Easement with FPL (4 of 8),2.0 0 4 .. e'~l-o G ,3 work Request No. _ EASEMENT Ths InsUUms~t praparetl ay Sea^, Twp ~ S, Rge , E Nine: - Pa-Cel LD. Cn kame: (rvt3inained try Crrunly Aparaisa~} Pultiress: - Fonn 37~ {SMCkedf Rcrv. 7196 - p!•, _oi- The undecsgned. in consideration of the payment of $1.00 antl othor go and vababte consideration, the adequacy and receipt of which is here acknowledged, grant and give to Florida Power & Light Company, licensees, agents, successors, and assigns, an easement forever for t corsfruct,on, operation and maintenance of underground eiecUic uti faalities (irciuding transformers, cables, anduits and appuRena equipment) to be installed from time to time; with the right to recortstru improve, add to, enlarge, change the voltage, as well as, ttro size of a remove such facilities or any of them tir.`fiin an easement as described in t following pages. See Exhibit "A' for easement descriation {'S a~ Together with - ~ ' saElnteAtiaFte.p~yeers: the right of ingress and egress to said is t all ti d f th ts t th f ll t t t th th prem es a mes; an ur er yran o e , u e e understgnod has s ex en e power to grant, if at alh the rights hereirabove granted on the land heretofore described, over, along, under and across the roads, streets or highways adjoining o'throuph said property. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has signed and seated this instrument on ~ /3 , 20 ~5~, Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: Ci y of Miami Reach ` __ t 5 - 1P t ~ ~ -__~..._ ' ~ - (? i r r ss, p afureT Print Name: ~il~riyC~' ~/ri~iJ~~~ i re ~n s :gn ~r , Print Name: Tfatti Herrera Rower, Mayor r ess;T 1700 Convention Center Drive ~ Print Address: ?~j-i,2" ~~jy`£"-gip Miami Beach, Florida 33139 -"C~fWtU~ess'Sr amre Print Name: ~~' ~ ~~/ ~ ~~ r ~ U ,{~ Attest V ~Q~.(~ otlre s :pnarure twltness) PdnlName: Robert Percher, City Clerk Print Address: 7700 Convention_Center Drive Miami Reach, Florida 33739 (Corporate Seal) STATE OF Florida AND COUNTY OF Pfiami-Dade ,The foregoing insWmeni was acknowledged before mo this i 3 day o! R , 20~ by Matti Herrera Rower ,and Robert Percher respectively theMa• r -t>residentandCity Cler~ecretalyof Miami Beach ,a cor oration. on behalf of said cor oration, who are ersonall known to me or ----------------- ' P P P y have-prottace~- _ as---- ; ldenttt2attorr, and who did (did not) take an oath. / ,Type or Identiriraticn) , My Commission Expires: /~~L 2~ Votary ~ubii ,,. r - ' i l' ;.q~!'~"•'hp', KEFlRY HEfUMNDQ !AY COI,UAISSIQy a DD 6253?3 ~`~~~ ~°~ EAPIRES: Ipa~ ~ ~ •.y},,,,. D:n1s. Thn. nosy Pti~°r;.v:,r o-. r. EASEMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION THIS IS NOT A SURVEY N ~I ~, ml ~ z u; `v '~ U O' ~ U, g ~ L t000r - N _~ 5.0 ~o OUi LOT 23' ~ ~ F9 ~~ A yT~ Q`q~' 9Y ~a. LEGEND P.O.B. - POINT OF BEGINNING P.O.C. = POIM OF COMMENC~IENT A.R. TOUSSAINT & ASSOCIATES, INC LAND SURVEYORS FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF ALrHORiZAI!ON No. LL~-273 620 N.E. '126 SI. NORTH MInM4, P, ORIUA 3.',161 ~ ORDE.R No. !2428 DATE: 09/02/08 SCALE: 1~ = 1O - _ ~~ snTE Dr rLDRIu SHEET ~ OF 2 907 CONCRETE PAVEMENT SAM. Id. N. O ~- ~~ ti~ P.0.8. ~ / . j,~< EASEMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION THIS IS NOT A SURVEY LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A POR?ION OF "OUT '.07 '131" OF THE "AMF_NDED PLAT OF FIRST OCEAN FRONT SUBDIVISION OF T'-!E MIAMI BEACH BAYSHORE COMPANY, MIAMI BEACH, F,A.", AS RECORDED iN PLAT 900K 9 AT PAGE 78 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF MIAMI-DADE CCUNTY, FLORIDA. BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID "UUT LOT 231", AS SHOWN ON THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, RIGHT OF WAY, MAP SECTION NUM9ER 87060, SHEET 7 OF 11 FOR S.R. A-1-A (COLONS AVENUE). SAID POINT Bc'ARINC NORTH 69'15'50" WEST FROM THE CENTER POINT OF A 127:.23 FOOT RADIUS CUR'YE TO TFIE RIGHT; THENCE RJN NORTH EASTERLY TO THE RIGHT ALONG SAID CURVE HAVING A CENTRAL ANGL OF 0'49'41", A RADIUS OF 1271.23 FEET AND AN ARC LENGTH OF 18.37 FEET TO THE ?DINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE R'JN NORT4~1 70'58'52" WES? FOR A DISTANCE OF tU.23 =SET; THENCE RUN NORTH 4712'19" WEST FOR A DISTANCE OF 4G.94 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTH 6'29'25" EAST FOR A DISTANCE Of 8.79 FEET: THENCE RUN SOUTH 83'30'35° EAST FOR A DISTANCE OF 10.00 FEET; THENCE RUN SOUTH "0'29'25" WEST FOR A DISTANCE OF 3.74 FEc~: THENCE RUN SOUTH 4712'19" EAST FOR A DISTANCE OF 33.78 FED'; THENCE RUN SOUTH 70'58'52" EAST FOR A CIS T.ANCE OF 8.61 FEET TC THE INTERSECTION OF A CURVE, SAID POINT BEARING SOUTH 67'59'05" EAST TO THE CENTER POIN? Or' SAID CURVE. 'HENCE RUN SOUTHWESTERLY TO 1'HE LEFT ALONG SAID CURVE HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 0'27'04", A RADIUS OF '271.23 FEET AND AN ARC t_ENGTH OF 10.01 FEET TO TriE POINT OF BEGINNING CONTAINING 530.20 SQUARE FEET, O.C122t ACRES OF LAND, MORE OR LESS. A.R. TOUSSAINT & ASSOCIATES, INC. LAND SURVEYORS FLORIDA CER7IFICA7E OF AUTHORIZATION Nc. LB-273 620 N.F.. 126 ST. NOR1H MIAAdI, FLORIDA 33161 ORDER No. 12428 DATE: 09/02/OB