Michael Mogensen Resume Ó·½¸¿»´ Ó±¹»²­»²ô ÝßÓÍ US ADDRESS: 5 Island Ave, Apt. 6H Miami Beach, FL 33139 Work phone (954) 727 1086 Home phone (305) 812 3608 michael_mogensen@hotmail.com CAREER SUMMARY Extensive experience in intellectual property protection at Microsoft and in complex investigations with the Control Risks Group, in addition to other sensitive business risk consultancy tasks. Certified by the Association of Anti- Money Laundering Specialists. Prior to joining Control Risks Group, worked for the World Bank in the US and internationally, as a human rights monitor in high-conflict areas of Colombia and as a published writer, editor and researcher specializing in conflict and development. Native English speaker that is fluent in Spanish and Portuguese with conversational French. Skilled writer, editor, researcher and in public relations. EDUCATION 1998-2000 Master of Science in Development Management (emphasis on Urban Development) School of International Service, American University, Washington, D.C. 1991-1995 Bachelor of Arts in Latin American Studies, College of Arts and Science, New York University, New York, NY Class in architectural history taken at University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. EMPLOYMENT July 2007 present Senior Manager, Investigations, Latin America and the Caribbean/World Wide Anti- Piracy and Anti-Counterfeiting Group, Law and Corporate Affairs, Microsoft Corporation As Senior Manager of Investigations intellectual property throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. Track investigate and dismantle software piracy and counterfeit operations in the region, manage network of outside vendors responsible for investigating violations of Microsoft intellectual property rights, develop intelligence sources, and grow and maintain important relationships with law enfrocement and government at all levels. Participate in investigations and aid prosecutions of Internet crime. Work closely with varous business teams at Microsoft regional headquarters and subsidiary offices to implement appropriate changes in business practices based on lessons learned from the investigation of intellectual property violations. March 2005 June 2007 Consultant/Control Risks Group As corporate investigations consultant covered Latin America for a leading business risk consultancy specializing in investigative due diligence, complex fraud investigations (including money laundering investigations and IP violations), compliance issues, business and political risk analysis, crisis management and security consulting, corporate social responsibility and community relations. Significant client handling including CEOs and Board members of Fortune 500 companies and experience selling consultancy services to high-end clients in all sectors. Managed Intelligence & Analysis research team. Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (ACAMS). January 2003 February 2005 COAV Researcher/English Editor and Writer/Viva Rio English language editor, writer, translator and researcher for the UN supported Children in Organized Armed Violence International Research Project. The project and website address youth involvement in organized armed violence in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Honduras, El Salvador, Jamaica, the US, the UK, South Africa and the Philippines. Conducted long-term intensive field study in Kingston low-income ghettos with gang youth that led to a chapter on urban violence in Jamaica in book titled Neither War nor Peace. Translated and edited book. July 2001 2004 Freelance Journalist Articles published by Folha de São Paulo, Gazeta Mercantil International Weekly, Forbes.com and Fairplay magazine. 2000-2001 Researcher/Partnership for Child Development, the University of Oxford and Imperial College, UK Authored and edited articles and documents on health and education in developing countries, created courses for health and education policy makers and practitioners, managed an initiative for Life Skills education in Latin America in coordination with the World Bank, USAID and the Pan American Health Organization. 1998 2000 ProgramCoordinator/the World Bank Coordinator of the international school health team (ISHI) in the World Bank Education Sector, created and distributed educational materials and toolkits on school health in the developing world, liaised with leading experts on child health and education in developing world, authored reports for the World onitored education and health programs in Mozambique. 1995-1996 International Human Rights Monitor/PBI Colombia Project Monitored human rights and humanitarian situation in Colombia during period of intense conflict in Colombia, physically accompanied (as security measure) threatened Colombian human rights and humanitarian organizations and leaders, worked with internally displaced refugees, wrote, edited and translated documents and reports on civil conflict in Colombia, and conducted US speaking tour on the civil conflict in Colombia culminating on Capitol Hill. LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL WORK AND TRAVEL EXPERIENCE English as a native language, speak, read and write Spanish and Portuguese fluently and have a basic understanding of French (currently taking intensive French course). Have lived and/or worked extensively in the United States, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Colombia, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Paraguay, Peru, Venezuela, Jamaica and Mozambique. PUBLICATIONS Author of chapter on due diligence in Brazil, Colombia and Mexico for Security in Brazil, Colombia and Mexico publication of the German Industry Gangs of inner- Neither War nor Peace Hechos del Callejón; and others. REFERENCES Paul Doran, Director of Intelligence, HSBC 304 Chalmers House York Road Battersea London SW11 3QT +44 207 924 7044 ansgart@hotmail.co.uk Other references available upon request.