Island View Addition PB 9 P144 (2)v~. i ~~ ~~ ,a _I y ~_ I ~ I ~~ ~ y 1 I I I I I F ~e o. I I y® I ISLAND VIEW AUDI I Ivry .%~i PLAT BOOK 9 PAGE 144 ~.. ~ 9''~ I BTOt?V 91JP. UIKfi i~ - ~sd ~o :uu ~~.. VSi J a. Tl9 J 1: J' _ LOT 3 I 1 rFOUND 3/4" IRON PIN j82510RY DUn CiNG NO I,0. (3/17/09) TRUE CORNER- nI916 r sw. Cpana+u is a INACCESSIBLE FOUND I Ili ;1 (3/17/09) I 500,00^00"W $^ NO LD. /j (~', OOxC4n J vnrvc 1 I/ \ t Sll VAII & JI^,N ~"oxn Im «luA A w y I IIOA 0113 J MiNC55 1)FI•'2 ~ y I ~ ZC~ I lfn VF -~( '-~-~ ~ ~u Y L~T2 ~_. _.~~n° SET NAIL k DISK LB3653 (3/17/09) rcuNe o. nei ~~ I'v, , ~ N: Lo. ~'i 11 ~ A. 1/I K LJl a a C4NM'Nc axtt _ - __ - - - - - _ - _ - - '°` ~, ,' •-I xf5r PoWn V /MY J1 W XAV 9C..D ~~ _.i LOT 1 X LI:~ I,^J) PLAT BOOK 9 PAGE 744 _ _ _ - PLAT BOOK 6 PAGE 115 ••~ LOT 8 ~"v2 \fA t1 l1G r~r4 C60. er A. n _ € yid /U:NI PCIE ras C1.~ ~e~ Q ' ~ ^. / . \\ Nso°oo~oa~w 7s.oo~ / -.° 11`FOUNO REBAR FOUND 1/2" PIPE III NO LD. (3/17/09) x w- e I NO LD. (3/17/09) t° >. CCnrxx ~ I ! L 45T \ J O \•l~ I ~ APIW_l I II LOT 7 l EAST ,/', e: ~OT)_ I fi• [J o 0 o I o 1 , Z ~~ X,,~ fi l:n ] 6' nW GNN1xR CRQ° P,Ye~ f EL51 ' n. nVC - ' PE & CAPJ ~~~ ' P ~~~/ ~ SET 1/2 I i ~ L63653 (3/77/09) FOUND 1/2" PIPE- ~ ~~ ~ttl., ,/r erE eo`ew : s NO LD. (3/17/09) 1 I - T . :LNIw: wE51) sc cCYmEx cr lo, lJ no In I j LOT 6 I ~`, THE ALTON BEACH REALTY COMPANY'S I ~JI i PLAT PLAT BOOK 61PAGEUBDIVISION I I I I I I I I I I L' J ~ I i ~~ ss a4 I ss I sa I el eo I as I ax I a~ ae I / } ~ I I I I I I +'~ ~ a l6 ~~ I I Cs I I 1 I 00 • I I I I I I -+- "f0 "' 20TH STREET %9 R II W4Sw9 Z J• H P1.E IM Q w b l4 O 5 I 6 ~ O .1 Q -T--_- Z I " T___' W N U ,tq Q M1 O 7 1 W I R ~ I J9 0 J~- ~ -g 10~ J Q I T m ---- ~ z m v I a r~J1 • I I N 4a a ___ _ro-+-_-~ z' I -_--- _~__ "< t 1'tl J~ I `- I / rt ~ GRAPHIC: SCALE LOCATION SKETCH ;' N~; o t- io 60 Not To SOALE - - Q Q eF I ( IF FNE"I' ) g t inch = 30 tt. Q ~ gV I IFGAL DFSf'.RIPTI(M'TRFMONT LOWER PMCEL AI of Lct 1 and Lol 2, Lase the Yurbr lour (4) Ierl nl ;he Cas: 1/2 of said Lot 2. Dlock I4-A, O O „ i f- IS AND `n4W aDUrtION, according to tha slat Merecf, as recordec in Plat Bcok 9 m Poge 144, and = I together with the Eas! 1/2 0l Lol / and al ul Irl H, Hlnok r4, tnE A.SCN DCACH RCA"' COMPAM''S (7 P:AT C[ ISLAND VIE'N SUODIVISION, according fo :no plat hereof, as recordec In =pat Book G ct Poge I ~ I 115, bolo belrlg recc•Ced in lre I'u Dlic Keca•Ae a' N'~nr-ri-I?nAE Co'.rnfy, r orida. } U the aCOVe dasrlDee perir)ebi<:ul nu,.ndary yinrl be:wErr an elevation of 4.5 fccl and 20.9 IccL rc aim J , I to the National