First Amendment to AgreementFIRST ANIENllMEN'i' 'I'O AGREEMENT THIS FIRST ANIENll~1EN'I "i'O A(GKEL•'lv1Ei\1' ("Atendment") dated \~tarch 30, 2009 is csccutcd by and bcrivicen SCO'1"1' ROBINS COAiPA>\~ES, INC:., a Florida corporation ("SKC"). Pl:Klll' PARTNERS, LLC', a Florida limited liability company, and 1849 PiJRDY 1'r1R'I'NERS, LLC:, a Florida limited liability annpam• (collectively, "Seller"), BAY ROAD P:~RTNERS, LLC:, a Florida limited liability company ("BRP"), RAY ROAD OiJTPARCF.L P:',RTNGRS, LLC, a Florida limited liability company ("Outpareel"), PURDY PARTNERS 1919, I:LC, a Florida limited liability company ("1919"), and CITY OF AIIAAII BEACH, a municipal corporation ("Cih~"). RF.CITAI.S A. Seller, 1919 and Cih entered into an agreement dated December l5 and l6, 2008 ("Agreement") for the acquisition by City of propet~ty described in the Aereement; R. The Agreement indicated that SRC' had an option to acquire premises referred to as the 1'rcmont Parcel. SRC. exercised its option to acquire the Tremont Parcel vtd agreed to acquire the Tremont Parcel. C. SKC's rights to acquire the Tremont Parcel were assigned to BRP and BRP assumed SRCs lights and obligations under the Agreement with respect to the Tremont Parcel. D. 1919 was hr<ulvertently included as a seller in the Agreement but does not ow•n any ol'the I:and constituting the Project. L. Seller desires to provide for partial assigmments of the purchase agreement ("Tremont Purchase Agreement") resulting Irom the exercise of the option under the Tremont Option Contract. F. BRP and City intend to cater into a declaration of condominium {"T7eclaralion") with respect to that portion of the Tremont Parcel {"Tremont ~~lain Parcel") that does not include the SRC Tremont Parcel. G. The capitalized teens used in this Amendment and not otherwise defined shall have the meaning indicated in the Agreement. NOI~', THF.RF.FORF, the parties have agreed to modify and supplement the Agreement as described below. 1. Release of 1919. The Agreement is moditlcd by removing 1919 as a Seller. 1919 is released and relieved of all obligations and liability under the Agreement as if 1919 were never a party to the Agreement. 2. BRP Assumption and Rcnrescntations. BRP assumes all of the obligations of Seller contained in the Agrectncnt with respect to the Tremont Parcel. BRP joins in the At1:1b11 I ^e~2J9G.a ?82v ~ 0'9G i:01 N11 representations and toarrantics of Scllcr contained in Section 4 of the Agreement as if BRP were named as Scllcr in the Agreement. BRP represents and warrants that it is a Florida limited liabilin• company in which Scott Robins indirectly holds a 50°/n equity interest and in which Scott Robins is a manager. SRC acknowledges that the foregoing assumption does not release SRC T'rom any of its obligations under the Agreement. 3. Partial :1ssignments of Tremont Purchase Attreemenl. On or bcforc the hirst Closing, BRP agrees arrange fir the City to acquire a 65% interest in the 1Ycmont ~9ain Parcel. On or bcforc the Pirst Closure. BRP agrees to partially assign to Outparcel its tights under the Tremont Purchase agreement to acquire the SRC Tremont Parcel. 4. Declaration of Condominium. At the Fu•st Closing siuniltaneously with dre acquisition of title by City and BRP to the Tremont \•fain Parcel, City and BRP agree to enter into the Declaration in limn acceptable to City and BRP uudcr which the Cit` will hold a unit on the Tremont Again Parcel cauntcucing on the air rights above an elevation of 20.8 feet to an elevation of 500 feet and BRP will hold a unit tiOnr ground level to an elevation of 20.8 1cet. Following the Second Closing and the completion of as-built plots for the Yrojcct. Citt~ and BRP will enter into an amendment to the Declaration to (i) adjust the dimensions of each of their units on the lvtain Tremont Parcel su they are consistent with the description of the ownership interests in the Yrojcct indicated iu the plans approved by the City fat• a 458 space garage per the Design Review Board Pile To. 21861 and the Planning Board File No. I R96 and (ii) expand the size of the utrils created by the Declaration over the halance of the Land. ~. Failure of Financinf': ContinQencv. In the event the Pinvtcing Contingency is not satislicd and the Agreement is terminated, BRP and City agree to enter into a termination of the condominium created by the Declaration. In addition, if Seller has elected to convey to Cily the Tremont Parcel in accordance with Section 8.l(d)(i)(4) of the Agrcctnettt, BRC and Outparccl shall convey their respoctivc interests in the "Tremont. Parcel to City. G. Amcndmcnt to Declaration. The parties agree that the Dccl.•tration of Condominium xvill be amended following the Second Closing to reflect the reconfiguration of the Units, the addition of additional property to the condominium and such additional changes as the Parties may agree upon. 7. Counterparts. '!'his agreement may be executed in hvo or more counterparts, each of.vhich shall be deemed an original, but all ol'which xa•ill constitute the same instrument. 8. Full Force and Effect. Gxccpt as specifically modified by this Amcndmcnt, the Agreement shall remain umnodified and in ILII fitrce and etli;ct. /The remai+eder nJ'page inte+uinnrrfly !cf! blank) (.SigncNares appear on next paged \~IIAt`4l I?72JQG.d 7829330796 5,01 PM IN ~T~•'iTNF.SS ~4'Hi:RF()I~, [he parties have caused this :amendment to he executed on the date(s) hereinafter set fofKh. SeLLLx: SCO'1'1' ROBINS COVIP:~NiF.S, INC., a Florida cofporation Bv: Scott Robins, President PllRDY PAR"CNERS, LLC By: Purdy Partners SRC; LLC, Manager Scott Robins. Managing Member 1849 PURDY PAK1'NI:RS, LLC By: Purdy Partners 1849 SRC, LLC, Manager By: Scott Robins, Managing Member Date: BRP: BAY ROAD PARTNERS, LLC Scot Robins, ~lanagcr (Tlac renxrrnder njpage rnlentinnallc (efr Afankf (Signanrrrc amlhara on ei;xt puy;eJ !.f 1:1A~11 1 T?QiGA ?8'.9330796 Y01 PM OUTP.4RCF.L.: 13AT KOAD OUTP:1RCEL PARTNEKS, LLC Jay: Scott Kobins. Manager 1919: PLIRDY PAK'1'NEKS 1919, LLC Ry: Purdy Partners 1919 SRC, T.T.C, tvlanager 13v: Scott Kobins, y'tanaging Member ~1LADif I?7214G.~1 '829330i9(i x:01 ITt clTV: CITY OF 11IIAi~i1 BT;ACH, Fi.O1ZIllA, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida i t3y: A'I'TF.ST: R~'- ~SF..4I,) APPROVED A3 TO FORM & LANGUAGE Il FOR CUTION / v ~' ~ Z b 6' C Oa ~n.~nn irzaae.o ~sz~33o;~c> :.n rut