Bill of SaleBILL OF SALE
(~L~1\ I'.4RCE1.)
EDVI'1V F. GUN'!_:U,F:'7, and GRACE GUVL:1LE'/,, husband and tails having an address at
10295 Collins .4venuc, Unit ?U2, Bal Harbour, Florida 33154 ("Seller"), for and in consideration of
the sum ol'S l O.UU and other good and valuable consideration paid by CITT OF ~'IIA~ll BE:1CIl, a
municipal corporation having an address at l7UU Convention Center Drive, lvtiami Beach, FI. 3313 I
("C'ity") as to an undivided 65°6, interost and 6:1Y KOAD P:1I2TV ERS, LLC, a Florida limited
liabilih company having an address at 230 ~°i Street. it4iarni Beach, FL 33139 ("13ay Road"), as to an
undivided ;5", u interest, as Tcnanls in C onnnon, (City and Bay Road, urllectively, "Buyer"), receipt
and sufficiency of which is acknowledged, grants, bargains, sells, transfers, assigns and delivers to
Buyer, Buyer's heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns, all of the goads, chattels and
personal property ("Personalty")and Intangible Pnrpcrty duscribcd bclota rclatingto the real property
situate, lying and being in fv1iami-Dade County, Florida, and legally described on Exhibit ":1"
attached hereto-
List of Personalty and Intangible Property:
1) All Fencing and Gates:
2) all assignable consents, authorizations, variances, waivers, certi licalcs ofoecupancy, permits,
govcrnntcntal approvals, orders, licenses or other govcnuncntal or private authorizations
with respect to the Pmpcrt}; and
3) all assignable architectural mechanical. engineering and other plans and specifications,
including final as built plans and speciticatiuns, and surveys, percolation, arvirorwtental soil.
topographical and traffic studies and tests relating to the Property or otherwise prepared in
arnnectiun with the construction thereof-
TO HAVF. AND TO HOLD the same tirrever-
AND Seller covenants with Buyer, Buyer's heirs. personal representatives, successors and
assigns, that: Scllcr is the lawful owner of the Personalty and httangiblc Property: the Personalty and
lnlangiblc Property is tree 1TOm all encumbrances; Seller has good right to sell 41c Personalty and
Intangible Pn>perty; and Scllcr will warrant and defend the salt of the Personalty and httangible
Propcrt}• to Buyer, Buyer's heir, personal representatives, successors and assisats, against the laavfiil
claims and dcnutnds of all persons whomsoever-
Hill of Sale- Mn-nRP Stain Parcel v2
March 25, 2009
Seller has csccutcd this instrument. as of the day of , 2UU9
Signed, scaled and delivered
in the presence uf: (as to all signatures)
Sign ~lamc: _ __ -
Witness #) EDWIN F. GOV%AI.F,7.
Ptinl T\amc;
Sign Vamc: _
1~4'ilness S2
Print i\ame:
COUV'1'Y' OF 11'ILAJ11-DAllE )
Tltc foregoing instrument was ackno~~•ledgcd before me this _ day of , 2UUJ, by
EDWIN N. GON7_ALEZ and GRACE COVZALE'L.'Chey are personally known to me or have
provided _ as identification (slake wvc%.
Sign Name:
Print Vamc: _ _
My Commission C•xpires: VO'I ARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIb:1
Serial Vo.(Vone, ifblank): ~1\O.1',1RIAI. SEAL
Bill or S.Jc- AfB-BRI' 11am I'arccl v2
nl~~~~l~ ~s. ~oo~
EXIIIBI'1' ":~"
All of Lot 1 and Lot 2, less the \orth four (4) feet of the East 112 of said Lot 2,
Block 14-;1, ISLAND VIEW ADDITION, according to the plat thereof, as
recorded in Plat Book 9 at Page 144, and together with the East 112 of Lot 7 and
all of Lot 8, Block 14,1-Ilb: AI:I'O1 BEACH RGAI; l'Y COAIP:INY'S PLAT OF
ISLANU VIE~i' SI;BDIVISIO\, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat
Book 6 at Pagc 115, both being recorded in the Public Records of Miami-Dade
Count, Florida.
k3il! ol~Salc- ~1 t3-IiRP Main 1'arccl V2
t,4arch ?5, ?009