Assignment of Contract (2)This ASSIGNAdEN'!' OF CONTRACT (":lssigtttttenl") is made as of the 31'' day of .t9arch 2009 ('F.flcctivc vate'") by and between SCOTT ROBINS CONIPANIICS, INC., a Florida corporation ("SRC'), CITY OF A41AVI1 BEACH, a Florida municipal corporation ("C'ity"), and ARQL1ITEC'1'ONIC:1 INTF,RNA1'IONAL CORP., a corporation ("Arc}uitectonica"). RF,CITALS A. SKC and Aryuitectonica entered into that certain loricr agreement I'or architectural services dated llcecmber ~l, 200R, a tnte and complete copy of which is attached hereto as F_xhibit A ("Existing Contract"). 13. SRC desires to assign auto City all of SRC's rights under the L;xisting Contract eflceti~e as of the L•ffective Date and City has agreed to accept such atssignment on the temts and conditions hereof. C. Arquitectonica has approved the assigtunenl of the Existing Contract to City; and P). Simultaneously herewith City and Arquitectonica have agreed to amend :utd restate the Existing Contract in its entirety. NOW, THEKEFORE, in consideration of the premises and other valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknos~dedgcd, SRC, City and Arquitectonica agree as follows: I. :111 of the Recitals are correct and are incorporated herein and made a pan hereof by relerenec. 2. SRC hereby assigns the L•'xisting C'auract to City and City accepts the assignment as of the Effective Uate. 3. Arquitectonica hcrebv consents to and approves the assigtunent of the Existing Contract to Ciri•. 4. Aryuitectonica aclutowledges that SRC has performed all obligations and paid all amounts required under the Existing Contract through the Effective llatc. Neither SRC nor City shall have any obligations under the Lsisting Contract litr matters arising prior to the F.ffectivc llatc. 5. Simultaneously herewith :lnluitectatica and City shall execute a contract in the [i~rm of Gshibit 13 hereto (`7T'ew Contract"). Prom and after the L'ffcctive Date, (a) the Existing Contract shall he deemed amended and restated in its entirety and superseded by the New Contract-, (b) Arquitectonica and City shall be governed by the New Contract and not by the P.xisting Contract. In Witness R'hereol; SRC.:lrquitectonica and Cit} hate caused this Assignment to be exeartrd acid delivcrcd as of the F.flcctivc llate. SCOTT ROBINS COl\1YA1\I>iS, iNC., a Florida corporation lap: Name: 'title: (.~'ignatrers corrriruce at Jha rune f'avr yagr../ 1 _ i22d 16 I .aRC~~: rr>rcTONrr..a iNTF,RNA'i'10N:1L CORP. a corporation /Sig+u+rures sorrrirrue ou 1hr ne.>:r page) -3- S?'_41F t CITY OF htI.4~4I BF,.4CH, a municipal corporation ofthc Statc of Florida ~` / Rv: / Name: A"I"1'ES7 ~,, ~~ ~~ APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE ~ FO CUTION City mey Date 522416 ~