Easement with FPL (2 of 8)~oo9-a?cGa work Request No. ___ _ EASEMENT This InsUUme~t prepared By Sec.^, Twp _ S, Rge _ E Kane: Parce. LD. Cv name' (FAamiained by Counl,• Appraiser} Address: Fam 3'22 (Slo.kcd} Rev. 1FJ4 P5--ot~ The undersigned, is consideration of the payment of X1.00 and other good and valuable consideration, the adequacy and receipt o` which is hereby acknowledged, orant and give to Florida Power & Light Company, ¢s Iwensees, agents, successors, and assigns, an easement forever for the construction, operation and maintenance of underground electric utility facilities (including transformers, cables, : ondnits and appurtenant equipment} to be installed from time to time; ++41h the right to reconstruct, improve, add to, enlarge, change the voltage, as well as, fhe size of and remove such facifties or any of them vritftin an easement as desc^ibed In the following pages. See ExhibR "A"for easament description ~~ (,t1-Q ~ 4,r mr To ether urith aaE~eees: the right of ingress and egress to said ppremises at al; times; and further grants, to the fullest ext ent the undersigned has the power to gram, if et all, the rights hereinabove granted on the land heretofore described, over, along, under and across the roads, streets or Highways adjoining or through said property. IN 1NffNES5 W HEREOF, the undersigned has signed and sealed this instrument or ~ ~-~j 13 , Zoe 9, Signed, sealed and delivered ir. the presence of: Cit of Miami Beac t r /~ -~ O .orp s name - " -'"- ~ (iWlrne~5inn~5e ~ r r~ n s sigrYa n: Print Name: L!~'rll~? .fC ~ryli/~i i~~i' RiM Name: Pfatti Herrera Bower, Msvor !'nntAddress: L700 Convention Center Drive ~_ ~~~~,-_;~~~ ~- Miami Beach, Florida 33139 "' (SNrtress'Sro a ure; ~, ~ rr Attest: ~ 7'L c- i ~ vr~ ~ ' E ~ `~ e s sig acre Print Name: - (wllnass} Print Name: Bober[ Parcher, Citv Clerk PrintAddress:i~00 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 (Corporate Seal) STATc OF Florida AND COUNT 0= Miami-Dade .The foregoing instrumerl was acknowledged before ms This l~dayof /-1 26"~,by Pfatti Herrera Bower ,and Rnt,Prr ra,-char respectvr..ythe_•ta r RrerideatandCiry C1er~acrWacy.of Af;,m; RParh ____~_,2 corporation, on behalf of said corporation, who are personally known to math-have~rodusad_______________ ___as- -IdCntIf~ICAffOR; and who did (did not) ;ake an oath. ////~J~/r /~ (Type d ident~~tion) My Commission Expires: /~-" ~ y -""'-' Nptary P ic..5israwre tgY"~hsi,_ KEFlRY HERNANDQ =•. a: IAY CO!A0.NSSICNADD G2fa 3 +~,.~'~ 4A EXPIRES: 0.fay S, 2D!1 ~~q„~^~ BoictJThV Wiary FUCt; Unaa'wasrs SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY EASEMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT CO. EASEMENT THIS IS NOT A SURVEY _EGAL DESCRIPTI N: ~. potion of the Kight of Way for North Bay Roca, S`.ale Road 1 i2, Interstate Rood 195 as shea•n on Ftoridc )epertment of Transportation. Right of Way Mop, State Road No. SR 25, Dode Caunty, Section 87090-2402 Sheet 4 of 5. Beinc in the City a`. Miami Beach and being a portion of (racGonal Sections 22 and 27 in (ownsnip 53 Soul'r, Range 42 Eas: of the Siote of