Block Grant - Reso 2008-26847.JN MEMORhNDUM
:AL FUNDING 2008/2009
~r 16.2008
H9using Authority of the City of Miami Beach -Elevator Modernization at Rebecca Towers North -
/5140,000 - To replace and update components of the two existing elevators to keep them in reliable operation
and to conform to the current code. The Rebecca Towers North is a 200-unit affordable elderly residential ~
wish Community Services -Homeless Outreach for Prevention and Employment - 512,000 - To
provide employment and job training services to promote client and (amity self-sufficiency for approximately 96
low to moderate-income, situational and economically homeless individuals, homeless persons in families with
childre ,and those in danger of becoming homeless.
wish Community Services -Miami Beach Senior Center Adult Day Care Services - $12,000 - To
provide an aide to supervise day care services to 60 frail elderly in a structured supportive setting with daily ~~
activities, nutritionally balanced meals and therapies that provide or prolong the need for institutionalization.
Je h Community Services -Senior Meals Program- 578,000 - To partially fund drivers to deliver meals
approximately 175 homebound elderly participants residing in eligible target areas, and to fund a shopperto //
purchase necessary items for frail elders unable to shop for themselves.
Lit Havana Activities and Nutrition Centers of Dade County, Inc. -Miami Beach Elderly Meals ,
P ogram - $35,000 - To provide nutritionally balanced meals daily to approximately 600 Miami Beach elderly/
/tents in a familiar surrounding where they can have access to other support services provided by Little' '
Havana Activities and Nutrition Centers of Dade County. The program would fund 105 meals of the 270 meals
served at the three senior centers serviced by the organization in Miami Beach.
Lit Havana Activities and Nutrition Centers of Dade County, Inc. -Rainbow Intergenerational Child /
are - 535,000 - To provide affordable preschool day care for 35 Miami Beach children who are income- (~~
eligible and 12 hours of annual in-service training to 16 Miami Beach senior citizens who serve as the day care
workers at the day care facility.
~mi Beach Adult and Community Education Center -After School Care Program - 515,000 - To~
~~~///~~~/// enhance the existing after school and summer school programs by providing academic, computer,
recreational, art and cultural programs, along with health, fitness and nutritional activities to approximately 200
elementary school childre
Miami Beach Community Development Corporation -Allen House Apartments - $159,684 -To assist
MBCDC in performing exterior work on the property as part of the rehabilitation of the structure and paint with
historic Art-Deco colors. The Allen House is and existing 42 unit hotel that was acquired by MBCDC with Ci
of Miami Beach Redevelopment funds to be reconfi 0 39 units for elderly residents.
rami Beach Community Development Corporation -Home Ownership Assistance - $160,000 - To /
rovide assistance to facilitate homeownership through access to subsidized mortgage payments, closing cost /
and down payment assistance, facilitating access to private mortgage loans, helping to finance the acquisition
of homes and counseling to resolve barriers or issues preventing clients from becoming suitable homeowners.
Miami Beach Community Development Corporation -Multi-Family Housing Program - 5185,000 -To
provide operational funds to acquire, rehabilitate and manage rental buildings targeted for income-eligible
/ persons. Currently MBCDC is working to develop six additional buildings constituting over 200 additional
rami Beach Community Development Corporation -Tenants Service Coordinator -$40,000 - To fund a L/
coordinator that brings together existing program services for approximately 220 low and very low income
elderly and special needs tenants