Easement with FPL (3)sOG9- ~7G~ `/ Work Request No. EASEMENT This mstr~ment Prepared By Sec _, Twp _ S. Rge _ E Name' _ Parcel LD._ Co. came: (tLlaintained by County Appraiser) Address: Form 3722 tStocked) Rev. 7;'lY: ~ ey _, of _. The undersigned, in consideration of the payment of $1.00 and other good and valuable consideration, the adequacy and receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, grant and give to Florida Power & Light Company, its licensees, agents. successors. and assigns, an easement forever for the construction, operation and maintenance of underground electric utility facilities (including transformers, cables, conduits and appurtenant equipment) to be installed from time to time; with the right to reconstruct, improve, add to, enlarge, change the voltage, as well as, the size of and remove such facilities or any of them within an easement as described in the following pages. I ~~>~.*=M~am.,~c~„r _ _ See Exhibit "A" for Easement Description Together with the right to permit grantee to lay cable and conduit within the easement and to operate the same foi communications purposes; the right of ingress and egress to said premises at all times; and f~trlher grants, to the fullest exten~ the undersigned has the power to grant: rf at all, the nghts hereinabove granted on the land heretofore described, over, along under and across the roads, streets or highways adjoining or through said properly. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has signed and sealed this instrument on Mav y~ , 20 09 Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: City of Miami Beach esna ~Y ~ - i ess'~gna~rer ~ -~ By rrTenfs'signa re Print Name: ' ` ~ ~nf6,e!/ Print Name: Matti Herrera Bower, Mayor I i ess , / ~ Print Address: 1700 r'onvantion r'PnYPr Dr. '.~`ZZ ~- "l 7ri~~ nh FT. 221 3Q /~' y i ess igoa re ~,.~ ~/ Attest: j ~~/~/~ .7 ~... ~ ~ -~ c.~ ^re sa9na ure Print Name: __ _- (Witness) Print Name: unhart na__ r~ha*-,_.City ~~ Ark PrintAddress:l7nn r`r,nva Miami Beach, FL 33139 (Corporate Seap STATE OF Florida AND COUNTY OF -Miami -Dade. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~~bayof_ ~r1 u- - 20~by Dlatti Herrera Bower ,and Rnhart- narrhar _._ respectivelyihe Mayer President and City C1~~etaryof___ Miami Beach _._,a _ corporation, on behalf of said corporation, who are personally known iDm~or have prey- - ~s- ~dentifisatiert, and who did {did not) take an oath. Qrype of identification) ~ c, !/r,~,~~ ~. ~~vti My Commission Expires: lary Pubfi , Si nature i ~ ?rinc Name P 7 x ~P) l' (~ /I c. ~ L ! , :}i~%X'y~• KEFlRY NEANANDQ "~~~~'~"•~~ 61Y CG.IFIISSK1Ni DD &2G9?i i-: .. ~, Ei:°tRES~IAs/?.2QI1 "T';;r=' rn==eT,•u~a,ryp~or:weenmx, APPROVED AS TO "'-_ ---- "`~` FORM & LANGUAGE 8r FOR EXECUTfON ~~ 5 2~ 6~ -~ A portion of 'he BRIDLE FATE- (PR:'dATE P~CPER?"j as sheavn on ;t:e Piat of AMEIVDEG PLAT OF GOLF COURSE SLIBIV'SION OF ALTOlV B'tHi:H RE~a`_T'.' GOM`r'ANY as recorded in Plot Book 6 at ?aae 26 of the Pubiia Recoras of Miomi-Dade County, Florida, mo*e particularly describea as fellows: Commence of the Norheost earner of the South 19.16 feet of i_ot 8, Biock 22, AMENDED P AT OF GOLF COURSE SUBIV';SIUN OF AL ~ ON BEAU-1 REAL7" COFJPANY ns recorded in Plat Book 6 at Page 26 of the Public Records of t.4iomi-t)ade County, Florica; thence run N88'C1'48"E along the Easterly extension of the Noah !