Florida. Also, Being o portion of tot "D" as Shawn on the Plat of "Re-Subdivision of Lots 48,49,50, & 51 of Dock '. Nautilus Subdivisian" As recorded in Plat Baok 35 at Pagc 46 of the Puoik Records of tdiami-Dade County, Florida. Being more pe'ticularly described as follows: ;:ammence at a point on the Limaed Access Right of W'cy line on the south side of North Dcy Raad as shown at the Narth east comer of Lot "D" of `.ne plat of Re-Subdivisian of Lats 48, 49, 50, & 5 i of Block 1 Nautilus Subdivisian" As recordec in °lai Book 35 at Page 46 of the Public Records o` Miami- Dade County, Florida. Thence rur. South 9' 09' S6" Wesl along the Easi Boundary Line of said lot °C" fora distance o`. 5258 Fee;; Thence run North 80' S0' 04" West `or a distance 4.50 feet to the Poin; of 3eginni-rg o. the herein described easement; Thence run North 9' 09' S6" Easl far a distance of 10.72 feel; Thence run North 42' 12' S4" West for a distance of 10.77 feet; Thence run North T 41' 25" West fora distance of 4.47 feet; Thence run North 18' 02' ' 6" Eost for distance of 12.25 feet; Thence rur, North 42' 08' 25" Fast for distance of 12.35 feet; Thence run North 5" 31'44" Easl for a distance of 8.3 `. feet to a pain: of intersection with th.e East Boundary line of said tat "D". Thence run North 9' C9' S6" East along the Eost 3oundcry line of said Lot "D" far a dismnce of 2.25 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot "D"; Thence run North 88' 43' O1" Eost along the North Boundary line of Lol "E", black 1 (or a distance of 2.5'~ fee:; ~~ Thence rur. North 5"~' 31' 44" East far a distance of "..56 feet; Thence run North 71' 44' 30" Eost fora distance of 10.38 fee:; Thence run North 86' 21' 36" East for c distance of 14.08 feet; Thence rur. North 8T 59' 20" East for a distance of '4.70 feet; Thence run North 88' 19' 15" Easi fora distance of 15.27 feet; Thence run North 82' 59' 2U" East fora distance of 15.02 faet; Thence run South 8T it' ~6" Easl Tor a distance of 45.00 f_et; Thencs run North 2' 48' 14" East fora distance of 10.OG leer, Thence run North 8T 1?' 46" West for c distance o`, 45.86 feet; Thence run South 82' S9' 2C" West for c distance of 15.42 feet; Thence run South 88' 19' 15° West for o distance of 14.83 feet; Thencc run South 9T 59' 20" West fora distance of 14.88 feet; Thence run South 86' 21' 35° Wast for o distance of 15.SC fee:; Thence run South 71' 44' 30" West for a distance of 13.44 feel: Thence run South 51' 31' 44" West for a distance o' 16.1< (eel; "hence run South 42' OS' 25" West fora distance of ?5,31 feet; "thence run South 18' 02' 16" West for o distance of 16.67 fee:; Thence run South T 41' 25° Ecst for n distance of 9.86 feet; Thence run South 42' 12' S4° East (or a distance of 9.07 feet; Thence run South 9' 09' S6" West fora distance of 5.91 feet; Thence run South 80' 50' U4" East far c distance of 1G.OU feet to The Pant of Deginniny. Containing 1736.26 Square Feel. 0.0399 acres of land more or less. $URVEYOR~S NOTES A.R. TOUSSAINT & ASSOCIATES, INC. r4Np SURVEYORS (1, BEAP,INGS REFER TO STALE OF FLOr7iDA, PLANE FLORIDA ^ERTI=KATE OF COORDINATE SYSTEM, NOR'.H AMERICAN DAIUN AIIT'HORIZA.TION No. L3~-273 83/9U, TRMlSVEftS= LIERCATOR CRIO, EAST ZONE. 620 N.E. 126 SI. NORTH MIAMI, rLORIL'A 33'6"~~ PH: (3U5) 89?