Geodetic 'vertical Octum of 1939. m '> M ~ I Sl1RVFYOR'S NOTFS LiJ a f ^< 'r ~R - -NS •le ties in Seclie^ 3J. township 53 Soutn, Rarg¢ 42 East. cay of N'ami Bear, Miaml Cede I Cowty, Flori<a. ~, - Pll ducu°'ents we ~ecwded in We P..Dlic liecard.: of Niam'-MArt County. Flo9dc dnlrt9s alhrtrwi9o rotod, ~ I ~ 1y - LO^d9 31rOwn hBf80n WOfO nOt aD9': aCtN' f0f P099Tbnt9 OnA/Of rlgllts-Vl-WVy VI rCCCrdY. 3T E I ~ f^i S - BCV'Ing9 Y'CICV" CrC rCICrrCd tV Crl UYY..mtd VCInC O' N nt)'rA'7~" ~ fOr the En9: IIQi'I Jf Way Ir1C Or ' " - d Sumel Ila•hour Dr ve (Parry Avem:E„ n^A nviornrcA by founA 3/4 rEn pin o^d fond reEOr. I ~r I ' 74+ Elevations shew^ ^ereon are relax ve to :ne YoGOnol GeCCetic Vertical I?alum of 979, Cose.A cn IAlurrri-Uude Cuu-ly Uench Murk Nc. C-100, hl.:vafinn + 11.C6 - Lads 'hown hcrCOn arc 19Ca:C< n Feder<I Floce Zcre AE ,E'. 9), Der Co^^murlly ~'a^el NP 120GJ7 0184 J. Gated Mor<h 2. 1994 and Index ~nup revise) :uly V, 199!i Daswd an /eAr.•al Er'argency IAUnagemen: Aqe^cy EWcd lusurance 12u1b Ilap an;1 arE rnlnf ivE :n holinnal Cencetic 'ICrIiC41 iCtarn al IS7S. - I],r"Rn5iEn3 IndICE:RC rBr4r Cr8 fiR'd mB08U/Bd Dy bCttrOnrC mCOYYrCrnC'1t. Ur1CYY VUIC'WIYb nV:CC. - Lond3 shown hereon contoiri ng 42,9,0 syuu•C tbe:, ar C.577 r.Eres, mom nr lEZ9. e~ - P i ' f i ! 0 000 C • C S I rec s .on o clocme :1 omme urvey. , c a ksa - Roof ove•hcng not Ioca:ec :,mass otherwise ehowu. I . - lYAergmund :mpr:fvE'-Cn19 and/Or UndE[gro..nd Caaf000hmCn;3 nOt 9nOwn UPIe99 Olnen,r 90 inCiCated. ~~ 9(MI :A WY cur eor« a Lege' CescAOtlc^ shown hereon Dosed on information •ur~ished by cienf. An u> - Vertird Aahrm inoica:ed ^trec- oar Ci;y's AttornOy. I I CCHfIFICAIIUN IU: CHICAGO IILt INSIiRANCt !:QNPANY BAY ROAD =ART\ERS. LLC. c Ficr"do nmi!ed IfabBity tampcny LES-~E RCNFR' iVA\S 4 AS.`SOC.IAIt S, P.A. ^H4RLE5 RATM1ER, P.A. ItW CAR :'. NAS IP I I SUHVtYUH'S CCHIIIICAIIUN'. v, e I neret>y cerli'y 4e:1 :4is 'Skrlch of Survny" won mctlc ~nccr my rC9DOnsiblc <ha^g¢ on North 17, 2009 and meets the V.'nimU^'~ (e::ln!tCl Sldndord9 09 get 'orth Dy the Ilorldc Ducrd ul Vrn'rss anal I Survbya•s and Mcyoers 'n CF apter 61G'7-D, florldc admiri9VClivC COdCE B'6~"4Ph tC section 472.027, >`f I FarlCa Stot~te9. v W W O U ~~ i Q ~ J u. 3 O Q f U 2 J Uo~ LU W s //Y/~~' ~/J ~ :J so- UCNi PCIE 1.b' RPE Y CU[r!F il- NI4R Yl llr • arlN W( IUIC W WARP 'iAL\[ 10. RMOVORnyI - U'i FA9N HLCi rL IVV_ nrvn tN - IV'nlll 1- L-ViY PRE ~'• iAMr'AVY R I!N.M - I~nC/ANI41 Iw 11 Rot - IIN[ N tVl ~ O ~ ~ 1'NaIA'l Q .