Easement with FPL~o0 9-,2 y0 ~ `~ work RequestNc. EASEMENT fus InstNment P~apared ay Sec._, 7wp _ S, Rye _ E Name: Parce~t.D._ Cn.Nama: (tvlatintainetl by County q~praiser', Address: Fam 3722 (Strked) Rev. 7194 The undersigned, in consideration of the payment of X1.00 and other good and va4uable consideration, the adequacy and receipt o` which is hereby acknowledged, gran' aril give to Florida Power & Light Company, its'i licensees, agents, successors, and essiyns, an easement forever for the construction, operation and maintenance of underyround electric utility facilities (including transformers, cables, conduits and appurlenanl equipment) to be installed from time to tune; with the right [o reconstruct, improve, add to, enlarge, change the voltage, as wef as, fhe size of and remove such facilities or any of them within an easement as described in the following pages. see ven lrcraicowi See Exhibit "A" for easement description a~~; the right of ingress and ., ess to said pp emises at all times; and further grants, to the fullest extent the undersigned has the power to grant, tt at all, the rights hereinabove y:-anted on the land heretofore descn.bed, over, alone, under and across the roads, streets or highways adoining or through said property. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has signed and sealed this insirumerd on ~~ ~ 3 , 200.9 Signed, sealed and deliveredjn the presence of: City of Pilamf Beach _ „ n r .,o snam . i na re j --._... ~"'ZPre Ic_n s rgna ire, PriniName: L~r°-~"'" l! ~~ca"~~3z~ Print Name: Matti Herrera Bower. Mayor ness ~ Print Address: 1700 Convention Center Drive ~~~ -r ~ ~;~> _~ Miami Beach, FL 33139 -~GPi n~'Signayre ,. Pdnl Name: ~ •` 6" i y ~' i E '~~~ Attest: ecrefaye sig~a ~re~ pMmess} Print Name: Robert Pareher> City Clerk Prnf Address: 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Ff. 33139 (Corporate Seal) STATE OF Florida AND COUNT OF Pliaml-Dade ,The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of ~~ 20~ by }fatti Herrera Bower ,and Robert Parcher respectiveiythe May r f4esltlentandCity Cl.er$ecretyr}roF Pfiami Beach _,a corporation, on behalf of said corporation, who are personalty known to m° or have predueed- ac idertt;Ficetiera, and who did (did not}take an oath. ~ (Type of Idenfificaticn) hh~ Commission Expires: ~ ~2'c L"r ry Pri ., Sgna ?. pardon cf t'ne BRICLc PATP (PR!'a',AfE P'~OPCR'Yj os shcwn on he Plat of AMENCEC PLAT OF GCLr COI;RSF S'.B!'dISION OF A.TCN C"HCH EAL~( COM=ANY as recorded it Piat Book 6 :a Pace 26 of the Public Records of A4iami-lode Caunty, Florida, more pnr'.icularly described as follows: ommence at the Norheast corner of the Saut". 19.15 feet of Lot 8, 31ock 22, AMENOEC PJ~T OF GOLF COURSE SUBIV'SION OF ACTON BEAC~I REALTY COMPANY as recorded in Plat Book 6 at Poge 26 of khe Putaic Records of Miami -Code County: Florida; thence run N88'01'48"E along the Easterly extension of the North Line of the South ':9? 