028-2009 CAMACOL's 30th Hemispheric Congress Inaugural Receptionzoo9rs~~rls nr?tl~c~ m ~'IIANII BEACH ~~~~{'.~~~i:i:~:;.~r . OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM uo.02R-2009 TO: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager ~ ~- -- i DATE: May 12, 2009 SUBJECT CAMACOL's 30'" Hemispheric Congress Inaugural Reception I am pleased to advise you that the City of Miami Beach is a co-sponsor of CAMACOL's 30'" Hemispheric Congress Inaugural Reception, to be held Wednesday, May 27, 2009 from 6:00 - 8:OOpm at the Fontainebleau Hotel. Attached, please find an invitation for you and a guest to the reception. This event will be sponsored jointly with the City of Miami and will welcome international delegates that will be attending the Congress Plenary Sessions, as well as local business leaders attending CAMACOL's Mediterranean Experience Exposition being held at the Miami Beach Convention Center from May 28-30, 2009. As you may already know, CAMACOL is the largest Hispanic business organization in the State of Florida and one of the most influential minority business groups in the United States. For more than four decades, CAMACOL's mission is to foster the entrepreneurial spirit of Florida's Hispanic and minority communities, and as such, it conducts programs to strengthen local business activity. promote economic development, facilitate international commerce, and serve the civic needs of the community and state. Additional invitations have been provided for your use. Please note the RSVP request. Please let me know if you have any questions. JMG:MAS •+~.f Fl( r t y+. ~~'s ^P ~~' °ri. ~~ $~l yyp'a 1 •R~c\ z 4N-I The Cite u! ~iiain: h4avc~r's Intrrnatiunal Council The. City of i~diami Bcach Grtdialb; incin• you to the Inaugural Rrccption ;,r CA~4ACOL 3Cth H:miphcrir (aai~rrss htalia•rr;ux;m F.rheriencr Gxpt, ~Nedne,~i~. 1,ta~~ 2 i, L1k19 F:lilpm - ti:.i0pm ISmt:nn.:bk:w Hatrl Plrar do I i. ~aL,n i4i: G>Ilin<.Aet~rer:: Mtam lictat. Florida iiI?;l ii.5. ~';1 Kcnr; :n ti iPiti 64230'0 cat. ]~I This ita.itm:on is uwi r;m,li~.u+L ic. 'Lajas t t n ii. i.d t - ~. narc spot.:.'r of dtr i0i I ~ I, m ~ u~ d ~ ~~ i +:.+:v~c.,