['JYVLI I'MWLVI ^ - -)IN EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION: TREMONT LOWER PARCEL All of Lot 1 and lot 2, Less the North four (4) feet of the East 1/2 of said Lot 2, Block 14-A, ISLAND VIEW ADDITION, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 9 at Page 144, and together with the Easl 1/2 of Lot 7 and all of lot 8, Block 14, THE ALTON BEACH REALTY COMPANY'S PLAT OF ISLAND VIEW SUBDIVISION, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 6 at Page 115, both being recorded in the Public Records of Miami-Dade County, Florida. The above described perimetrical boundary lying between an elevation of 4.8 feet and 20.8 feet, relative to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929. SURVEYOR'S NOTES: - This site lies in Section 33, Township 53 South, Range 42 East, City of Miami Beach, Miami-Dade County, Florida. - Bearings hereon are referred to an assumed value of N 00'00'00" E for the Eost right of way line of Sunset Harbour Drive (Purdy Avenue). - Lands shown hereon containing 22.950 square feet, or 0.527 acres, more or less. - Lands shown hereon were not abstracted for eosemenls and/or rights-of-way of records. - This is not o "Land Survey" bul only a graphic depiction of the description shown hereon. - Dimensions shown hereon are based on Fortin, Leavy, Skiles, sketch #1009-018. - Vertical datum indicated hereon per City's Attorney. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION TO: CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY BAY ROAD PARTNERS, LLC, a Florida limited liability company LESLIE ROBERT EVANS & ASSOCIATES, P.A. CHARLES RATNER, P.A. TEW CARDENAS LLP I hereby certify that this °Sketch of Description" was made under my responsible charge on March 24, 2009, and meets the Minimum Technical Standards as set forth by the Florida Board of Professional Surveyors and Mappers in Chapter 61G17-6, Florida Administrative Code, pursuant to Section 472.027, Florida Statutes. "Nol valid wOhoul Ne signature and the original mixed seal of a Florida Licensed Surveyor and Mapper' FORTIN, LEAVY' SKILES, INC., LB3653 /' j / !' ~~ By ~ ~~~~/--,---------- i Ooniel C. Fortin, For The Firm Surveyor and Mapper, LS2853 State of Florida. "9 Bs' MAP LEGAL DESCRIPTION, NOTES, AND CERTIFICATION Date 3/24/09 . No. 09p17z Scele NOT TO SCALE IN L S D,.g. 1009-018 KI.LES, C. EAVY, FORTIN, R ,fob. No. pgp172 S CONSULT1NCi F.NCiTNEERS, SURVEYORS 8c MAPPE REV. i 09p2p1 Fi.ORiDA C: W' i'1'1FICATR OF AllTHORILA'1'ION NL1'MI)L•R: WUO%$y Dwg. No. 1009-01 1 1 BO NoObenst 16Ath. Stznro] !North Minmi IInncla. Ylor[dn. 33 1 62 ted: 3/24/09 9:340 Phone: 305--653-4493 %gax 305-651-7152:'lrmnil