM: Jove M. Gonzalez, Ciry Manager hA>E March 24, 2009 ~~ SUB1ECi: InitiaGVes to Expetlite Welk-thm Plan Review Process The Building Development Process Task Force, in its effort to contlnually optimize plan aw process, will be implementing two Inifatives to benar serve our customer. These initiatives are: Me 24 hr walk-thru antl a new queuing system for plan review walk-mm. 26 br Walk-TM1ru Process Currently, our customers have two options on how to get their plans review through Me Building Development Process, the Drop-Off antl the Welk-Thm systems. Tha plans Mat qualify for Me walk-thre system are for small jobs and revisions to largerjob thatwill take leas than 15 minutes to review pereach trade. All otherjobs are required [o be Drop Ofi. We are looking to implement a tbiM sltemative to provide a tlifferenl service option to our customers. Tha new elternafve, Matwe are calling the R4 hrwalk-Mre process will allow ustomers, whose permits qualifyforewalk-Ihre, the option to tlrop-off 0eirplans antl pick- 0em up the following day. This progremia intentletl to pmNde an expetlited service forsmalljobs. Wewill be testing Mls program tlurin9 a pilot phase starting on March 30, 2e09. Phase 1-Pilot Phase Wewill first start wiM a pilot phase Mat has Me following restricrions'. • Homeowners-Wewill initiallyaccept only permitapplimtionsirom homeownars,as per the guitlelines currently in effect to Brent homeowners priority in the afternoon M1curs. Maximum of 5 tlropoffs per tlay will be accepted • Dropoff tlme: Before 1:30pm; (R attar 1:30 pm 0ey can Pick it up in 2 business days) • Pick up time: aker3 pm Me following business day • 2 copies of the plans will be requiretl We are imposing these limitations on the pilot progrem to ensure we can deliver on our promise to tlel'wer the plans in 24 hours. We will mn me pilot phase for approximately two months. Phase I I- Imolementalion of 24M1r walk-ihm Based on the results ofihe pilot phase, wawill atlaptthe parametersfortlie permanent24M1r walk-mm process. We will evaluate options such as increasing iM1a number of plans aaepted perdey, expantling the program to accept small projects, varying drop otteM pick up times, etc. New I]ueuinq Sntem:OMB The wrrent queuing system utilized for managing Pie walk-iM1m process is vary dgitl and tloes not provide for a imnsparent prowss es to where you are In me process. It does not showall customers [het ere still pending foreech tliscipline's plan review, i[dces notprovitle the information foriM1a section Chefs ro adjust stettlevels depending on work load nordoes it allow far an individual to be in multiple queues at the same time. Untlerstantling iM1ese limitations, during ourmeeting with the professional Plans Expediters, they recommended that we look at the sysrBm utilized by dre City of Miami. We M1ave assessetl iM1eir system and will be modifying to meet the Citys sewdry requirements. As pad of this system, we will place large monitors in the lobby area showing the different queues. This will make the process more transparent for wstomem, entl avoid having wstame5 WOndedng Where they Sidnd In the gUEUa. Both initiatjvea will reduce iM1e amount of time the customerwaits, and allow tlepadments to re effectively manage time and available resources. TMs, in turn, will improve tum around fime and ultimately make the City of Miami BeacM1 more of business fdentlly. H you have any questions, please let me know. JMGIAR e~ms~vsuucrcoauTC i~wenue,m symiream~ aeue« vroo~:~ ea<