Memorandum of Lease and Notice of Non-ResponsibilityPrepared by: vid
\4rIlEN RECO12llLD A•L1Il. TU:
SKC I'ropenies. LLC'
230 Fifth Slrtot
A9iami Beach. Flo+ida '>3L9
M1IF.M1'iOR;1NDi!M11 OF LI?:15F:
NO'ilCl? Oh NO\-12ES!'ONS1B1L1'1'Y
TINS M1iF.M012:1NllC~1 ON' LEASE AGRM:};~7f:V I' is made and entered into as of
2UU9, by and bchvtcn R;~1'" KO;1D PARTNERS, LLC., a Ploritia limited
liability company ("Landlord"), and TRF.~IONT TOYING, INC. a Florida Corporation ("Tenant").
Date of Lease: , 2009.
Descriptirnt of
Demised Premises: 1'onions of 130-1916 Ray Road, A•1iami Reach. Florida 33139
Sec Legal Description on Exhibit "A"
'form: Two (2) years, commencing on the dart Ilse Lease is Cully-+:xcculcd by
Landlord and "Cenanl, wish nu Uptiuu lu Exltud the Lcasc. T'hc Luuc
provides an "E;'UtLY 'fEkD~tIN;1Tld)N OPTION", uhith tcnn ,hall
ntcan that L:wdlord shall have the right to terminate this lease by
providing Tenant no less than thirty (30) days adeanced n•ritten notice
for anv reason whatsoever.
Notwithstanding anything comaincd in the Lcasc lu the contr+ry,
Landlord shall have lht right lu terninate the Lcasc and Tenant's
occupant} rights in and to the Premises pursuant to the Early
1'crntinatiun Option, with ++ritten notice to Tenant. On or before the
expiration of such 30 day period, Tenant shall vacate all portions of the
Premises and remove all vehicles and personalty of Ttuanl thercfi-um,
and Rent shall he proralal Ihruugh Lhe date of Tenant's vacation of lht
b9echanic's Liens: "I'he I:ease specificalh provides thal'1'enant shall keep the Premises, al
all tinter, free of mechanic's lien, and other liens for labor; sen ices nr
material purchased or procured, diroctly or indirectly, by or fur 7'cnanl.
Notice of"
Non-Responsibility: :111 persons are put upon notice of the 1i+ci that the 'l'cnam under no
circurnslanccs shall have the power to subject the interest of Landlord in
the Premises to any mechanic's or malcrialmcn's lien or liens of any kind.
rUl persons v+•ho hereafter; during the life of the Lease. may furnish
~9emorandum of Lcasc- Tremont
work, services, or materials lu the Premises upon the request or order of
the Tenant or any person claiming under, by, or through the 7 cnanl, must
look ++•holh to the interest of [he Tenant and not to Iha1 of the landlord.
Tenant co+enants and agrees with Landlord that Tenant shall not pernrit
or suffer to have filed or claimed against the interest of Landlord in the
Premises during the continuance of this Lease any lien or liens of any
kind by any person claiming under, by, through or against the "Tenant;
and if any such lien is claimed or filed, it shall be the doh of the Tenant,
within Ice (10) calendar clays after the claim of lien or suit claiming a
lien has been filed, to cause the promises lu be released from such claim
either through payment or bonding with corporate surety ur through the
deposit into court, pursuant to statute, of the necessary sums of money,
or in any other way that ,hall e1'tect the release of rite T,andlurd's interest.
in the Premises from such claim. Landlord shall have [he ri;ht to come
upon the Premises to post notices of Landlord's non-responsibility.
'1'hc purpose of this Dicmurandum of Lease is to give record notice of the Lease and of the rights
created thereby and of the specific teens herciu, all of +vhich arc hereby confirmed.
'this Alemorandum is for informational purposes only and nothing contained herein shall be
deemed to in vty way modify or otherwise atlect any of the terms and conditions of the I:ease, the teens
of which are incorporated herein by rcfcrcuce. 'i'bis instrument is merely a Memorandum of the Ixase
and is subject to all of the teens, provisions and conditions of the Lease_ In the event of any
inconsistency bchvecn Iho terms of the Lcasc and Ibis instnrrncnl, the terms ul'Ihc Lcasc shall prevail.
