024-2009 South Pointe - Lack of Parking Enforcement„, ~,, t . ,. m- MIAMI BEACH ~~~a~7 ~° r~„io:33 OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORA~1~l~M no.02 - 0 TO: Deede Weithom, Commissioner FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager DATE: April 27, 2009 SUBJECT: South Pointe -Lack of Parking Enforcement This is in response to your recent inquiry regarding enforcement, or lack thereof, in the South Pointe areas. The recent increased activity in South Pointe was largely due to the Spring Break sessions that generally take place over a six week period between March 1 st and April 15th. Staff observations were that Spring Break activity substantially increased this year versus prior years. This maybe attributable to the depressed state of the economy as well as the instability of destinations abroad. This resulted in what we observed as an increase in a largerthan normal regional crowd visiting South Pointe. Also, the re-opening of South Point Park on March 22nd contributed to enhanced activity in the area as well. In response to this increased activity, a parking enforcement specialist was assigned specifically to the area soutfi of 5th Street during daily peak utilization. This was in addition to our routine patrols in the area. These actions resulted in the issuance of 3,168 parking citations versus 2,192 parking citations issued for the same period in the prior year, or an increase of 45%. More importantly, the presence of the parking enforcement agent likely deterred additional violations. Please let me know if you have any questions or if you would like to discuss further C: Mayor and City Commissioners Tim Hemstreet, Assistant City Manager Hilda Fernandez, Assistant City Manager Robert Middaugh, Assistant City Manager Robert Parcher, City Clerk Saul Frances, Parking Director JMGI~ISF Mi.'s o:c r.;;t m: n'o z rs:vvicg exce~~nr,. s~,o':r. n.ni soiae: ro'Jii : n i i,:F, .x;,x. a N:b; :^ :r ~ '' ..m, '•coa;n', „s;coc wrn.wn:+;