Vivian Alemany _ Mlan~ OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT STATEMEN For Ful(--time County and Municipal Employees FuLL 1~ Cot~'rY ataD w~ac~at Ems ENC~NG w ovrsioE D ~ ~O~ EIAPLOYMENT k1UST FILE AN MNUAL DISCLOSURE REPORT BY .IUI.Y 1y.-r ~ ~ inEaR w a wtTM SECTION 2-11.1(Kx2) of T~ Year Ending: TtE MwuIhDADE COIAr1Y CODE. Name: last First Mldcfie ,~Ler-„~ ~ y _ ~vio~~ Filing as a (deck one): ^ Miami-Dade t,.ounty Employee ~Mu~ppai Elrlpioyee of• ~/ .~,~g'~,~sr~.~ Position Tithe: C~~i~~'D~/Q°~' ~'~~~ '~ Cour>ty/Munidpal Department: }~v~+/c' G~O/r.~S CouMy/Mtpm~ Division: ff your home address is exempt ham pub!rc r+eoords pursuar+t 1Nork Telepllor~e: to Florida Statutes § ? 19.07, please check hem: ^ ~~~ X73 - 70~ X - 2~lGe. Mailing Address (Street Name and Number] Apo. ~ X24/ ~v l4z ~-~ aty State _ T-~p code Pleaee list the sources of outside employment, the nature of the work and the amourrts of money a dher lion you received. ncca~trnued on a separate sheet please check here: ^ Name and Addnitss of the Source of Watup * ~° Outside income t: ,_ o~~ ~~~y v~ ~ ~~~ ~~ tio~~ " ~ N ( O _ a.0 T9 C ~ ~ f"' ' r~ ' t . ~ "~'~ • rJ) 33r ter' { het+e~t Swear (Or affirm) that the aforesard 11S a OOrT+eGt StatEYnent. ~, ~ ,~ 4? Signature of Person Qisdosin9 Date . ~O/-3'%~ ~orroao