_ine cf the South 19,16 feet of said :.ot 8 far 19.i3 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence run iV i2'21'28'W for 7.83 feet; thence run N5C; 1 5'48"W fer 1.5.26 feet; thence run IV39'4i'i2"E for 4.46 feet; theme run S85'4E'38"E for 37.59 feet; thence run S16'3T46"E for 52.SC feet; tRence run 501'06'33"W for 47.05 feet; thence run SUC'36'11°E for 41.17 feet; thence run SG3'~5'Sl"E for 30.84 feet; thence run S01'28'18"W for 30.57 feet; thence run 500'29'2_:."1N far 7.21 feet; thence rur. N89'30'4C"W for 6.00 =eer, thence run N00"19'20°E for 7.21 feet; thence run N01'28'18"E for 30.28 feet; thence run NG3'S5'5^"1ti for 36.73 feet; thence run NOG'36".'."W for 41.43 feet; thence run N01'OE'33"E for 46.20 feet; theme run N1G'37'4E°W for 47.43 feet; thence nun N85'46'38"'W for 22.37 feet; thence run SSC'18'48"E fcr 14.84 feet; thence run S12'21'28"E Tor 10.80 fee'.; thence rur. S06'45'43"E far 12.38 feet; thence rum S03'39'08"E far 6.4' Teet; thence run N88'GO'48"E for 3.6G feet tc the East !ine of said BRIDLE PATH; thence run SO1'S9'12"E along the Eost line o' said BRIDLE PATH for 19.67 feet; thence run 5$8'00'48"W for 17.38 feet; thence run N01'59'i2"'W for 19.67 feet; thence run N88'00'48°E for 7.77 feet; thecae run N03'39'08"W for 6.G7 feet; thence run PJ05'45'43"W fcr 1'.92 feet; thence run N~2'21'28"W for G.61 feet to the the Eosterly extension of the North Line of the South 19.16 Feet of saia Lot 8 and the Point of Beginning. PREP.4RFD F3Y~ ~ - ~_ A'~vY'ti,~?f~ LNG?Nc~r~~.~G & .;J.~bLYi,,,> 1~,G _ t._ < _.-.. 3222 Ridge Troce i SkARON AYLWA.RE) COX. ?.L,E. 545C ~a~ie, Florida 33328 954-424-5852 or 305-827-225F ~ Tr-I!S SJ.RV~^' NOT VALID i1'l:ni[7U7 77-If L0 No. b1Y3 SiGNATURF ANL Ori!v^thlAL RA:S£`J SEAL GATE: 3%1Gf2009 $H~E-7 2 OF 2 ?HF ~tORfDF. ;.ICF,~'Sr?il SLiF.Ve!0!i Afv'D *R.^,JEC' NC. 07-;79 I lAAPP£R. ___ -- - -- - `. __------ -._-_._- 5 ~-- - ~' _ y .~_~T y ~`4 .~ ~8S':: t ~ ~ _ ~ I~r'Y ~`~ 1 O ~ I , I 7::7C 11 I ~ I:ga <.a6 I 1 I i I ~ ~ 5'~G'3?Y^.':. l ti i _ f I e 5250 __ ~ ' ' l ,il S :ii ~ I ~ 30. iA ' " ' r: I I ~5 ~Pl JJ~'29 N ~- I 3~.5?. - - ~ __--_---•--'_"__._ -.._ __._-__. i V 1 I 64Y ~ '.71' (j;•A_0'y(?JClP I ` ~ OI SaC' Lt 4~ ~ I 2 .- I T N9G197C ~ 1 I p 1 I ~ i.i1 '1 ' ' t O i 5 i ( ~,i i ®NL': :E 5 F ~, ~ I . ~~,,,Yy .,m j ' <: [LY' ~ Il t C673 I 4G.1~ '- ' ' ~ NA^ <E : Si b .'1,}T m L:. ~ Z m. vG6i~'4.'~'E '~ 12.38 Z L'(.~ N5H'9Cb.'c ' (r J S.6C ._. _._-_ I . _ _-__ -. ._..-.. _.~-_ __ 4 `rJ ;5 j~J 4~ Y/ I ry NG"59'11-N " (~ N8E'Vi%<R F !.Ci ~s. N~J'39'I]a.'W ' 6.V 1 ' _. ___ __ _ __. -_ .1 ~2 _-. i i ,~a rn.zrae'w am' ~( I j c-.=° P-15 -~ n PI ~ rj. ' n ~^C I "`;c ~ -,. L. - "- , . ~~t ` c, Ic THL, ~ ice. ~:[,~ t\.~T A SUR, ~ ' ,_^ f.55 _ I f',~L~I~~I°~ ~I~''G~1(~'CERiIVG '~. .S(_.!14'yff v'~!~Y, 1~1'/. ~~ `~~ _ i ~~--~- i 3272 f2idge Trace _ SHAROIi~ AYLWAf::? CC>;,.~P.LS. 545 i Davie, Florida 3332t~ 95A-X124-58°Q or 305-$2 %-2216 Tn'!~ SURVEY NGT VA. !^ NST!!OUY 7NF ' i_6 Nc. 51E3 SIGNR^IRE AA!R OR!G!NAL RPfS. D 5r:Ai OF ' DATE: Sj 70/ZD09 ' .• sr:~~I of _ ~ THE Fr OR!DA LIGfP/S~!i S:!RVF- "O.4 A^fD , ~ PROJECT NO. C7-1 19 ----..~..~v.w. AfAPPGR. ,