Direction Instructions to Seller Re Deeding of Main ParcelDIREC7lOV INS"TRL'~C'TIOVti TU tiELLER RE llEEI)IVG OF ~l:\11\ P;\RCEL BAY RUAD P:1R'1'VEKS, LI,C, having an address ut 230 5`~' Street, Miami Bcach, Florida 33139 ("Purchaser") us .Assig~iee of the rights of I'urchuser under that certain Uption A~•ectnent and Addendum for Commercial Contract dated June 2S, 2007 ("Conn-act") executed by and bena•een Edwin P. Gonzalez and Grace Gonzalez, as "Seller", and Scott Robins Companies, hie., as purchaser, relating to premises described in the attached Exhibit "A" (the Mail P.vcd") and Exhibit "B" (the "Building Parcel"), hereby directs and instntets Seller to decd and convey at Closing under the Contract the plain Parcel to itself, BAY ROAD PARTNERS, LLC. having an address at 230 5°i Strcct, Miami Bcach, Florida 33139, as to an undivided 3~°.u interest, and to the CITY OF D'IIAb1I BEACH ("City") having an address at 1700 Convention Cen[er Drive, 1•liami Beach, FL 13131, as to an undivided 6~?•b interest, as 'Tenants in Common. Purchaser, as Assi~tor. has simultaneously also partially assigned the Contract with aspect to 4tc Building Parecl (including the Deposit under the Contract") to its wholly owned subsidiary, Bay Road Outparccl Partners, LLC. Purchaser and the City shall have no interest in the Building Parcel nor the Contract as it relates to solely the Building Parcel. 'This instrument is not intended to he an assignment ol- the Contract nor any portion thereof to the City, nor an assumption, implied or otherwise, by the City of any obligations of the Purchaser under the Contact. All such obligations shall remain with Purchaser, and as applicable, Bay Koad Uutparcel Partners, LLC, respectively. The Purchase Price und~7 the Contract a]localed to the Main Parcel is Iv R~ITNESS \~'HCRC•OP, this assignment has been executed as of this day oti X009. Pl!RCI1ASElt: BAY RUAll PAR CNERS, LLC Scott Kobins, President Direction Letter to Seller rc plain Parecl ] 3124 2009 E\IIIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF A'IAIN PARCEL :VI of Lot 1 and Lot 2, Less the Norlh four (4j feet of the East 112 of said Lot 2, Block 14-A, 1SL:1NU VIE~i' AUllI"PION, according to the plat thereof, us recorded in Plat Book 9 ut Page 144, and together Frith the East 1/2 of Lot 7 and all of Lot 8, Block 14, THE ALTON BEACH KEAL'1'Y COMPANI"S 1'LA'T OF ISLAND VIEV1' SiIBDIVISION, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Ylat Kook 6 at Page 115, both being recorded in the Public Records of'Vliami-Dade County, Elorida. Direction Letter to Seller re Tv1ain Parecl l 3''2412009 H;AHIBiT "B" (Legal llescription of Kuildin~ Parcep The Fast 112 of Lot 3, and the North four (4) feet of the East 112 of Lot 2, Klock 14-A, 15L:~ND VIF,~~' ADDITION, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Kook 9 at Page 144, of the Public Records of ;Lliami-Dade County, Florida. llirection Luster to Seller re ~'[ain Parccl 1 3,'?=1:2009