020-2009 Request Regarding Pension Amounts for Union Employeesm' MIAMIBEACH oiF~<:~ ~,. li'~ c~l,~ r.h~~~~~~~ MEMORAN[3U1~/~ l;o. 0LO-2009 _-' .° -~ To Commissioner Victor M. Diaz: Jr. -moo 'ri - ~ ~ Fltonn: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager ` - ~ _---. -"_ __ rn I'I ~~ ' ~ a ~ DATE: April 13, 2009 ~ ~ ~~ ` ~ ~ -r- , ~ ~ sueJECT : Request Regarding Pension Amounts fo r Union Employees _ F _ c n This memorandum is in response to your request regarding the top ten pension amounts paid to retirees of the City listed by each of the respective unions. As requested, the names of the retirees are not listed. The information below includes the retiree's position at the time of retirement. the number of years the retiree worked for the City, the retiree's retirement date, and the annual pension paid to the retiree (this amount is paid out monthly). The pension information was obtained from the offices of the Miami Beach Employees' Retirement Plan and the City Pension Fund for Firefighters and Police Officers. American Federation of State, County and Munici al Employees (AFSCME Position Department Years of Retirement Annual Service Date Pension RETIREE SEWER SUPERVISOR PUBLIC\%JORKS 18.0 07~Oti2007 $69,331.66 RETIREE HEAW EQUIPMENT OPERATOR II PUBLIC WORKS 28.5 01%0112008 568.903.88 RETIREE CONTROL ROOM OPERATOR PUBLIC WORKS 26.2 01+0112007 562.679.08 RETIREE TREE MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR PARKS & REC. 26.5 tOr01~2007 560,608.37 RETIREE SEWER SUPERVISOR PUBLIC WORKS 24.3 08i0V2C05 $57,799.43 RETIREE STREET LIGHTING TECHNICIAN II PUBLIC WORKS 24.2 10i01r2005 $57,340.55 I RETIREE WASTE DRIVER SUPERVISOR JANIIAIIVN [0.3 VOVUNVO aoo,ro%.yr RETIREE WASTE DRIVER SUPERVISOR SANITATION 266 01%0112007 555.940.40 RETIREE RECREATION SUPERVISOR PARKS & REC 24.C 0901?2003 553.595.77 RETIREE MUNICIPAL SERVICE WORK III I Communicatio SANITATION n Workers of Amer 25.1 ica (CWA} 03:01.2008 549.571.64 ~ Position Department Years of Service Retirement Date Annual Pension RETIREE PLUMBING SUPERVISOR" PUBLIC WORKS 23.9 03+0 V2008 599.247.47 RETIREE CODE COMPLIANCE ADMINISTRATOR CODE COMPLIANCE 27.4 04:01.2006 583.904.30 RETIREE COMPLAINT OPERATOR II POLICE 24.0 10i0V2003 $80,001 O4 RETIREE RETIREE CODE COMPLIANCE ADMINISTRATOR CRIME SCENE TECHNICIAN II CODE COMPLIANCE POLICE 26.6 24.6 12%0112007 1Z'01i2007 $79,139.04 $77,334.72 26 9 RETIREE LIFEGUARD LIEUTENANT OCEAN RESCUE 26.4 077C1i20C6 S75JC0.10 RETIREE CRIME SCENE TECHNICIAN II POLICE 21.5 tOr01%2C08 570.146.36 RETIREE LIFEGUARD LIEUTENANT OCEAN RESCUE I 34.0 08:01+2004 $70,066.07 RETIREE ~. nn, Ono ~Oy i.. _... .. q'ab•. ~~., :: ~. ~~i,i, i..T.rs,orJ•, Memorandum Request Regarding Pension Amounts For Union Empbyees Page 2 0! 2 Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) Position I Department Years of Retirement Service Date Annual Pension RETIREE POLICE CHIEF POLICE 26.5 01101:2006 5769,479.24 RETIREE POLICE CHIEF POLICE 31.1 10;OV1998 $125,197 e4 RETIREE ASSISTANT CHIEF OF POLICE POLICE 29.5 05;01:2004 $124,086.24 RETIREE LIEUTENANT OF POLICE POLICE 24.3 05101;2007 5121.154.64 RETIREE POLICE DIVISION MAJOR POLICE 29.3 0310V2004 5120.597.84 RETIREE POLICE CHIEF POLICE 24.2 09/30/1594 5178,150.20 RETIREE POLICE CHIEF POLICE 27.0 0&'26:1994 $^.17,132.00 RETIREE ASSISTANT CHIEF OF POLICE POLICE 26.3 04:0112003 $115,929.72 RETIREE POLICE CAPTAIN POLICE 29.5 04/01/2004 5112.872.72 RETIREE POLICE CAPTAIN ~'CL'~. i_- 25.0 0811a20W 5112436.04 Government_Su rvi~sors Association GSA) ~ I I P Years of Retirement i Annual Position De artment Service Date Pension RETIREE AIR CONDITIONING SUPERVISOR PUBLIC WORKS 25.7 1 1101;2007 $95.918.76 RETIREE BEACH PATROL OPERATIONS ~ SUPERVISOR OCEAN RESCUE 23.0 OS10V2008 $90,697.44 RETIREE CRIME SCENE SUPERVISOR i'; 7'. iCE i 24.5 10107;'2007 $85.686 72 RETIREE I STREETS OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR I PUtlLIC WUKKS I zns ~ icu u~uur I ~rr,aro.rc RETIREE CITY SURVEYOR PUBLIC WORKS 21.2 01;0112007 573 032.85 RETIREE WATER FIELD OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR PUBLIC WORKS 27.2 OV0V2000 $72,848.21 RETIREE COMMUNICATIONS SUPERVISOR POLICE 29.0 1L~~Dti2 D02 $70.43285 RETIREE PARK OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR PARKSBREC. 290 1U01:2003 565,841.35 RI ETIREE PAINT SUPERVISOR PUBLIC WORKS 26.3 _ 1 L'01;2006 564.436.3 International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF Position Department Years of Retirement ' Service Date Annual Pension RETIREE ASSISTANT FIRE CHIEF FIRE 21.3 03101;2005 5125879.88 RETIREE FIRE DIVISION CHIEF FIRE 25.4 03/01/2005 5124 457.04 RETIREE FIRE DIVISION CHIEF FIRE 27.9 02/01/2005 5720,804.24 ' RETIREE FIRE CHIEF FIRE 28.4 02;0511994 $120,775.56 RETIREE FIRE CAPTAIN FIRE 264 01/0112006 I $120:222.96 RETIREE FIRE DIVISION CHIEF FIRE 27.0 05101;2008 5116.862.00 RETIREE FIRE CAPTAIN FIRE 26.2 1010V2004 5113.299 68 RETIREE FIRE LIEUTENANT FIRE 27.4 02101/2005 $108,905.28 RETIREE FIRE CHIEF FIKt u.e usn o: iaao ai~~.rw.w f RETIREE FIRE CHIEF FIRE 33.1 03/27/1999 $107.641.0 If you need any additional information please feel free to contact me. Copy: Mayor and City Commissioners F?cmgYSALLUORGEGONIMEMOStResponse !o Pensioc Questicn.eoc