LTC 077-2009 Arts For Learning presents "Brilliance on the Beach"RE,"rlu'c!1 m MIAMIBEACH 2O09M~RZ5 fniz:oo GIi 1' CL ~.:SS i:fFlLl oFHCL of rite cm MaNaceR No. LTC x gTi-T°09 LETTER TO COMMISSION io: Mayor Matti Herrera BPWer entl Membersofthe Ciry Commission FROM. Jorye M. Gomakz, City Meneger DaiE~ March 19, 2gW SuBIEQ: Arta Far Learning precenta "Brilliances on the BeacM1" Aa you know the CM of Miami BeacM1 entl Cultural Arts Countil contract with Arta For Learning to pmvitle erlsaduwtion programain Miami Beach preschools, currimlum-based arts programs in our elementary and hgh schools, entl efier-school all summarcamp arts Gasses at our sMOOIa entl parks. To cekbrak entl showcase ik seven-year history M programming in Miami BeacM1, Ada For Learning will presets"Bnllianoa pn tM1e BeacM1"Aprtl 1 arts 2 entl the Miami Beach Botanical Garden. "Brilliance on tM1e Beach" will includesamples ofsWtleM pedortnances, iMegretetl learning unik, and ertpieceacreatetl tram 2002 to the presets. The axhibitwill indudephotogrePM1S, peinbngs, swlptures and pertormanw. On Wetlneatlay, April 1, at 9:30 e.m. and again at 3 p.m., Arts Far Learning will hoot field tdpato the exhibkfor 120 curtent Miami Beech program participenk. On Thursday, Aprt12, from fi p.m. urdil g p.m.. tharewill be an offdal "Opening NgM,"flea entl open to the public, teaturtrg aWtleM drummers, art woM1a entl IigM refresM1meMS in the Gallen. 1 urge you [o make time to celebrate our youths"'Bdlliance on the Beach" April t entl 2 M tM1e Boteniwl Garden. JMGMMFMkA€2f C: Hilda M. Fernantlez, AasiataM City Manager Max A. Sklaq Tourism and Cuhutal Development Direclar Gary Fermeq Guttural Affaire Pmgrem Manager