Easement with FPL (7 of 8)~oOQ-~ 1043 work Request No. _ EASEMENT Tnls :nswmant FraFarH 6y Sec._, Twp _ S, Rge , Name: _ Parcel I.D. Co. Name: tAfainlaineC W~ (:oun:y A?praiser; AOAress: F;xni 3'22 iSmcke]) Rea. 7t9G P6 __ ur - The undersigned, in consideration of the payment of 51.00 antl other good and valuable consideration, the atlequacy and recefat pf which is hereby acknowledged, grant and give to Florida Power & Liy`t'. Company, its licensees, agents, successors, and assigns, an easement forever for the corstruction: operation and mairienance of underground electric utiliy facilities {inNudmg transformers, cables, conduit and appurtenant equipment} to be installed from lime to time; with the right to recoruirucl, improve, add to, enlarge, change the voltage, as well as. the s;ze of and remove such facilities or any of them wahin an easement as described in the fdlowing cages. Scar; Exhibit "A" for easement description ~' a2 9 Pcnn.:amuvn:rcn To ether with YirwgHiirr.ry~rr~.~,: irof~pacoai~;.••. ~ ~ ~_ * -oiinrite cite '- .. ^° •- -_y r_ th ht f i ~ e rig o ngross antl egress to said PPremises at alt times; and further grants, tc the fullest eaten! the undersigned has the powsr to grant, if at all, the rigFrts hereinabove granted or. the land heretofore described, o ver, along, under and across the roads, streots or highways adjninir~g or through said property. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has signed an d sealed this instrument on ~'1~-11 /3 Zop9. -~- Signed, staled and delivered in the presence of City of Miami Beach --~- "- L/ > a s c ~ t ' ~~ 1- ` ' S oy i r i ass gn re / Print Name: G~~2sJ' k-~1.~f~.(~-rf ^'! 199d ran i9n re Print Namo: Matti Herrera Bower, Mayor nessr '~ /j~ _ - PrintAtldress: 1700 Convention Center Drive ~ , ~-zx- ~/~~ ~`~c fiami Bhach, Plorida 33139 G7rmess icna,uie 1 -~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ Arrest: -~ P ~'L'~ ' ' ~ / ~- ecraai s igna rre rintNamo: fwllness) Print Name: Robert Parcher, City Clerk PdntAddress: 1700 Convention Center Drive Pfiami Beach, Florida 3313_9 (Corporate Seal) STATC OF r+t ,,,-t a, AND COUNTY OF Miami-Dade .The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 20Gr~', by Ma[ti Herrera Boraer ,and Robert Parcher respectively the May -PreatdentandCity Clerl6eereleryof Pfiami Beach ,a carporatim, on behalf of said corporation, who are personatry known to me~rMave-produced------------------mss iCerttthcatlor:, and wito did (did not) take an oath. ~ ~ ~ Ryyd ur rdenti6cation) AAy CCmmic.i~n Ex?nes: /~'~ •~• ~~ __ Nccuy PublScl, grrawre '"+'I-_'y KEFtftY HERNAIAEZ _.~~~~p,~rr~~r`- AIY CQi611h~,a01tlYD062B'.'3 ''-?fit:S{` E?fFIf~ES'. Ayy 3, 2711 +Y"'~.'~~ ec~xc rr~, n~urPtr.. tr,brv.n~~. dr.