Cancellation of Memorandum of AgreementThis document prepared by and when recorded return fa btanin A. ScMvartz, Fsy. Bilrin Bamberg Bacna Price R Axelrod LLP 200 South Biscayne Boulevard. Suite 2100 M1liami. FL 33131 C:L~iGFLLATI01\ OF NIFI\fOR:1VDL!~'I OF AGI2F>;M>:1\T A Memorandum of Agrccmcnt ("1,4cmorandum~') bctwccn SC07"1' ROBINS COM1]PAKIF.S. NC., PT'RDY PART~IF.RS, LLC and 1849 PTJRDY P.ARTNF.RS, LLC, BAY ROAD P.4RTNF.RS, I:LC and B.AY ROAD OLITPARCF.T. PARTKF.RS, LLC (collectively -`Seller") and CITY OF 1`dlAl\U BEACH ("Purchaser'). dated iltarch _, 2009, was recorded in Official Records Book ,Page ,Public Records, Miami-Dade County, hlorida, ht order that third parties should have notice of the rights and oblications of Scllcr and Purchaser pursuant to a certain utvecordcd Agrccmcnt (' :~grecmenr') bctwccn Scllcr and Purchaser, dated llcccmbcr 23, 2008, for the purchase and sale of an interest in the property described in Exhibit A (`.Properly")- Purchaser and Seller aeree that the Memorandum shall be deemed cancelled and terminated. V [Signature pages follow] A4f Al11 I'67!(.` 2 iS29330?96 1N WITNESS t\'TTFRF.OF, this Cancellation of Nicmorandum of Agreement has been executed as of this day of . 20 WITNESSES: SELLF,R: SCOT"l' ROBINS COD~IPAIV'IES, INC., Sigm a Florida corporation Print Tame 13v: Sign Scott Robins, President Print Tame (As w all parties constituting Scllcl•) P(JRDY PARTNERS, LLC Ry: Purdy Partners SRC', LLC, Manager Rv: Scott Robins; Managing Member iR49 PURDY P.4RTNF.RS, LLC I3y: Purdy Partners 1849 SRC, LLC Manager Scott Kobins, Managing ~~icmbcr BAY R0:1D PARTNERS, LLC Scott Robins, ~~ianager BAY ROAD OU7-PARCEL PARTNERS, LLC By: Scott Robins, Nlanagcr bIl:U~II I?63667.2 ?8293?0?962 ~1'ITNTSSFS: CITY Sign CITY OF >\iI.4~'II BEACH, FLUKillA, a Print Name _.__ municipal corporation of th ~ S[atc of Florida Sign _ By: Print Name ATTES (:1s to City) ,~,{, ~ ~ ~~ ~~1 APPROVED AS TO FORM 8~ LANGUAGE aA FO CUTION by ey Dat s r:\ rE of FLORTDA COl1N'rY OF Mli\\41-ll:\llE SS: The foregoing instrument teas acknot+Icdgcd bcforc tnc this day of 2009. by Scott Robins, as President of Scott Robins Companies, Ina, a Florida corporation, on behalf of said corporation. He is personally known to me or has produced a State of Florida driver's license as identification. Sign Namc: ___- - -- Print Name: h1y Commission L'xpires: NOTARY PT:BLIC Serial No. (none; i f blank): STATE OF FT.ORID.A ) SS: COUNTY OF NIl!L\~Il-llADri ) [NOTARY SEAL] The loregoing instrument was acknowledged bcforc me this __ -_ day of 2009, by Scott Robins, as Managing ~4embcr of f urdy Partners SRC, LLC, (vlanascr of Purdy Partners, LLC:, a Florida limited liabiliq company, on behalf of said limited liability companies. He is personally known to me or has produced a Si<~te of Florida driver's license as identi ficatian. Sign Name Print Name: My Commission Expires: NOTARY PLJBT_TC Serial No. (none, if blatilc): ~NO'1'i1RY SEAL] S7';\T'G OP FLORIDA ) SS: COUN'T'Y OF M1AM1-ll:'\DE 1 The foregoing instrurncnt was acknowlcd~cd bcforc me this day of , 2009, by Scott Robins, as 1•danager of Bay Road Partners, LLC. a Florida limited liability company, on behalf of said limited liability companies. He is personally known to me or has produced a State of Florida driver's license as identification. Sign Name: Print Name: My Commission Expires: NOT:IRY PUBLIC Serial No. (none, if blank): [NO`rARY SEAT.] STATE OF FLORiD.4 } SS: COUNTY OP MIAD4I-I)ADF. ) The li~rcgoing instnuucnt was acknowledged before me this day of 2009; by Scott Robins, as Manager of 13ay Koad Outparcel Partners, I,LC, a Florida limited liability company, on behall~ofsaid limited liability companies. IIe is personally known to me or has produced a State of Florida driver's license as identification. \fy Commission F_.xpires: Sien Name: Yrurt N acne: NO'1't1KY PUBLIC Serial No. (none, iY blank): [VOTARY SF..4I. 'x29;3u'v6; s r:~ rL of r• 1,oR1U a ~ ~ ss cociyTY• ol•• ~i1nn~11-ll:wL 1•he foregoing instrument was ackno+vledged bclorc me this day of .2009 by as of the City of Miami Beach, a municipal corporation, att behalf oY' such corporation, who is personally kno~+n to me or who has produced a driver's liacnse as identification. Notan Public-State of Florida bfy commission expires: ST.ATF. OP I'L(_)Klll:1 SS: CC)UNTI' OF hIl:1A41-ll.ADF j The li>'regoin~~ ~~as acknowledged before me this ~,yth day of March. 30(19 bt \4atti H. Bower. as \4ayor of the Cii~' of ~diarni Reach. a municipal corporation of the State of Fhrrida. an behalf of such nunicipa) corpor•<uion. She is pcrsoually latow'n to me or has produced a Florida driver's license ;ts identification. ~, ~~. !'~A ~ ~._ SI~Y,n ~Iilnte: 'L: ~ vhf.-/L~.i-~._~___ __________ h l'lnt vante: ,'1~~ YrI/ ~"^~'r ~'7?~'~~_~' ~_ 1yOfatY PlJ>3L[C. S~LATF QF FLOK1U:A Priut i;ante: ~t~ ., , r ; ~ l ~ ; ,~--'>»~/e My Commission Lxpires: ~t/.rr ~; i~~~N ~'."•< KEFlRV HFfMUHp(:z +~ ~'<' tAYCOGIt.IISSgNk D~62CJ75 ?`a,` EXPIRES:61ay3,2prr '~kL~f.•°+'` asoee n.~rtnrv v~m+e voa,,.rc c~-r ~:r t F.XHIBI'I' A Le~:d Description n~u:~rou i?taerr: ~xzv;;uv~,o