flxfu~flnaurvny.com Sheet 1 OI 3 N EXHIBIT "A" 6 G~APHI~ scaLE fl R raj ' H ~j6 I L0T4 (ur pEET ) ~_ I 1 Inch 10 tt ~ ~ I I 35.ar so.DO' ISLAND VIEW ADDITION 35.00' 35.00' ' RIGHT OF wnY RIGHT OF wAY PLAT BOOK 9 PAGE '144 1 RIG/IT OF WAY RIGHT OF wnY~ I O µ 9 I P PL e l ~ I OOOK 9 1 PLP CBOOK 9 1 P P GE PAGE 44 PAG I I I I LOT 3 I I I I I I S90='00'00"E 75.00' _ __ ~_ __ _~ I I I / ~ J ~ GAF TMLOr ~ S "E 75 00' ° ' N.w. ~~ . 90 00 00 W OF LOT 2 ~~{~. SOO°OO'OO"W ' g I ~ ryl 4.00 ~ I vm LOT 2 ~ I ~ ~$ I ~ I W N EAST T/2 OF LOT 2 O ~ ~ I I ~ _ -------- ~ ~~Q I I ~ W ® Qlo I WEST N ~ ~ E OF BAY ROAD U ~ ~ I I Q J W = } ~ 'p ~ LOT 1 } U I I I I o _ I ~ ^-' ~ o EAST PoOHT OF WAY UHE OF SUNSET HARBOUR OR V ~ Q ~ I a (Q -~ I E ! Z (PURDY A~FNUE) I - S T I ( OU H UNE F I j ~ e.IF O LOT 8 LOT 8 ~ I ~ I ~ ~ I p I I ~ _ f~j90'00'00"W 75.00' o ~ I S• ~ ~C ~ I OF LOT 8 I ~ ~ I I ~ ~ ~ I 35.00' RIGHT OF WAY 35.00' RIGHT OF WAY 35.00' _ _ 35.00'-o-~ RIGHT OF WAY~RIGHT OF WAY ' I PLAT BOOK 6 PAGE 15 PLAT BOOK 6 I ® LOT7 W PLA: BOOK 6 PLAT BOOK 6 I 7 PAGE 115 EAST 1/Z OF LOT 7 p PAGE 115 PAGE 175 I I O o I I ( I I ~ o SOUTH UNE o OF LOT 7 ( I Z I I ~ Lors N90°00'00"W 75.00' ~ I I I I THE ALTON BEACH REALTY COMPANY'S I Sor loci iR I I I PLAT OF ISLAND VIEW SUBDIVISION I ; ~_ ! ! PLAT BOOK 6 PAGE 115 I ~ ~'-'-) Drawn By MAP SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION Date 3/24/09 Ced. No. 090172 cele 1 "=40' Rer. Dwg. F ORTIN LEAVY S KiLES 1NC. J b N 1009-018 C , , , ONSULTING ENGINEERS SURVEYORS & MAFFF RS o , o. 090172 , , REV 1 090201 FL ORIDA CTRTiF[OA1T bF n0'T'ITpR77.nTTOTT T[IMBEIt: 00003653 $ NO. 1009-011 . ' 1 SO No~2hcasl 16NCh. S trvel / Nurlh Miami T3en~h, Florida. 131 E2 Plotted: 3/24/09 9:340 P hone:.105-653-4493 %Fnx 305-6.51-9152 / Frnwil flafinflawurvm•.~nm meet `/ OI 3 -\ JJ I J4 I JJ I JL JI I JV I LJ ~ GO I G/ I LV ~ I I I I I I I I ~ t5 ~ i m 3s ~ i I I I I I I I w 20TH STREET z __ -- w -- r 37 z 5 14 A ~ 6 I 5 ~ Q --- -- LLJ -- ---- --t-- - U 38 4 O ~ Q 4 w --- _ -- - 3 13- 3 Q Q } g ---- --- __ m 39 ~ Q _.-- -- ~ 2 m 9 ~ 2 Cn L1J 40 --- CL -- - ' - - 'O I -~-- 14 ~N __ Drava By MAP LOCATION SKETCH Date 3~24~os Ced. No. 090172 a!e NOT TO SCALE L S eet Dwg KILES, INC. EAVY, . FORTIN dob No 090172 . . 1009-018 , . . CONSULTING ENGINIL'KS, SURVEYORS & MAYYERS REV. 1 090201 YLURL7)A CP.RTTI'LCATB OF AC'i"HUti12ATiC1N MIMDGA: UUUU?GS? ~B• Ne• 1009-11 1 RU NurQannat 1681h. 9rree2 /North Miaimi 23oach, Florida. 331 62 Sliest 3 Ot 3 Plotted: 3/24/09 9:34a rhono: 30?-Ln5?_pg93 i Pax 3U3-631-7132. i F,mail f7nClllnsurwy.aom .