Request 574 - City Clerk/Special MasterRevised 04/2001 1. AGENCY City of Miami Beach RECORDS DISPOSITION DOCUMENT 2. DXVZSION City Clerk's Office NO. 574 PAGE 1 OF __1__ PAGES 2. BUREAU Special Master 4. ADDRESS (Street, City, and Zip Code) 1700 Convention Center Drive 5. CONTACT (Name and Telephone Number) Lisa R. Martinez (305) 673-7181 6. SUBMITrED BY: T hereby certify that the records to be disposed of are correctly represented below, that any audit requirements or the records have been fully justified, and that further re n is no req ' or an litigation ndin or 5i0~ ~ Date Schedule Item Title Retention Item No. GS1-L 7. NOI'ZCE OF ZNTENTION The scheduled records listed in Item 8 are to be disposed of in the manner checked below (specify only one): X. a. Destruction b. Microfilming and Destruction 236 CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CASE FZLES 5 YEARS (OLD I,ZCENSE CASES ~ ~3D ~F' ~Z~'~'E_~') AFTER FINAL DISP. e. f. g, Inclusive Volume Disposition Dates in Action and Date Cubic COmpleted After Feet u o ' ' 07, o 9. DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATZON Disposal for the above listed 10. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE The above listed records have been Rec!rds Custodian or Deslgnee Dat~C~ NOTE: Upon disposition retain this form for your r~cords.