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Easement with FPL (1 of 8)
work Request Ne. _ EASEMENT This lnstmment Prap~red ay Sec._, Two _ S. Rge ~ F Namc: _ Parcel LD. Co. Name: (Rrointainetl byCwnty Appraisarj Address: Form 1%22 (S!oaied) Rev. 7194 pg ~ 01 See Exhibit "A" for ezsement description !~' S,J. , ~ r"^ ,•• 01 oroti<iii f4 ofimhrrlwo-to.Aw sQf '''~"^.h •~•,•,'~~• .-••a r.,.. ,--,w„_ To they veiCn iiwrti9ht ia~a y~ai,~.:--=.------ P 5` ' ~.PwPeeee; the right of ingress and egress to saxi ppremises a: all times; and fu.-ther grants, to the fullest extent the undersigned nas the power to gran*., If at alt; the rights hereinabove granted on the .and heretofore described, over, along, under and across the roads, streets or n~ghways adjoirnng or through satd property. ,t A IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersignec has signed and sealed this instrument on ~°/~ ~ .3 , 20O.q Signed, sealed and delivered it the presence of: City of Dfiami Sea h o 's name ~; f [ c « rn 1~~r-~-Y ~~~_ 13y: m~ s e~ ness 5. a rn; .PrinlName: L;~'am f --~~..J~t,t./~ PnntName: Matti Herrera Bower, Mavor mess 1700 Convention Center Drive ~; Print Address: f /) ~ ~, - Pfiami Reach, Florida 33139 ---f07r r'~ Srg. ure . ~ r Aktest ~;~ yi~ ~©'iE-7 ci cere ssignawra PrinlName: Print Name: Robert Parcher, City Clerk {'Mtness} -- PrintP.ddress: _1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 (Corporate Sealj STATE OF Florida AND COUNTY OF Miami-Dade ,The foregoing Instrumentwas acknowiedged before me this ~dayof ~ 20~by Ptatti Herrera Rower ,and Robert Parcher respecfiveiythe~t~'re~dP.'ntandClty Cl.er~ar,,roteryof Miami Beach .a corporation, on behalf of said cnrporalion, who are personally known to me ornave-prodacErd-----------"'-- _ as iderttttc'atron, and who did (did not; take an oath. ~ (T'>'Pe of identifwa5on) Nry Lommissicn Fires: ~r/C-cam t, -`~,~ Wgry °ubA ; SignaN - Prinl Name ;~' KERRY HERNMAQ 'R~ ,A~-. IdY COIAIdISSK)N A DD 626373 ~~:-~~at` EXPIRES, Afay 3, 2011 ''~7 ~` ?cn ASd tM~NCIery PVJK Un]MiM0 ~,„R.• Sk~TCH TO ACCOMPANY EASEMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT CO. EASEMENT THIS IS NOT A SURVEY 1 l th. ST. ¢ ~~T I u, I . ~ a~ k U i.E" IC k G! ~KN. of #9 RLI ~.' i•'~ .~ _ - +- ~ -~ OVHD OI.I" H.EC. ~ w ... C. f J .. ~`` _ T. IP.Oh Y ~ g: I --a`:; -. - Y 140.0' RIPE b fAF ". FEt,C ~ ,o ._l. FD. i RERAk ~ _~ P-i_ TRMb. ~~~ ~ EN ! o CONO SIA6 , , ~ ~; _ - ~ I ` B,p. E 5.G }, GAS 4.{I.~F Se, l~ M~ERn .s' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ °a. ~J M'^I.O ~. JI '_ b LOT 16 ~w ~ m ~ BLOCK 69 ~ or I~ "~~ n -- ---~ ." ~ ~ < ~ I b.J ~' F ~P'-5~ ~`~I a f r. ~uLt-- = yr 4~4 ~___ _ ~ N P ~E /t a :CLLR SEWER SEIkR 3' 3i ~'- ~. IMU MH.U YhO~~~ CO 'HALL ~' i\'A5E\VA'CR PUMP STATION IJO. 1 t ltt STREL' ANU JFFFF.P.SON AVENUE CF" OF MIAMI 9'1iCH, F_ORICA ~EGAL_ QESS$lP_I14N; TFE SOU'li '0.00 FEET OI 'u H. NORTH 'GAC FEET OF THE EAST t6.&J OI L(%f +6. HOCK G9. OCEAN BEACH, FLA., n7UiTION NC. .'., ACOORDING TO THE PLAT THEREUI f2 CC(iHpFD IN PI•.T 3OC; MUMEER 2 AT PAGE B? 01' 1'i it '/URL IC RF.^.OROS MIAU--0/JE COUN'Y, 1"~~_ORIUA. SSlRYEY9R'S CERTIFICATION: 1'R HFR-HY CERTIFY: THAT TN `L iKE-CH TO AA;COIAFABY EA.`+ENEN7 '.2 GN LF SGRIPTION", Is THaE AaD CCRRECt AS PREPARED UNDEF OUR DIRECTION ANU 1NIti 'SK,~T;;N OF FASFIlFtJ- LGAL DESCRIPTION' COMPLIES WIT.- 171E MININLIAI ILCHNI;i+I. i:V,NfIkkDP: FCk LANG SURVEYS IV TFiE jTATE C= FLORIDA, UNDCR CI IAFILit A/2 Oh TH: !:TA:F STAfU"FS, 6131:'-ECC£. PREPARED BY: A. R. TOUSSAINT & ASSOCIATES, INC. LAND SURVEYOR^ Fl OPoUA CERTFlCATE OF ALIT~:.T•tZAI ION Na- , H-0 ~ x F.J9 N.E. 12C ST. NORTF MIAM.i, FLORIDA .531111 !i I. ALDER- R tOU5iD11Ni °RGF`.'$IONAI_ a;IC@YUN h MAPPER N4. 307 PROI t SSIUNAL ENGNEEk Nc. 0939 SPATE OF FLORIDA REN APRiL 8, ?f.D9 Rp': APRIL L, 'IUOh (BOER N0. 1242c SI LEG TGF i DATE: MARCH 25, 2005