Easement with FPL (6 of 8),Zoo9- ~1oG3 workRequeswo. _____,. EASEMENT Sec. , Tw S, R E Ttils Insuument Prepared ay P - ~ - Nave: __ Parcel LD. cv. Name: (MaRnainetl by COUnry goprai5e~) Atldic:ss. - ~ortn 3722 {Stocked; Rev. 7/9A - Pg -of _. oitovnng pages. See Exhibit "A"for Basemen: description ~~ j~, Toaelher wiCn ~eeea; the right of ingress and eg~ess•to said remises t al! times and furthe f ant t th ll t t th i t d h pp a : r gr s, o e es ex u en . unders gne has t e power to grant, iF at alL fhe rights hereinabove granted on Jte land heretofore described: over, along, .!ndor and across the roads, streets or highways adjoining cr through said property. IN WI +NESS W HERcOF, the undarsignad has signed and seated this instrument on ~'1~ /3 ~, 20~g Signed, sealed and delive r ed in the presence of: City of Miami Reach ~ J ~ ..ora~ 'rrame ,~~~!_ei i7~~ SK}!~ci3IfC~-.~ ' _.-"."- ay: ~ '-. Ines:: , a re res n g gna rc; ' / PAntName: ~f~/k`ir7~~ /1~«7/-I,vr!~~ PnntName: Dfatti Herrera Bower, Mayor rn S ~ - ~ 0 1700 Convention Center Drive nntAddress: ~ h ~ Miami Beach, Florida 33139 r ness rgna ure ~ I ARest: ( tom ~ ~~ . ~i ~ ~ ~ ~~ ae:a s srgna ure Print Name: 0Niirw..~j Pdnl Name: Robert Parcher, City Clerk PdntAddress: 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 {Co tmmtc Soal) STATE OF Florida AND COUN-Y OF Miami -Dade .The foregoing instrumontwas acknowledged before me this ~dayof ~ 20jJ~,by Pfatti Herrera Bower ,and Robert Parcher respectivey:lhel~~Prestdentand City C1etSecretayof Miami Beach _a corporation, or behalf of said corporation, who are personally known to me t7r'have'prod~,7ced---------------- as atlentiiK!aHAtT and who did (did not) take an oath. ~ ~/ ~ {typo a Idanaeraticn) ~ ~' My Canrnission E~irec: Notary PU ic. Si ~ rr~~ Print Name '~''~,_ !c~tnr ~j !:fYC0AdtllSSiQVaDD6<"&?73 Y'. >r ~'a ,!,~..-.. ;~; EXPWES: IAay3. 2011 '•rY ^:.:~ eo~kd IDm=k'Wi PkA lkae n,nwr~ LF,GAL 1)ESCRTPTION Cl'1'1' OF MIAMI BEACH W'A'TER and WAST'EW'ATER PI?A'iP STATION WWPS-10 L'NllERC,RO[JNT) FLORIDA YOWF.R ,1ND L[GIIT EASEMF,NT A portion of that certain parcel labeled "PRI VATL PARK" as shown on :intended plat of <`BELLE ISLL", according to the flat thereof as recorded in Plat Book S, Page I I, of the Public Records of A4iami-Dade County, Florida and being more particularly (IeSCr'Ihed aS RIUUw'S: A strip of land I (1.00 feet wide. 5.00 feet on each side of the following described centerline: C'OMi14ENCIN(U at the Southerly most point of curvature at the Northeast corner of said "PRIVATL 1'AKK"; THP.NCE South 32°23'00" Last on the Last line of said "PRIVATE