Assignment of ContractAsslcNn~t r:~~r o>=~°r
POK VALl1F. RECEIVED, SCO'1'I' ROBINS COh11'AN11-;S, 1NC., having an address at
230 ?"' Sn-eet, Miami Bt:ach, Florida 31139 (".assignor") assigns to BAY RO:\D PARTNERS,
LLC, having an address at 33U ~~ Street, Miami Beach, Florida :3139 ("~\ssigrtec") all of the
right, title and interest of Assignor in and to that certain Clption Agreement and .Addendum li?r
Commercial Contract dated Junc Z8, 2U07 ("C'onn•act") executed by and behveen F.dwin F.
Gonzalez and Grace Gonzalez, as seller, and ,4ssi~mor, as purchaser; relating to prerniscs
described in Exhibit ":\", including, without limitation, all of .Assignor's rights in and to all
deposits made under the Contract.
TO H:1VE AND 'I'O HOLD the saruc to Assignee, Assignee's heirs, personal
representatives, successors and assi~ms li?rcvcr.
Assignor represents, watrants and covenants that as of this dale of this .Assignment; (i)
the Contract is in i'ull li?rcc and effect, (ii) Assignor has not previously assigned or encumbered
its interest in the Contract and Assignor holds all of the rights of purchaser under the Contract
and (iii) Assignor has fhll right and authority to make this .assigtnnenl.
:1ND Assignee accepts the fi?regoing assigunent and assumes all of the obligations of
Assignor tinder the Contract.
IN \VITNF.SS \VHEREOF, this Assignment has been executed as oC this 24'x' day of
March, 2UU9.
Scott Robins,l'resident
B:\Y RUAll l'AR'l'NF.RS. I.LC
ExiilsrT ~~:a~~
The East 112 of Lot 7 and All of Lot 8. Block 14 of the ALTON BEACH REALTY COMPANY'S PLAT OF
ISLAND VIEW SUBDIVISION, as recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 115. of the Public Records of Miami-
Dade County. Florida, and the East tr'2 of Lol 3 and all of Lots 1 and 2, Block 14A, of ISLAND VIEW
ADDITION, as recorded in Plat Book 9, Page 144, of the Public Records of Miami-Dade County, Florida.
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