Ad #527 Notice of City Commission Workshop Meeting z~ m M~AN1I BAH CITY :OF MIAIVII BEACH NOTICE OF CITY GOMM~SSION INQRKSHOP ME-EYING NOTICE IS HEREBY. ;given -that the City Commission of the City of Nfiarni Beach, Florida, will .hold _a Workshop Meeting on Wednesday, March 25, 2009, at-2:00 p.m, in the Commission Chambers, 3'd floor, City Hall, 1700 Convention Center.-Drive,.. Miami .Beach, Florida for a discussion 'relative to he City's: Pension Plans. AH interested parties are invited fo attend. InquEries concerning this item .should be directed to Ramiro Inguanzo, Humari ;Resources Department at (305) 673-7520.:. _ Robert -Parcher, City Clerk City of Miami Beach To- request this material -- in accessible format, sign language I interpreters, information on access for _persons with disabilities, and/ , or any aECOm~modation to review any document or participate in -any city-sponsored .proceeding, please contact. 305-604-2489 (voice) or 305-673-7218 (TT1~ ..five- days in .advance to initiate your request. TTY users -may also call 711 (Florida Relay Service).. Ad #527