\ - - - ,I1N ~:~ _ _ ~ - SKETCH_OF LECAL DESCRIPTION ~1 ~~: I ~ i SCALE: i" - 30' i~ `~. ~>:' ~ ~ ~~~ Y ~ Lor a ;w , •\ ~ SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION ~ " „'' THIS IS NOT A SURVEY ;3;•~ ~~,,~ FLORIDA POWER di LIGHT Co. EASEMENT \`i,~` \; ~', ~, LEGAL DESCRIPTION A TEN FOOT WIDC STRIP OF LANU EOCAIEU ACROSS LOT: t IMa6' s nru'm' [ ~ "' - } TITRII e, NI OCK 3 OF IHL "AMENDED PUT Of SCCOND OCEAN - - •.~, . `„ '' ~ -- FRONT SUBOMSIOFI, ACCORdNG TO lHf PLAT THEREOF 4S ~ ~ RECORDED IN PLAT DOOK 2R AT PAGE 28 Of 1HE PUBLIC r,1. ~` t ~ ~' RCCOROS OF MPMI-pAf1E CUl1NIT, FLORIDA. AND BEING MORC aoa~ v7 WD/i PARIY'UTARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: - -- ~ ~~ao+. ~ (%1MMENCE Ai ME NORRf CAST CORNQt OF SND 10! 1. TNENCE ' ' RUN NORTI A!Y 14 53 WE5I (PUT FRN+ING) ALONG 1NE NORRI ~~ • . ~ UNE OF $AN LUl 1 FOH A DISTANCE OF 54.41 fTTT; TIENCE . , ; qa RUN SOUM O{5'0T WEST fOR A DI!TANCE OF 0.11 FEE7 10 1" ' a THE POIM OF BEdNNING VF 1Ht CENTER OF A 1LI! FOOT WIDC LOT 5 \,,9 „~, ~ EASEMENT BEING ME FCET ON CAdI SIDC OF 7NE Fd LVNINf: • DCSCRIBCD CEMET211NF. AND PARALLEL 1HEREi0; TNENCE RVN ` ~ ~~ ~ „~, SOUTH 77$1'15' EAST FOR A UISIAtaCE OF 14.12 FRT TO ~ "' '~ ~~6(b' ~ r -- -- A PONI; THENCE RUN NOR1H 7751'15' WCST IVR A OLttANCF , [ IX rr1M. _ "-°~'-' '`,~`.\ ~ 5.00 FEFF, 7NFNf.E RIIN N(NtTH 1TOR4`; EA51 Fpt q Dt51ANCE _ - ,;', ~~„`, ~ !K 114.18 FEET FO A POIM OF CVRVAIURF OF A CIRCIl1.AR ,, y, ~ yi ~ WRJC 10 PIC LFfT. 11ANNC FOR ITS FLENEMS A CENiftAL ' " ANCIF OF 91 175N . A RN11V6 Vh 415.06 FEEL AND AN ARC & ' ' f 1; ~ IfNGTH OF 1W.75 TEST 10 A F'OiM OF TANGCNCY: T1IENCC ' ' " - 'a':+! _nTUSd ~ F _ 13 WEST FOR A dSTANCC OF f18.46 FEET TO _ _. NVN NORIN { 39 P 1 , TtC TERMIhUTON POIM OF 7NIS FASFMFM, Wll Pdryi UEING {{ .. S.dl FEET NOR1FkhlY U/ IME CENTER Oh AN E%411NG RORIDA ' Z __ .. _ ,wall I ¢ FLORIDA PO NER k L1GMT ODNPMIY CLECTRIC MANHOLE. $ 1 L 0 - ! r r N rslia• ~ . ~ r ~ Z ~ ~ { Y 0 I o x wr 4 -- ' s f A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' ,, - .. N f ~ , z ~ f ~ o .; D '~~ 2 ~ A 4 . ` ~' D ` 1 n 1 { `yE ~~ ~ ~ '{`' .~.''L'.A_ --~ n 1 : Sl ti21~ ~ ~ ~ rgatl ~.. Sy~0 _ ~ _.~__!MSY~ I m ;~ r ~; ~ LOT 3 ,~ _ 4 1a~ /r °+-~ i j 12a M' s n 1j4' . ar+ v l w- ~Irtay h ~' / 4 _~ ~~ A. R. TOUSSAINT & ASSOCIATES, INC. ~yqL /md / _ ~ IAND tiIIKVEYCIRS LOT Z .`, 1^~' ~ ~ ~ ~ `LORIUA CLRIIi ICAIi VI ' ' ~ k Al11HORIZATiON No. lB- 273 ~')y_ ~ s? ! 620 N.E. iTG .:I. NORTH MIAMI. FLCNI~A 3,i'ol tf~; t h / ~ ORDER Nu. t24i4 UATE'. SErTEMEBER 13, 1005 r // ~•':\ - k~ / BY: _ _ _ s!'.LG--iA'_ ' " l/'dfis<IVY Pi »qar o0 1 ALF3CR1 R. IOl1.;AINI ~ ' Aor PROFESSIONAL IIRVEYOP & MAPPER NC. PD7 a ~ ~rorx as PROFES InNq'_ Ery01NEER No. R939 SaDRMA r„y t~ m 1' Naa ~ STAi- OF . LORIDA