PARK", a distance of 144.20 feet to the beginning of a tangent cun•e to the right; THL~'CL southerly on said Fast line of"PRIVATE PARK" and on Urc arc of said curve to the right having a radius of 64.91 feet, through a central angle of OS°42'52" and an are length of 6.47 feet m the POINT OF BEGIId~'[NG of said centerline; THENCL• an said centerline the following eight (8) courses and distances; I. North 4U°26'33" West, a distance of 60.66 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve lt. the left; 2. Northwesterly nn the arc of said curve, having a radius of 22..50 feet, a central angle of 47°43'27", and an arc distance of 18.74 feet to a point of tangency; 3. North 88°lU'00" Vr'cst, a distance of 24.83 feet; 4. SouUt 87°23'56" West, a distance of 27.63 feet; 5. North 87°3d'49" West, a distance of 28.G4 feet to the beginning of a t<vtgent curve to the right; 6. \orthw~eslerly on [he arc of said curve, having a radius of 20.00 feet, a central angle of 51°50'31 ", and an arc distance of I8.lU feet to a point ofnon-tangency; 7. North U9°39' 14" Last, a distance of 25.42 feet; 8. North 09°02'3G" Easl, a distance of l G.GB feet to the POIN"I' ON"1'F.RMINATIUN of said centerline. Sidelines of this easement are to be shortened or lengthened [o form a continuous strip of land and to intersect existing right-of-way and properly line,. Said lands lying in the City of Miami Beach, Miami-llade County', Florida and containing a total net area of 2, i2.? square feel ((1.0488 acres), more or less. r•rc, ar°a u.~ c,u v[s. clf>I:oA~o nva Assocl,~r~s, trtc Sheet 1 of 3 Sheets I SiiD ~Iler Ul iv°. Suirc Gfi0 Fen LxuAerCate, rlocida +3316 .4u~ust ??.2008 Revised Apri! ', 2u09 Ynyrgieels'200T',0?lilt; I°URIP S13tl01:3••S°!V°VtlKLB: DCStrltlfl'10>'.IAI~iO-b'-SU-~LFC-EStit'..Juc ~IOTE5: 1. Not valid without the signature and original raised x:+I of a Florida licensed Surveyor anJ Mapper. 2. Lands sho++at hereon ++'cre not abstracted, by the Sluveyor, for righ[s-ot=~+•ay, easements, ownership or other instrumcnls of record. 3. Bearings are based on the Gast line of that certain parcel labeled "PRfVATC•. PARK" as shown on amended plat of "BELLI? 1SLG", according to the flat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 1 L of the Public Records of Miami-Dade Cow1n, Florida having an assumed bcarin~ of South 3?