Passport infoFrom Wliari PasspoA Acency 305539-36E'I To: 043340 Dale 6;1712705 T rce. 10:39:3~ Nut Page 1 of 2
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U.S. Department of State
For Immediate Release:
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Contact: David Giamellaro, Assistant Regional Director
Miami Passport Agency, U.S. Department of State
giamellarogp@ s'.ate.FOv
U.S. Department of State's Miami Passport Agency
to Open on Saturday June 20 and Saturdav June 27, 2009
from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
The Miami Passport Agency is experiencing an increase ir. demand =or same-day
passport services as a result of our busy summer pea:< season as well as the
recent passport law changes that became effective on June 1, 2009 as part of the
Western Hemisphere Travellnitiative (WHTI).
We are very pleased to announce to the residents of Florida, Puerto Rico, and the
U.S. Virgin Islands that the Miami Passport Agency will be open on Saturday June
20 and Saturdav June 27 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm for passport services! No
appointment is needed; please feel free to refer your customers with urgent
travel needs to our office on either Saturday. We want to serve as many
customers as possible while offering them the convenience of applying on a
Saturday. We encourage customers to arrive as early as possible on either day.
From N ami Pazs.:ort Agency 3C5~539-3E6~ To. 04034C Datz 8t1A2C09 Times 10.39:32 Aid Pa3e 2 0'?
Our new facility is located at the Omni Center, 1501 Biscayne Boulevard, Suite
210, Miami, Florida 33132. As always, our customers can visit oar website at for information on necessary documents or they can call the
National Passport Information Center at 1-877-487-2778.