Letter from Brian Tague, Tew CardenasTEW • CARDENAS l.la> 1.. .~ - _ ~ L '~,P NIAVI ~ TA LL.1H Ae SCL ~ NA9NIFCTON llC Ftr,pund In: BLian Ta;;uc Ititecl: 13aci Sib-N130 L-mail: nTfuacelua.~n nt I°. ru FI OOk I L4I nlllf \tI.L A+~"YVUE '•d Lt All fl i)kil)n 33131 :'.4117 13U9.93F.1112 6 'SOh.S3f:. 111(. tv'larch 31, 2009 Cite of \liami Beach 1?00 Convention Ccotcr 1)t'ive ~9iami Beach, Florida 33139 :\1ut: Tint liernstrenl Scott Robins Companies, Inc. i'urdv ParotersL)L) L.I.C' 149 Purdy Partners, L.LC' Bav Koad Fanners, LLC' 230 Piftlt Street Tv'liami Beach, Florida 33139 ;1ttn: Scott Robins Re: A~reclnent (the''.~greement") by and bebveen City of \~9iami Beach ("City") and Scott Robins ('oropanics, 6tc., Purdy Partncrsl9L) LLC, 1 fi~9 Purdy Manners, LLC as partially :tssi,~ncd to Bay Road Varutcrs, LLC (all collectively "Seller"1. All capitalized tents used herein without being dclined )rave the meanings ascribed to Ihern in the agreement. Ladies and Cicntlcnten: 1'Ve herehy confirm out' agreement to act as Gscro+~• Agent in connection ++ilh the First Closing of the Agreement on the tet'ms and conditions specified in This letter. 14'e hereby ackno++•led~c receipt of the C'anccllation of Memorandum ("Cancellation") esecutcd by City and Seller, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A. )f the Financing Contingency is oot satisfied and the Agreement is turntinatcd pursutuu to Section 8.1(d)and such terntinution is not tendered void, Escrow Agent shall record the Cancellation in the Public Records of Riiami-llade Cottnly- Florida simultaneously with the closing that occurs pursuant to Section S.1(d)(i)(y) or Section 3.1(d)(i)(,z) of the Agreement, +vhichever is applicable; provided, however. if prior w recording the Cancellation Gset'ow Agent receives ++ritrou notice Goat either City or any entity complisin~ Scllet' oot to record the Cancellation. then and in that event Escrow At~enl shall continue to hold the Cancellation until such time as either: i} C'ily and Seller.loinlly instruct Escrow Agent in +vrilin~ specifying+a~hat kt do with the Cancellation: or ii) a court having.lurisdiction has issued a final non-appealable order' iusuucting Nscrow :lecltt what to do with the C'anccllation. ~lotwiths4mdine anything to the contrary Escro+m' A~enr may al any tints elect to deposit the Cancellation +a ilh a coon of competutt jurisdiction and commence an action for interplcader, the costs ul' which will he home equally by City and Seller. City and Seller shall reimburse Lscrow' :Agent for all atu)ntcys' fees and court cost, incurred by Escrow ;Agent in connection lhere+vith. Upon Lsctti+v Agent tal.ing of any of the actions in accordance ++'ilh the iustruetious specified ahc» a (cithor (i) or (ii)) or i f Escrow :Agent shat l commence an action for inter)tlcader Lscrow• Agent shall be released fi'om xll obligations hereunder. a) Lscrow Agent is acting as a depository only and is not. responsible or liable in any nt.nmer whatsoever for the sufficiency, eorrcctness. genuineness or validity ofany inslnununt deposited wish it or any notice or demand g ivun to it or for the form of execution of such inshuutent. notice or dcntand, or tot' the idenli fication, authority or rights ofany person executing, depositing or' giving the same or lix the tetras and conditions of arty insu'untent, pursuant lu +vhich the parties Wray act. h) Escro+v Agent shall nut have any duties or respousibilitics; cxcopt thoso set forth in this liscrow Agreement and shall not incur any liability in acting upon any signature; notice, dcntand, request, waiver, consent; receipt or other paper or docurrtcnt believed by Escro+v Agent to be a~cnuinc. Cscro+v Agent may assurnc that arty pet'sou purporting to give it airy notice on behalf ofany party in aecot'dance with [he provisions hereof has been duly authorized to do so, or is othet~+ise acting or failing to act under