022-2009 Signage in SpanishI 2009 dPR 21 AID l i ~ ! 6 M AM I B EAC H CITE` CLtft~~`~ OFr IC;f. City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, vaww.miamibeachFl.gov MEMORq~ll~ol~~vl no.0 TO: Commissioner Victor M. Diaz, Jr. FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager DATE: April 17, 2009 SUBJECT: signage in Spanish In response to your memorandum regarding signage in City Hall in Spanish, specifically the signage relating to our City's Mission, Vision and Values, please be advised that the translations were completed and the signs have been ordered. We will be placing them in City Hall and other City facilities (e.g. police station youth centers, etc.) once we receive them shortly. Please feel free to call me should you have any questions or require additional information. JMG/hmf Cc: Mayor and Commissioners Hilda M. Fernandez, Asst. City Manager Dr. Leslie Rosenfeld