031-2009 Proposed Miami Beach Polling Place Relocations~.
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City :;l Miami Bea<:h, VOC Convention Cenle• Cr've, Miami Beach. Flor.da'J313~. www:m.6mibeacF=l.gav
No. 31 2009
TO: Victor M. Diaz, Commissioner
FROM. Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager
DATE: May 29, 2009 \\~1
As a result of the meeting held on Wednesday; May 6, 2009, with Mr. Lester Sola, Miami-Dade
County Supervisor of Elections; Ms. Tara Smith, Chief Deputy Supervisor of Elections, Ms. Hilda
Fernandez, Assistant City Manager, and Bob Parcher, City Clerk, the Miami-Dade County
Elections Department has submitted a list of potential polling precinct revisions (see Attachment
"A") for the City's review and approval.
A referral to the next Neighborhood/Community Affairs Committee has been placed on the June
3, 2009 City Commission Agenda.
Cc: Mayor and City Commission
Hilda Fernandez
F:ICLERICLERIFORMStiDiaz polling precinds.DM.tloc
• Eteciions
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•,mul,n r.c„; t...•,,. ~, •.,., May 28, 2009
,,,, Robert Parcher, City Clerk
;'dAim{c:rhwmpliav_~. City of Miami Beach
~,,,,~„ Q,r,~,",,,, 1700 Convention Center Drive
l~„I„~,,,,t,,,,,,,, Miami Beach, FL 33139
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..,.r'L.,,.,,.:,urR„tawi,i,.l•"rl Re: Miami Beach Polling Place Reocalions
,,,,,,";~,,,"„ ~,,,,,,, Dear Mc Parcher
~„",,,,,,,,,,.Rn,,,,,,, R seas a pleasure meeting with you on May 6 2009 to discuss polling locations within the City
cm„m,,.,Y.nw~ of 0.91am; Beach. During this meeting, there was a healthy level of discussion concerning
,,,,,,.,,,„,x,",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, vanous po ~~ng locatons and the possibility of makinG some adjustments moving forward that
,,,,,,,,,,,„,,,,,, regwred Borne further research. Please find belos•: a summary of our findings:
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em Rebcate Precinct 39 (Mlamf Beach Fire Station # 1J to Precinct 36
`"~`^•+ "`'"' ' The Department f,ntls that relocating Precinct 39 to Precinct 36, currently located al Flamingo
`"+""^+'^"" '' Park, is toe small !o accommodate two separate precincts ir. the same facility room
"'^'"° """"""~'• `^" Alternatively, the hrecinct may be treated as asame-board, where one electbn board serves
'"""""""'"'"~'"'^"'"`'"''""° both precincts. If a same board is created, the number o` registered voters assignetl to
`'''r"'~""'"""'°""' Flamingo Park would increase to 3,235. Please advise ~! tnis relocaton is approved by the
`" City of Miami Beach.
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-'""'~`""`°^a""^' "" Relocate Precinct 41 (Mlam! Beach Fire Station # 1J to Precinct 46
,.,,„,,, ;,,,,,,,,; The Department finds that Precinct 41 can be relocated to Precinct 46, currently located at
,,,,;,,,,,,., the South Shore Community Center South Shore Community Center offers a total of 2,600
w„ square feet that will accommodate both precincts comfortably, Please note that both
,.,~,,;,,,,, precincts are currently ou: of boundaries and would reman out of boundaries with this
„m„",,.,,,,,. relocation. The distance from the Fire SIaLCI' to South Shore Community Center is one
,,,„p„,,,k„K,,;,„,.,,,, blcck, and the number of registered voters 'roou:d increaso to 3,925. Please advise i' tnis
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,r,,,~,„",,,,,,,,, relocation is approved by the City of Mian•:i Beach
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, ~ Relocate Precinct 44 (temporarily at The Savoy Notef) to South Po/nt Park
'^°"vw,m.^"°^''"-^ The Department finds that Precinct 44, currently !ocated at The Savoy Hotel on a temporary
"'"''"'""''"""ROrt "'°'"' bads, can be relocated to South Point Park The Savoy Hotel is a Y: mile away from South
Ty+.>no"'~""~° ' Point Park, and is currently out of boundaries The relocation to South Point Park will
"""""~"""°" continue to reflect the polling location out of precinct boundaries. Precrlct 44 has 550
''' " registered voters, and with South Point Park offering about 400 square teat of space, and
"" "'"" "' °'°"•'~"""' Department finds this space adequate for the amount of voters. Please advise if this
""~"'+'"" relocation is approved by the City of Miami Beach.
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Letter to Robert Parcher
.Miami Beach Potting Re+o;;ations
Page 2 of 2
Fnd an alternate entrance at Precinct 43 (Miami Beach Police Station)
The Department has identified an alternate entrance that will prevent voters from entering through the
main entrance cf the police station. Due to limited access, the alternate entrance will require the
Installation of two temporary Americans with Disability Act lADA) compliant ramps, which the Elections
Department has available. This alternate entrance will ta; used in future elections at this location. Please
advise if the alternate entrance is approved by the City of Miami Beach.
Relocate Precinct 2f to Shane Wafer Sporfs
The Department concurs •,vith the relocation of Precinct 21 from its current location at North Shore Park
Youth Center to the Shane Water Sports in order to bang the polling location w•thin the precinct
boundaries. However. St~,ane'/`Jater Sports withdrew its permission Io use the facility as a polling location
in December 2007. arU recent requests to reconsiaer continue to be denied. In order for this change to
lake place for all future elections, the City of Miami Beach would have to intervene on behalf of the
Elections Department
Relocate Precinct 15 (Indian Creek Fire Station tt 4) to Shane Water Sports
The Department recommends that Precinct 15 be relocated to the North Shore Park Youth Center instead
of Shane Water Sports. At the current time, Shane Water Sports is rot available as a polling Iccafen as
stated above. Also, for voters, it would be a shorter distance to travel to North Shore Youth Center .n
comparison to Shane Water Sports. Please advise if this reocation is approved by the City of Miami
Relocate Precincts 18 and 19 within their respective precinct boundaries
The Department concurs with the request and will relocate Precincts 18 and t 9 to a polling location within
their respective precinct boundaries.
I remain committed to ensuring the utmost level of accessibility ana convenience to voters during the
elections process, and I trust that the polling relocations mentioned above address with your concerns
with polling focatlons in the City of Miami Beach. The Elections Department strives to locate and
effectively manage over 529 polling locations In doing se, many of these changes requested were ether
previously identified by Bie Elections Department or the disruption to the voters was too great at the Ume.
Upon your approval, these changes will be made permanently and will continue for future elections unless
the facility is not available. In addition, these polling relocations will require multiple notices to affected
voters with their new polling location and new voter information cards that will be sent via mail at a cost to
the city. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter, you may contact me directly
or Tara C. Smith. Chief Deputy Supervisor of Elections, at 305-499-8509,
Lester ola _
Supervisor of Elections
Miami-Dade Elections Department
C: Victor M. Diaz, Jr., City Commissioner, City of Miami Beach
Alina T. Hudak, Assistant County P.1anager, Miami-Dade Courty
Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager, City of fAiami Beach
Hilda M. Fernandez, Assistant City Manager, City of Miami Beach
Tara C. Smith, Chief Deputy Supervisor of Sections, Miami-Dade County