ibis Fscro+v :lgrocment except in the case of Fscro+v' ;'lgeut's gross negli_ence or willlul misconduct. A'c'ithoul limiting the ,~cncralitY of any of the foregoin, Lscrow Agent shall not. he liable li)r any loss of damage resullin~ 1-tom the lollowiug: (1) The eflcct of the hausaction underlying this escrow of of any element. of that transaction, including without limitation, the financial status or insoh-cnc_~' of any other party, and anv utisrepresentation made by any other party. (Z) Any legal effect, insufticicncy, or undesirability of any instrument deposited with or delivered by Fscruw Agent or exchanged by the panics hereunder'. whedter or not Fscro+v ;~~~ettt pt'cpared such inslruntcnt. (Z) Che default, crTOr, action or omission ofany party to the esct'ow. (4) Csct'oty Agent's compliance ++•ith arty Iegal process, subpoena; writs. orders, .judgutents and decree ofany court wdtelher issued with or without jurisdiction and whether or not eottscquently vacated, nu)dilicd, sot aside or reversed. c) The ternts and provisions of this Fscrow :ya-ceanent shall create no right in anp• person, lirm or corporation other than the patties hereto and their respective successors and pennitled assigns and no Hurd party shall have the right to ctitorce or benefit from the terms hereof. d) Escrow Agent has executed this Gscro+v Agrewnent far the sole purpose of agreeing to act as escrow' agent in accordance with the touts Of this Hscrow :lgreutnent and the terms of the 1~~recntcut. c) This escrow agreement may be signed iu one or more countcepau'ts. each of which shall he dcented an original, but all of which together shall constitute one original document. 'I'r.w ('.aleurx ~; LLP 123:69 I Four Sca>.n;lewcr. lth floor, Iltl Rr:ckcll A~c:tuc.\lounti. Pfurida iU?I~?4U?•pi-;,ib~l li^_ :\ddilionally, lacsimilz signatures on counlelparts of this escro\v agreement are hzreby authorized and shall be acknom~icdecd as if such facsimile si~mauu-es were an original execution. [) Escrow Agent is Icgal zounsel to City. Lt the event of any 1iti~ation behvccn City and Seller, Iacrow Aeent shall be entitled to rzprescnt City, and Seller hereby waives the rigPlt to file auv objection thereto arising from this letter or Escro\v :\gcnt's services hereunder. g~ \oticc shall he effective upon receipt if dclir°cred to the parties at the addrzsses set I~,rth abovz. Tf you agree \vith the terms and provisions ol'this Gscro\v A~eement. please ackno\\iedgc your agreement by executing in the space provided Fizlow and returning a copy of this letter to the undcrsicned via facsirnilc. Very truly yours, n 1'ague For the Firnt SF.I:I.F,R: SC:U'1"i' ItOBI~`S C'OWP.aVIIrS, IVC., a Flot'ida corporation By: - Scott Rubins. President Pi:RDI PAR1'NLRS, i.I:C a Florida limitzd liability company By: Purdy Partners S12C. T.T:C'. Niauagir Scott Robins, b'lanavin~~ ~~icmbcr fSi;{mNtrrr~~ rnxtiuue err tlr. ~Ollp rt ll!; pag,;! Tru~ G~aur.nas LLP 52'_'169_ I Fero Sea>one Tower. 19th Plaoe 1441 Driekcll Ac, nnc. Miamr, I IoriJa 33151-i40? • :P<-S:G-1112 (:$lquano~ea• (~onrinerr~(,1irn» En~c•tivauro p(rgej APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE tk FOR ELUTION ,cam %~ ~tii, 3 zip tf~ - It rney ate PI!RllY' I';~RT\L•:Rti 1919, 1:LC s Florida limited liability company 13y: Purity Partner's 1919 SRC', LLC. Manager 13v: Scutt Rubins, \4anaging 1`lcmbcr IR49 PCRI)1' PAR1:Vb:RS, LLC a Florida limited liability company Bv: PurdY Yaruiers 1 b49 SRC, LLC. DTanagcr B ~•: -- Scott Rubins, ~'Iana~inc J~lembcr AAY RQ:~D P:`,K'fnF.RS, LLC a Flot'ida limited liability company l;v: Bav Itoael Partners SRC. LLL' B v: Scow Robins, ~Tanaging \4embcr CI'f Y: CITY OF ~71AMI 13lJACH, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation oftltc Slalc oI Florida A'1"fF:ST: Tew Cnl(oFV.~i I.LP i'_?tfi9 I fi+u(ticuwus Tour:. ISOr rlonr,!Jil l3ris&:II A~cruc...\li:lnu,I'iorida ?tl it-tJU7•j0i-51(,-Ill_'