LTC 076-2009 Initiatives to Expedite Walk-thru Plan Review Process (2)~F{1.-1VFi;
1009IiAR 25 PH 12~ 00
io: Mayor Madi Herrere Bower antl Members of the city Commission
EeoM: Jaye M. Gonzalez, city Managerc~
oAie. March 26, 2009 ~\
SUB1ECi: Initiatives to Expedite Walk-Yhm Plan Review Process
The Builtling Development Process Task Force, In its effort to centinuelly optimize plan
review process, will be implementing Wo initiatives b beRer serve our customer. These
initiatives are: Ne 24 hr walk-thy and a new queuing system for plan review walk-thm.
2d hr Welk-Thru Process
Cmrantly, our customers have two options on how to get their plans review through Ne
Builtling Development Process, the Drop-IXf antl the Welk-Thru systems.
The plans [hat qualifyfcr the walk-thy system are for small jobs antl reviaions to layerjob
ihatwill take less than 15 minutes to review pereach trade. All etherjobs are required b be
We ere looking to implement a tM1IN altematlve to provitle a different sernce option b our
usmmars. The new eltemative. tha[we ere calling ihe'24 hr walk-thy process'will allow
customers, whose permits qualifyforewalk-drru, the option todrop-off theirplens and pick-
tltem up the following day.
This program is intended to provitle an expetlitetl service forsmalljobs. We will be tearing
This progrem during a pilot phase starting on March 30, 2008.
Phase i-Pilot Phase
W e will first start witlt a pilot phaae that has the following rearricfions:
• Homeowners-We will initlallyacceptonlypertnitapPlicefionafmm homeowners,es
per the guidelines curtently In eRect to grant homeowners priority in the afiemoon
Maximum of 5 tlropoRS per tlay will be accepted
• OropoR time: Before 1:30pm; (if after 1 30 pm [hey can pick i[ up in 2 businesa
• Plck up time: afier3 pm the following business tlay
• 2 cepies of the plans will be required
We are imposing these limitations on the pilot progrem to ensure we can deliver on our
prom se to deliver the plans in 24 boon;. We will mn the pilot phase for approximately two
Phase II- Implementation of 24hrwalk-thm
Based on 0e results of me pilot phase, wewill adaptthe perametemfor[he permanent24hr
walk-Wm process. We will evaluate options such as increasing the number of plans
acceptetl pertlay, expanding the progrem to accept small projeds, varying tlrop oRand pick
up limas, etc.
Naw l]aeulnq Svstem: FMB
The current queuing system utilired for managing the walk-thm process is very rigid antl
tloes not provitle for a pansparenl process as to where you are in the process. I[ tloes not
shnW ell wstOmers that are 5[111 pentling fOraaCh dI3Gpl0E s pdn reVIBW, I[doBB nOt prOVltle
the information for[he section Chiefs to adlust staRlevels tlepentling on woM1 loatl, nortloes
i[ allow for an intlivitlusl b be in multiple queues at the same time.
Understanding these limitations, during ourmeetlng with the professional Plana Expediters,
they recemmentletl Bret we look at the system udlizetl by Ne Ciry of Miami. We have
escessetl their system and will be modifying to meet the Ciry's sewriry requirements.
As pert of this system, wewill place large monitors in the lobby area showing the tllfferent
queuea. This will make the process more transparent for Customers, antl avoitl having
customers wondering where they stand In the queue.
Both Initiativeswillreriuce the amount of time [M1e wstomerwaits, and allowtlepartmen[s to
more eRectlvely manage time antl available resources. This, in tom, will improve Nm
arountl time and ultimately make the City of Miami Beach more of business frientlly
If you have any questions, please le[ me know.
FkmgtlEPLLLLTGO3\LTG Inlatlaeab Evpplb Plan ReNw pmm¢¢Ndx