019-2009 Request Regarding Total Compensation Amounts for Union Employeesm MIAMIBEACH
Office of the City Manager MEMO~~~~~M
no. 0
TC Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and City Commissioners
FROM- Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager Vii' j
DATE- April 13, 2009 ~
SU31tCi: Request Regarding Total Compensation Amounts For Union Employees
This memorandum is in response to the request for a revised version of the memorandum
sent on January 27: 2009 listing the top ten (10) salaried employees for each of the Citys
five (5) unions. As requested, this revised information includes all gross income (total
compensation) considered in the calculation for the individual employees' Wage and Tax
Statement (W-2 Form). The sums below are the amounts earned in the 2008 payroll year.
The numbers reported include all allowance/premium pays and off-duty pay the employees
may have received during this time period. A number of examples of types of premium
pays/allowances contained in each union's collective bargaining agreement (contract) have
been outlined for each union (on pages 2 and 3 of this memorandum below the information
for each respective union). This is not meant to say that each of the employees on the list
received each of those premium pays or allowances, but rather that those are possible
premium pays or allowances the employee may have received. Some of the premium pays
or allowances may be pensionable, depending on employee group and date of hire.
Off-duty work is completely voluntary. A private business, entity or an event sponsor
identifies a need or desire to have City employees work far them in the same capacity as
their City employment. Members of the Fire Department, Police Department and select
other classifications may be hired to work for the private business: entity or event.
Examples of off-duty work include working as law enforcement at a nightclub, serving as a
police escort for a bank delivery or jewelry vendor, or having a rescue unit available at a
special event. Other examples include having trained City employees direct traffic during a
major special event such as the Boat Show. or if an event sponsor, like Art Basel, wants to
have a dedicated telephone complaint line staffed by a City Dispatcher. Off-duty pay is paid
to the City by the private business, entity or event sponsor and then the employee who
works off-duty is reimbursed directly by the City. Off-duty pay is taxable and is part of the
employee's total compensation (gross income). Off-duty pay is not pensionable however.
Overtime: or a portion of, may be pensionable, with a cap, depending on the employee
group and date of hire. For general employees hired prior to the respective bifurcation date
for their employee group, overtime up to 10% of their salary is pensionable. For general
employees hired after the respective bifurcation date for their employee group, overtime is
not pensionable. Additional details regarding overtime for Fire and Police Pension Plan
members is included in this memorandum on page 3.
The top ten employees are listed below by the respective union in which their classification
is represented:
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Memorandum Request Regarding Union Salaries
Page 2 of 4
American Federation of State Count and Municipal Emplo ees AFSCME
Employee Name Classification Department SaWry Overtime Premium Off Total
_ Pa Duty Wages
1 HENRY, EVERTON STREET SUPERVISOR PUBLIC 58.984.36 21.166.68 1,008.22 I OAO 87,159.26
2 PITTMAN. ALPHONSO PUMPING MECHANIC PUBLIC 60.332.73 18.593.05 22a.00 0.00 79.14978
3 COLLADO, JESUS SEWER SUPERVISOR PUBLIC 59.658.63 17.783.46 14047 0.00 77,582.56
WATER SUPERVISOR PUBLIC 59.026.88 17.970.85 229.82 4 0.00 77,227.55
5 ALFONSO, JOSE WATER SUPERVISOR PUBLIC 58,967.67 17269.53 165.00 i 0.00 76,402.20
6 LAMONS. LEE HEAVY EQUIPMENT PUBLIC 55.471.90 20401.04 8.00 0.00 J5,880.9a
-- -
7 BROWN, WINSTON i HEAVY EQUIPMENT PUBLIC b0.016.08 14.738.02 40.00 10.00 74,794.10
8 COLDROS. GERALD HEAW EQUIPMENT PUBLIC 60.332.47 14.077.86 16.00 O.OG 74 <26 33
9 OE LA FUENTE. MANUEL FIRE EQUIPMENT FIRE - 65.554.77 6.198.44 7,649.92 ~ 0 OG 73A03.07
60.136.61 12.347.90
462.50 ~ OAG
Premium paylallowances for members of the AFSCME may include: Chemical spraying; diving,
working out of class, and tool allowance.
Premium paylallowances for members of the CWA may include: Lead Worker, Emergency Medical
Technician (EMT) certification, longevity. working out of class. and tool allowance.
Memoractlum Request Regartling Unan Salaries
Page 3 of 4
Premium paylallowances for members of the GSA may include: Chemical, cleaning, EMT
certification. diving, working out of class, and tool allowance.
Premium pay/allowances for members of the FOP may include: Accreditation (CALEA), instructor
certification, canine. longevity, hostage negotiations; working out of class, Quality of Life. special
events. and special assignment.
Memorandum Request RegaMing Union Salaries
Page 4 of 4
Premium pays for members of the IAFF may include: Accreditation, air room technician, on-call, EMT
certification, inspector, instructor, longevity, working out of class; paramedic certification, prevention.
prevention certification, rescue. rescue out of class, training, and training certification.
Overtime for FOP and IAFF members is pensionable up to a cap equal to 70% of the
difference between the annualized pay rate at retirement and the highest annualized pay
rate for the next highest salary rank. The following is an example of how to calculate how
much overtime is pensionable (these numbers are for illustrative purposes only and work the
same for the FOP and IAFF). For a Police Officer, the maximum base salary of the pay
range is $72,568.86 per year. A retiring Police Officer's average extended wage (including
all premiums/allowances) for his two highest years may be $90.711.08 per year (assuming
25% for premiumslallowances). The maximum base salary of the next highest rank
(Sergeant) is $84,000 per year. The extended wage maximum, using the same percentage
of premiums and allowances, would be $105,000 ($84,000 Sergeant base salary maximum
plus the same 25% in premiumslallowances). The difference between the Police Officer's
maximum extended wage and the Sergeant's extended wage maximum is $14,288.92 -
70% of the $14,288.92 difference equates to $10.002.24, which is the maximum amount of
overtime this Police Officer can add to his extended wage for pensiorcpurposes.
If you need any additional information or have any questions, please feel free to contact me
JMGiri ro
FACmgfSALUJORGEGONIMEMOS~~,Union Salaries Updated i3).doc a .~
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