6 feet of scid Lot 8 far 19.13`'eet to the Point of Beoinn ng; thence run N12'21"LS"VY for 7.83 feet; thence run N50'?8'48"W for 25.?8 feet; thence run N39'4?'i2"E for 4.46 feet; thence run: S85'45'38"E for 37.59 feet; thence run S'6'3T46"E for 57_.5C feet; thence run 501'06'33"W for 47.05 feet; thence run 500'36'11"E for 41.17 feet; thence run SC3'S5'S1"E `or 30.84 feet; thence run SC?'28'18"W' for 30.57 feet; thence run S00'29'20°W for 7.21 feet; thence run N89'3^v'4-0"YJ for 6.OU feet; thence run N00'29'20"E far 7.21 feet; thence run NO1'28'18"E far 3U.2$ feet; thence run N03'S5'51"th' for 30.73 feet; thence run N00'35'`'."W' for 41.43 feet; theme run NO1'OE'33"E for 46.20 feet; thence run N16'37'46"W for 47.43 feet; thence nan N8546'3S"VJ far 22.37 feet; thence run S50'18'48"E for ' 4.84 feet; ±hence run S i 2'21'28"E for 10.80 feet; thence run 506'45'43"E for '2.38 feet: thence run Sv^^3'39'08"E for 6.41 feet; thence run N88'00'48"E for 3.6C~ fee; to the East line of said BRIDLE PATH; thence run, SO1'S9"12"E along the Eost line of said BRIDLE PATH fcr 19.67 feet; :hence ran 588'00'48"W for 17.38 feet; thence run N01'S9'12"W for 19.67 feet; thence run N88'OG'48"= for 7.77 feet; thence run N03'39'08"W for 6.07 feet; thence run N06'45'43"W' for 11.92 feet; thence run N12'21'28"W far 0.61 feet ir, the the Easterly extension of the North Line of `.he South 19.15 feet cf said Lot 8 and the Point of Beginning. I PREPARE) SY: vr ~ c c ~ r~ ', A, ~6N;~r•,t7 L~iGIA++~L,R?!J~ r v r & `~J,,V~Yt~rG, ~ !!'vim. -- :' .. /%- :: __ ~ ;~- ;'~~~.-.. ~.- 3222 Ridge Troce SHAROIJ AYLWARD aOX,-P.l,~, 545C Covie, Fbritla 33328 ~ 954••424-5852 or 305-827-22! 6 7H1S 5'JRVC' NDT U.4JD WlTHCUT TH= Lf3 Ro. 51 R3 UhTE: 3/1ti;2nU9 s PRGJECT NC. 7-1 .9 51EE1 2 OF 2 ~ SiGr:ATLRE AP1D 0~?JGlNAL RASED SEi4L OF £HE F.OR7DA, LICENSED S:IA.VEY0.4 kND MA.r,?ER. t~ Tr UkfjpL~^~ !'Nt - j JOU-f''.-..1 c.l ~ L7T ~~ _~ 1 __ ~_. -.-.._ L.-_ __ '.:~ i fi L` "L ! 4; 5 i.J •L Z -- ~ -- --'--"--_ 4` C` N ~ _J .r - ~~ - .,~ ~v' 3 OJT 2 LC` ' es' ~, wsr:es"rr 7:>ar, ~ 4.r6' V sao a~ Sc < 3?.Sb' ~1 5763'+'ct'E Si ~C' r) SC"OE'Sl"A 4~,U5' G'.% YiC'36'11'E 4..~. ~1 3'5»'5• -. SC.a<' ~rl SCI LB'1 B"n 30.E~' ~~ .°A:72'3'20'W ~2.• N89'3C'<:rY! 6.C(?' 721' ~ NU:':8':»'F Sc:s' c~ N075` •''x' v;. ~ Nf,73°" `b i14$ C9 "-n•os'33•e 4».2^' 4%.M13' ~2w~. 14.P4' `2~ E+zz••za'E w.ar ~. UJ6'4~ 4.7"E °'' 1238' ~' 6.4?' N88'SC'tE". 3 fiC' SbBJD'4>.'N' ~f?SR Nf...-...'.. ~•t~. •~"' 146]' N88'7G'<E". 'r.iS" 6.Oi' 1 L9:' r112'21'~?"h 2G c ~<. NOTuS TN:S IS NpT A ~URV~Y I PREPARED 2Y: ~ '- i i. i _- u v~ l~J~ ~D E-P~~Gr'!V ~ FR'!~ f G ,P' ~ . ~. , ~ i & ; ,,' n ; ~ : ~~ . :222 Ridge Trace / _ _ SHAROA A"LWARn COY,;: , F.LS. 5450 Davie, Florido 33328 954-A24-5852 or 305-827-2215 THfS Si1r7V~ NCT VAJD W7'YiOUT TN£ Li3 No. 5963 SiGlv'A;liK~ AtpDvHIGhVAi , RA:SEli SFFi 0%i i Dni t: ~ 16 ZOU9 i PRGJ.CT NO 07-7 i9 SHEE1 ' OF 2 7iic FiORlf7A LlC:EPiSEP. AfAi~PF'. SURtc YOfi AND