Special Warranty DeedThis Document 1'repnred Ry
EJwant Le~uson. F.y.
40' Lincoln Rd I'h F
bh;uni Beach, Florida 3 i i 39-3t>2
Afar recording mturn [o:
Brian P. 1'ague, P.A.
'I'cw Carcleoas, I,I.P
1441 ltrickell Avenue
four Seasons Toner- I51}r Floor
t`•liumr. FL 3i 111
sP>~:cia>L waiuian
THIS SPECIAL N'ARK.4N['1" llEEll dated as of lllll9 bctw•cen
EDWIN F. GOVZALEL and GRACE GU:VLALEL, husband and wife, having an address at
10295 Collins Avenue, Unit ?02. I3al }larbour, Florida 33114 ("Grantor"), and CI'I'1' UP
1\ilA(\II BEACH, a municipal corporation having an address at I?U0 Convention Ccntor Drive,
Tv~liami Butch, FL 33131 ("Ciq~") as to an undivided 65°~ intcrest and I3AY ROAD
P:IRTVF.RS, LLC, a Florida limited liability company having an address at 230 5'{' Strecl,
Miami Beach. FI. 33139 ("Bay Road"j, as to an undivided 35°:fr intcrest, as Tenants in Common..
(City and Ray Road, collectively, "Grantee").
~;'I'fhiF:SSETH that Grantor, lirr and in consideration of the swn of Ten ($10.0(1) Dollars, and
other good and valuable considcralions to Grantor in hand paid by Grantee, the receipt and
sufticiencv of which is hereby acknowledged, grants. bargains. sells and conveys to Granite, and
Grantee's heirs and assigns forever. the land, situate, lying and being in Niiami-Dade County,
Florida, more particularly described on the attached Exhibit "A" ("Properly"):
The Parcel ldentitication (folio) #: Portion of 02323301203fi0.
(VOTC TU T~iX ASSESSOR: Division of /,arrtULot Split F'irra! Order recorded Derenrfier 1
2U08 in OJficitrl Records Kook 1hb69, Page 14913, Afimrri-Dade Cnwrtj; FL.
TOGETHER Wfl'll (i) any and all structures and improvements on the Property; and
(ii) all cascntcnts, ri~Jtts of way, privileges, licenses, appwtenances and other rights and benefits
belonging to, ruruting with the owner of or in any ta•ay related to the Properly.
TO HAVE AVll'CU IIULD, the same in fee simple litrever.
SI:K.JEC'T TO: real estate taxes for 2009 and subscqucnt years, zoning and other
restrictions, regulations and prohibitions imposed by govermnental authorities, and the matters
set forth in Exhibit "B" attached hc-rcto (collectively "Pcrntitted Exceptions") without intent to
reimpose the same.
;AND Grantor covenants with Grantee shat Grantor is lawfully seised of•the Property in
fee simple; that Grantor has good riJtt and la~a•hd authorih• to sell and convey the Property; that
Grantor warrants the title to the Property and will defend the Brune against the law[id claims of
others claiming by, through or under Grantor, except fir claims arising from the Permitted
L xceptions.
Special \1'arranty Decd - ~1B-BRI' Main Parcel t'2
D9arch 2S, 2009
Grantor has executed this lleed as of the date indicated above.
Signed, scaled and delivered
in the presence of: (as to all signaRires)
Sign Name:
Witness ~l EU~YI~ F. GOV'l,ALE7.
Piinl Name:
Sign Namc: _
~'4`itncss ?Z
Print Namc:
COtiI\Tl' OF D11:11\11-U:1UF. )
Tltc foregoing instrument teas acknowledged beti>re me this _ day of , ?UU9, by
EDV1'IV F. CONZ:~LF.7, and GRACE GUNLrU.F.7.. They arc personally Imown to me or
have provided _ as idenliiicalion (.rlrike oueJ.
Sign ?Namc:
Print Namc _
h1y Commission Expires: NO'fAILY PUBLIC, STATE OP rLOR1DA
Serial Nu.(None, if blank): _ JNO 1'ARIAI. SEALJ
Special Warranty Died - b713-E;RP h~isin Parcel V2
[,larch '?5, ?009
1•;\HiSiT "A"
(Main Parcel)
All of Lot 1 and Lot 2, Less the North four (4) feet of the East 112 of said Lot
2, Block 14-A, ISL:~ND ~'IE~~' ADDITION, according to the plat thereof, as
recorded in Plat Book 9 at Page 144, and together with the East U2 of Lot 7
and all of Lot 8, Block 14, 1•IIE ALTON 6E:~CH REALTY COAiPANY'S
PLAT OF ISL:IND VIL•'~i' SLBDI~'ISION, according to the plat thereof, as
recorded in Plat Book 6 at Page 115, both being recorded in the Public
Records of Nliami-Dade C,ount~', Florida.
Special Warranty Deed - b1li-BRP n7ain Parcel V'?
n~larch zs. aoo~~
F;XHIBIT ~~a°°
I. Matters set forth on the plat of :1LTOK BEACIi RF,.4i.TY COh"iP:1NY'S PLAT OF
ISi..AND 1'IL1'~' SUBlll1'1S10N, as recorded in Plat Book 6, Page 115.
2. Mariers set li~rih on the plat of ISLAND VILW ADll1710N, as recorded in Plat Book 9,
Page 144.
3. Urder of the C'it; of tv"liami Beach Design Rcvicw Board recorded in Official Records
Book 26626, Pagc 2828.
4. Terms and conditions set forth in that certain Conditional Use Permit recorded December
2, 2008 in Official Accords Book 26669, Pagc 2501.
NU1'L': Division of LandiLot Split Final Order recorded December 2, 200R in Official
Accords Book 26669, Pagc 2498.
All References are W the Official Public Records of iv4iami-Dade County, Florida
Special W4irranty Dzzd - NlB-BAP Alain Parcel 1•'2
March 2?, 2009