°23'UO" East. 4. Information shown hereon and on the attached Sketch does not represent a Boundary Survey. CALF r ;lUhl?ANi7 3f.? , UCIATGS, INC. / ~ A /1~/~ ~//'/~ r lftolesslol:al Jt •eyor ana wrapper Florida Resist tion Number 4479 PrcpArcC n4. cnt.vtl.. iaotwnrlo Ar:u nssuctnTFS, tvc. Sheet 2 0l' i Sheets IAC.O ell,- Ch'ivc Sutlc 7110 Fort LAUJcrAAlc, FluriJa l i i I G August 2?, ?f108 rtcviscJ April ?. ZOr.9 1'.:ProiGCrs`2r10i'~.0^ 15 E 0 Pump Slarion9.tiurvc7l:.ceA: Jcscriplimrs~07 i 51(i-V-SD-ELEf ~-FSh1'r Aoc SKETCH OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION Underground Florida,;.Power and Light Easement ',C.ity of Miami Bea.¢h~ Water and Wastewater P~np ®~~•~~ ~+ ~+ e ' --- . -' Station WWPS=~O ~ o`ce`~o R=64.91' P.O.B. .. .. ' ~ o Q CA=OS'a2'S2" r LECENU '~ cet~o L=6 4T OCR = DADE COUNTY RECORDS ~ ~ro~ / 1 CA = CENTRAL ANCLE ~ ~- ~~ CONC CONCRETE ~ <S° oPPp~O(,R ~~~ o L = LENGTH t ~'~ ~ ~ps~ Jp1 Qp~~'~~ L.B. = LICENSED BUSINESS 9a ,.: ~+, ,QP~ y, MOCR = AIIAIAI-DADE COUNTY RECORDS ~ :'i; ~ `Q0 .~ ~ PB = PLAT ODO/ J0 -~ +', ~ ~~ PG = PAGE JOCi" ~ ` < .~ ~Gl POB = POINT OF UEGW NiNG P/ '~ ~~ ~~/ POC = POINT OF COMMENCEMENT d ,'(~ ~ ~ 0~ ~,~W~\~ POT POINT OF TERMINA710N ~~~sO ~ (' '~ f ~ ~5~4~ ~ j~.~' ° R = RADIUS --. C~ >.~,''~ ~ R/W = RIGHT-OF-WAY ~" ~i -. ^~. ~9A /,.l ;~y ~ // A "~ t OOoQ. y ~A~' ~~ i " ~w ~, ~ `, ~! v~0 , ~~ ~~j III ~. ~ A' ~ ~ .. .i /`v '~A~R.22.50' P O C.' SOUTH~(it.~ ;,~~ ~ ~ -- ~~A .Y HOST PgHt 4f, ~ ~.- ~ ~ \ ~ LOCATION MAP /EURykTURE~ 0~ THE ~ r ~ ~ i ~~( \ nol to Scae NORIyrEAST .f.'~R, NER ,I°ir. ~', I I~ ~•v ~ ~~ °n°, _.' ~~QFt'PR311AfE PARK- r -'`~~- ~ I r ~ -tV i~' ~~ ~ r ~~ I i> 1~ I:~~~, SITE r 7 ~ ` ri 'I t I:l~ i =d• \I LOCATION ~ ~,li. ~, ~~~r i O~r "`•~L ~.A`f~ iIJ~ ~ i~ I t I ~t I ~ ~ ~~ is ~. a a ~ -+ u, ~ ~~ ~- ~ ~ ~ ..u~ ~iL _ ~ .. k I~T-i ~ G~ ' } • ~~ ~ ti ~ ~ I W I Y ) ~~l ~ - gt i ~' ~ ~ W~ ~ I n,. ~ R"~\TC~~` r ,t° a :. ~~}} ~ , ~~ mac„) s .._f . ~ ~, ~ Kati :, 'L~ `~r .i.~~, ~':I Oa v y. C "~: I i -~ S ~.- p ~ ~ 1 I~ qq ~ O [ - V. ~ ~-I I pt W ~ ~~ F~ ~~~ ~ ~ I ~ \ ~ . t 1 3 ~ '7~ i ~ ~ ~`~~ ~ -`~ I GRAPHIC SCALE ..~ ~ . m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~+ bl t~G~ i `1~ ~-~ ~ ~ ~ r ~~~ .~ ~ ~~i (IN FEET) IL r' - ~ ~ a ~ , ~°f~ ~'~ 1 inch = 20.0 7t. r- -t ~i~`1 1 FF e. .t-' ~ ' ' W '!*~~'S\ZC1CY1!'.l1St.E~r ~ ~~ r~ ..~.~I-~-i-~ I III ~ \ ~I +L~, C. y ~. ~i J {S,[i ~~. tlM Y ~•I. II &sa ,.~ .~E- 3, (~ ~ ~~ ~,~ ~ c~ ~,` a ~' o N~I:~ ~ ~ iV093974~ ._ ..i ~ I\ ~„ 2 ~~ < <, rr L~_ ~ ~ ~-P_O. T. i _ crz~y,b trs;gRl~~,A ;~/ - <. I, N09'02'36-E '~ C 16.68' ~ ~ ~ -R.20.00' 0 s CAS 51'50'31' L=18.10' REVISED 0<-07-2009 ;: comas, cIp a As~owee>I,1nc. Sec. 33-53-42 '~ ..~ _ 3 m`" ,~ .'~.. 05"`>~ o City of Miami Beach ,18 ze-zD~e , i.~m. a , r .a. aana v,~ ~ cx~ ~ r ~ ~ a>~°zl~^ r•w°uv<,~,", Miami-Dade Count ,Florida ~~ ...-. .. .~. 3"vi li .- 6 S Q