-7340 PAX: (305) 893-0325 (2j ---IWDICATES DURIfO ELECTRIC DUCT AS ORDER Nc. 12421 DATE: OCTOBCK 13. 2004 PAINTf_: RU BY OTHERS. ~ , Bv: No. 907 5-iE~l I U= 3 n ~_ _ ~~.nrcH uhE SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY EASEMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION " ' FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT CO. EASEMENT J ~ ~I ~' THIS IS NOT A SURVEY 0 I , o ~, i I ° ~ c ~ I a i` cn ~lO OC `- . z IJ z ! I J O I ~ 1 ~ Z ~ ~~ I ' we 'I ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ I C T ~ i ~ 'i ~ I ~= r0 ~ 1 I a'-' ~ W co ' - LEGEND• w v- . J I ~ ,,,,3 - = P.0.8. = POINT OF BEGINNING I 0 '!' ~ ~ ~ p P.0.C. POINT OF COMMENCEMENT ' zo I, 11 . v z ; 'a ^~ 3 t ,, t ~ _ ~, --- ~ w SCALE: I m ,~ 1 t ~ Z• Z v1 ~r y i~~ LOT "E" ~ 1 ~ o ~ r '~ °• BLOCK 1 NAUTWS ; Z ~ \ \ d N 2 „p •o• . SUBDIVISION c „ 10 ~ ~~^ d ~ \ aOD ' B 5 6 3 rr• P 3 -4 \ \ ,~ 3N17:,LaU3d \ \ ~ pbd ~1 ZS \ o •t~, .8S- M ° ~ \\ 6 /S ..95.6:1.6 S \' ~ 2 z ~' /. \ \ O; P~ \y~'p ~r\ v yh d f \ 0, ~ 'F \ l / r \ ~ g 1 O Z~ Z /y \ O S ~~~~ .i/ ~ GRpU ~/ / 5 • m° ND `~ _~ _/ .91 '> 7~d ~S9'.D95G ~ ~. =`~C?~1C Y ~ TS a ~ DUC ~ y ~ _ _ 9.86 `~ d 0 1g~p2' „ . „ ~6 . D w s .7.Q1'2g" E LOT A.R. TOUSSAINT & ASSOCIATES, INC. BLOCK 1 NAUTILIS LAND SuRV~YORS 41st STREET WATER SUBDIVISION FLORIDA CER?IFICA7E OF PB 35-46 Aun IoRIZnTION No. LB-273 BOOSTER PUMP 620 N.E. 126 ST. NORT-I IAIAMI, FLORIDA 33161 STATION #41 ?H: (3051 891-7340 FAX: (305) 893-0325 ORDER N;;. 12421 DATE: OC?OBER 13, 2004 gY; ~ PRES. ALBERT R. TO':JSSAINT °ROFESSIONAL SURVEYOF. & MAa cR No. 907 PROFESSIONAL EN~3!NEEF Nc. 8939 S7A7E OF r.ORIDA SHEET 2 Of3 ALTON ROAD SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY EASEMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION ~G•G' FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT CO. EASEMENT N gas ~a r THIS IS NOT A SURVEY I' ~i I J •I I =, a .I . . f' ILL I~ ~' / i i ui ~ in p i! i ! I vi a' P I P r i I ' ~ I , I U ~ ~ I W 3 I ~ co i I v ! m I ~ W i i r ~ I ~ I W ~yJ I H ~ ~ I W 1 r ~ 1I) Q ! i J ~ W I rn _ W I I H I I W ~ ' ~ I I r J I ~~ W al ' ' °a ~` ~I ', LOT "E" °~ BLOCK 1 NAUTILIS ~, '- > z SUBDIVISION am ' ; ' ~ ' PB 35-46 ~ _ N I K 1 ~ O ~ ~ I W , O n N° I n . ~~ z ~, ~ z "' -' ! ~ LEGEND: I ' z I ~ P.G.B. = POINT OF BEGINNING - ` ~ I I ~ ~ o,n.C. _ PGINT CF COMMENCEMENT I I o-~ w I ~ I , o SCALE: , „ I ~ 1 ,, Q~ ~ ~. _ ; 0' 1 .I ~ I ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ' ~ m ~ I 1 I ~ ~ .rn ~ TOUSSAINT & ASSOCIATES, INC. R A . . v> ~ G 1 J+NL' SURVEYORS n I Z F ORIDA CERTFICAT= OF ' I AI.THURIZATION No. LB-273 N M TCH I_I E _ c, 1 6 ST. VGRTN MIAMI, FLORIDA 33161 620 N._ 2 PH: (305) A91-7340 `.AX: (305) 893-0325 s . 1L42' DHI _: GC?GBER 13, 2004 N ORDER o BY: // ` / _..- PRES. _Sr~~IG~~~~ A~._BEkT F. -GVSS.4INT ?O ~FSS~:rNAL SUP.'v`EYGR 8 MAPPER No. 9f.7 ---i rtir,l_ ENGINEER No. 8930 ~ E. c ~:SF P_CRI~A SHEET 3 GF 3 --