The rights and obligations set forth herein shall be binding upon and inuro lu the bcneGl of the
panics heroto and their respective hcin, personal representatives, successors and assigns. Ibis
Dlcrnor<rmlum of Lcasc shall expire by its u+vn tcnus of record, unless sooner tcr-rnimttcd in writing by
Landlord or unless extended by the mutual written agreement o1'the parties.
IN \1'ITNIiSS WIIBILLOb', the parties have executed this Dlemonmdum of Lease as of the dates
set fonh in their respective acknowled~mtcnts.
Sierrcd, scaled and delivered
in the presence ol: 1.:~NDLURD:
I3;`,l` R0:1D P;~RTNF:RS, LLC.,
a Florida limited liability company
(As to "L.ANllLUKll") Scull Robiua. Manager
I'12EMU\'1"1'UV1'ING, INC., a Florida Corporation
_ k3v:
~d+vin Gonzalez, President
Rletnor<tndum of Lcasc- Tremont
3; 2(ir20(19
(N07:ARY ACKN04\`L1aG(,1PN7'S :117'ACH~ '1'O
COUNT']' OF ~ILaJ\11-A:1.DF,
1 HEREBY" CERTTPI' that on this day. before me, an officer duly: authorized in the State
afurosaid aad in the County aforesaid to take acknowledgnrents, the foregoing insinunent was
ackrtow•Icdged heli~re me by Scott Robins, a, Afanager of Bay Road Properties; LLC. Ile is personally
knuc+•n to me or w•ho has produced as identification.
R'll'XIiSS my hand and otiicial seal in the Couuq and Sfalc lasl aforesaid Ihis _day of
. 2009.
M19y Conunission Expires: Nol:+ry Public
Name of Notarv Public
COCN'1'1' UN' n11AMl-D:~T)F.
I IIliR1iBY CER711•'y' Ihal on this dav, before me, an ollicur duly authorised in Lhe State
aforesaid and in the County aforesaid lu take acknowledgments, the ft+rcguing instrument was
acknowledged before me by Edwin Gunr:slcz, as President of "Tremont Tnwin~, LLC. Ile is personalh
known to nre ur ~x:ho has produced as identification.
~VfIT1ESS nq hand and official seal in the County and Slate last aforesaid this __day of
fly Corrtmission Expires: \ulary Public
Name of Notary Public
Memorandum of Lcasc- Tremont
LEC AL ll>rscluY'r)oN rltEnilsEs
That certain Commercial Condominium Llnit desa•ibcd as The SRC Unit of the YURll]'
AVENUE CUM~IERCI:IL CUNUU~IINIl;A9, according to the lleclaradon of
Condominium Thereof' recorded in the YubGc Records of Miami-Dade County, Florida
simultaneously herewith, together with an undivided interest in the common elements
thereof, which is a commercial condonunium of a parcel of vacant land located adjacent to
the Building and more particularly described as follows:
:UI of Lot 1 and I,ot 2, Lcss the North fow• (4) feM of the Fast 1l2 of said Lot 2, Black 14-:1,
ISL:IND ~'IN;W' AUUI'f1ON, acaarding to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 9 at
Page 144, and together with the Fast 112 of Lot 7 and all of Lot R, Block 14, THE ALTON
the plat thereof, as recorded in Ylat Book 6 at Page 115, both being recorded in the Public
Records of 3'iiami-Dade Counh', Florida.
The above described perimetrical boundary being below clevalion 20.80 feet, relative to the
rational Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929.
Together with:
The first floor of the Building Located at 1916 Ray Road, Aliami Beach, FI. 33139 and
situated on read property legally described as:
The Fast lit of Lot 3, anct the North four (4) feet of the I+;ast 1/2 of Lot 2, Block 14-A,
ISL.CND VIEW' ADDITION, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Rook 9 at
Page 144, of the Public Records of D'liami-Dade Counh•, N'lorida.
A9emoranclum of I:casc- Tremont
3i 26.`2009