Affidavit of Continuous Marriage'T'his Document Prepared By Edward Levinson, Esq. 4U? Lincoln Rd Ph C• Miami Beach, Plorida.33139-3U' After recording return to: Brian P.'1'aguc, P.:1. 'I'ew Cardenas. LLP 14=41 Brickell Avenac Four Seasons 'l'ower - 1 nth Floor Miami, PL 331 3l AFFIDAVhI' OF COVTINIlUUS (Diain 1'arecq S'1':1'PE OF FLURIll:~ ) SS: CUl!N'1'1' OF MIAMI-1):~DE ) BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, personalh~ appeared ED~VI)\ F. GONZALEZ and (:K.•1CF C.oV"LALE%, husband and wife, who, being by me first duly sworn, on oath, delxnes and says thak i) Our names are EDV4`I'\ F. C017.ALEL and C;RACE GUVZALF:/., husband and wife. and we currently reside at IU29~ Collins Avenue, Unit ?U2, Bat I iarbour, Florida 33 ]>4 ii) 43'c were marred prior to March ZU, 2000 and hetitrc the purchased the real properh~ described on the attached Eshibit "r1" (the "~dain Parcel") and rctinaincd married w each other continuously li•om our acquisition of the ~1ain Parcel until the date of this instrument. iii) \Ve acknow9edge that this instrument is bciug made to induce (i) the CITY Oh' ~~IIA)\7I BEACH, a municipal corporation having an address at 1?UU Convention Center l)tive, 1.9iami Beach, hl. 33131 ("City'") as to an undivided 6S°'u interest in the Rtain Parcel and B;1 V" ROAD PAK'ITBRS, LLC, a Florida limited liability company havinti an address at 23U 5°' Slrect, Aliatni Beach, FI, 33139 ("Bay Road"), as to an undivided 314-~ interest in the Nlain Parcel. as Tenants in Cormnon, (City attd Bay Koad, collectively, "Grantee") to part with valuable considcratiott and consummate the purchase of the ivlain Parcel, (ii) Chicago Title Insurance Corporation and its agent, Tcw Cardenas, LLP (collectively, the "Title Company"),the Grantee's title insurance company, to agree to issue title insurance policies and endorsements in connection with Grantee's interest in the A~isin Parcel, and that Gntntcc and Title Company are relying on the veracity of the contents of This instnunent. All matters set forth above arc truthtid and accurate. R%e agree w indemnify and hold harmless Grantee and Title Company, and their respective members, heirs, successors and assigns, from all claims, demands, actions, losses, liabilities, settlerncnts, judgments, damages, costs, ccpenses and fees (including, without limitation, attorneyti fees and costs at trial and upon appeal) that arise as a result of or in wrmection with the l:•tlsity or inaccuracy of any statc7ncnt made above or the breach of any representation or warranty made in this inst•ument. SIGNA'I'I:RF. PAGE FOLLOWS hpac-a<vxr o- _sw^rw:nu~=. nwtxir,:.a- ^^sz;.L~z a::xn~n:,acrn- raa sar r„~r: ?n.ceL ~._ Dated as of the _ day of ,ZUU9 Grantor has executed this Affidavit as of the date indicated above. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: (as to all signatures) Sign Namc: _ _- ~Vitness rl EDV1'IV F. (:UN%,U.E7, Print Natnc: GRACE GUV%ALEZ Sigh Name: _ __ Witness ~2 Print Name: STATE OF Fi,ORIDA ) } SS COI:NTY OF YIIAMI-DARE ) The foregoing instnunent was acknowledged before me this _ day of .ZUU9, by ED~~'1)\ H'. COl\ZALE7. and GItACI+; GONZALE%. They arc personally known to me or have provided as identification Lstrihe oneJ. Sign Natnc: Print Name: My Commission Expires: NOT:\RY• PU i3LiC, STa'1'E OF FLORIDA Serial No.(None. if blank): JNOTARIAI, st::1LJ ia'ilUX:'LT 06 !:C•NT_NVOU$ fG".RP.IAr,;g ;^DU.::LGZ- DL%L N`zh::k^9:.- 518 tiNP I4RTN P.Q!C(;L :•'2 ~~ulsrr ~:,~„ L1~~:G ~I. I)ESCRIY"fION OF ~'IAII~ PARCEL All of Lot l and Lot 2, Less the \orth four (4) feet of the Last U2 of said Lot 2, Klock 14-A, ISLAND VIL;W .4DDITION, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Kook 9 at Page 144, and together with the East 112 of Lot 7 and all of Lot 8, Block 14, THE ALTON BEACH RI:AI:I'Y CO~IPAVY'S PL:1T OF ISLA V U ~'IE~Y SU KUI<'ISION, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 6 at Page 115, both being recorded in the Public Records of Miami-Dade County, Florida. Al?_~A': ST O? C':%N71 N.:pUS 1JAIi.r1n.R-^,OS'Ll~L_'2- ?Ii.TIJ~AtCCEL- fi?-BAY KR:.`: ?i 2CEL v2